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Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:21 pm
by sovabrat
Day 46 Overall NO weigh in

Took today off, after long cardio and abs yesterday and bowling last night, I was completely drained. Not to mention, I didnt have my cal intake up very high, all i had for dinner was half a chicken sandwich and some cottage cheese.

I woke up this morning feeling like a train hit me. I think it might be because my body is used to getting up at 5 and taking the oxyelite pills which are very euphoric. I slept until 7 and it took me almost 15 minutes to get myself in gear to even shower.

This is going to be a rough 2 weeks without any supplements besides the cbol creatine I have left. I might have enough for 6 days or less. Oh well.

Still tracking calories and plan to from here forward, with the exception being vacation next week. I will however make healthy choices and try and keep junk food to zero if possible. No burgers, fries, chips, soda, desserts. I will stick to eggs for breakfast, chicken or lunchmeat, steak, seafood, salads, and try and keep beer drinking down as much as i can. Lets be realistic, its vacation!

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:32 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah man, you're there.

See this time for what it is... mental and physical break. We all need it. I should take my own advice :)

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:34 pm
by sovabrat
Ok thought I would try and post some pictures. This is my first time using imageshack so if it doesnt turn out right, bear with me.

Pre-BP 4.11.10 About 183-185 lbs just came off a long dirty bulk


Post Famine 4.17.10 About 176 lbs


Post Feast 5.23.10 173 Lbs


Overall I lost about 10 lbs of fat. I didnt realize how dramatic it was until i looked at my pre-bp pictures as i was uploading all of this. I cannot wait until I am finished with my second run. I can GAURANTEE i will be VEINY!!!! That is my next goal. Still to come is the final write-up. That will have to come over the weekend probably.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:05 pm
by Big.jazayrli
sovabrat wrote:Day 46 Overall NO weigh in

Took today off, after long cardio and abs yesterday and bowling last night, I was completely drained. Not to mention, I didnt have my cal intake up very high, all i had for dinner was half a chicken sandwich and some cottage cheese.

I woke up this morning feeling like a train hit me. I think it might be because my body is used to getting up at 5 and taking the oxyelite pills which are very euphoric. I slept until 7 and it took me almost 15 minutes to get myself in gear to even shower.

This is going to be a rough 2 weeks without any supplements besides the cbol creatine I have left. I might have enough for 6 days or less. Oh well.

Still tracking calories and plan to from here forward, with the exception being vacation next week. I will however make healthy choices and try and keep junk food to zero if possible. No burgers, fries, chips, soda, desserts. I will stick to eggs for breakfast, chicken or lunchmeat, steak, seafood, salads, and try and keep beer drinking down as much as i can. Lets be realistic, its vacation!
Looking at your progress pictures it looks like you did an amazing job? How did you cycle your calories? What did your supplementation look like?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:31 am
by RobRegish
Amazing man. Absolutely amazing..

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 9:31 am
by sovabrat
Looking at your progress pictures it looks like you did an amazing job? How did you cycle your calories? What did your supplementation look like?
Thanks, I used anywhere from 60-70% on my cardio only days and about 85-100% on my workout days. So for instance, I weigh around 174 lbs depending on the time of day I would weigh myself. My maintenance calories were set to 175 x 12 = 2100. I know this seems on the low end but I was making sure to get 175g of protein everyday. The rest of my calories were split between carbs and healthy fats such as eggs, cheese, and milk.

My supplements were as follows:

Protein : Dymatize 100% Whey Isolate [1 scoop pre, 2 scoop post, 1 9:30 am, 1 330 pm]

Big Bol Stack: cbol creatine, E-bol, tbol trib [2 upon wake, 2 at 1 hr pre lunch, 2 1 hour pre dinner]

Nitric booster: NanoX9 [3 upon wake, 3 2 hours after lunch]

Fat Burner : USP Labs Oxyelite Pro (most amazing supp ever) [2 upon wake, 1 6-8 hours later]

Lecithin Pills [breakfast, lunch, dinner]

Flaxseed Oil 1000mg [breakfast, lunch, dinner]

That is it. No multi, no intra workout drink. The cycling of the supps took about 3 weeks to hammer down before I had no stomach issues. I will go into detail on this with my write up. Basically the Nano causes extreme stomach rumbles if you eat too close to taking the pills.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 9:45 am
by sovabrat
Day 48 Overall (174)

My weight appears to have settled around 173-175. I have come full circle in my experiences on the BP. Its sad that Feast has come to an end but that just means I am closer to starting all over again.

Today was so hard in the gym. Being off of the supplements is a humbling feeling. I think it is mostly the T-booster and the Oxyelite. Those two combined give me an aggression in the gym and when Im off of it I have to keep telling myself to continue.

I did squats and dead lifts and some calf work. Did HIIT on elliptical and sweat my ass off.

Part of the reason I had a short workout was because after my alarm went off I rolled over thinking i would get up in a minute, well that minute turned into 15. So that snowballed into making me late to the gym.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:02 pm
by Big.jazayrli
sovabrat wrote:
Looking at your progress pictures it looks like you did an amazing job? How did you cycle your calories? What did your supplementation look like?
Thanks, I used anywhere from 60-70% on my cardio only days and about 85-100% on my workout days. So for instance, I weigh around 174 lbs depending on the time of day I would weigh myself. My maintenance calories were set to 175 x 12 = 2100. I know this seems on the low end but I was making sure to get 175g of protein everyday. The rest of my calories were split between carbs and healthy fats such as eggs, cheese, and milk.

My supplements were as follows:

Protein : Dymatize 100% Whey Isolate [1 scoop pre, 2 scoop post, 1 9:30 am, 1 330 pm]

Big Bol Stack: cbol creatine, E-bol, tbol trib [2 upon wake, 2 at 1 hr pre lunch, 2 1 hour pre dinner]

Nitric booster: NanoX9 [3 upon wake, 3 2 hours after lunch]

Fat Burner : USP Labs Oxyelite Pro (most amazing supp ever) [2 upon wake, 1 6-8 hours later]

Lecithin Pills [breakfast, lunch, dinner]

Flaxseed Oil 1000mg [breakfast, lunch, dinner]

That is it. No multi, no intra workout drink. The cycling of the supps took about 3 weeks to hammer down before I had no stomach issues. I will go into detail on this with my write up. Basically the Nano causes extreme stomach rumbles if you eat too close to taking the pills.
ok not too difficult of a setup, ill be somewhere around here but minus the ebol

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:05 pm
by Big.jazayrli
also sovabrat, if you like taking an arginine product look into BSN nitrix, they are usually on sale and have alot of pills for less $ than muscletech products

though i never get anything out of just arginine

you might be better suited with some citrulline malate

or glycerol monostearate if you're simply enjoying the pump

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:24 pm
by sovabrat
Big.jazayrli wrote:also sovabrat, if you like taking an arginine product look into BSN nitrix, they are usually on sale and have alot of pills for less $ than muscletech products

though i never get anything out of just arginine

you might be better suited with some citrulline malate

or glycerol monostearate if you're simply enjoying the pump
I only got muscletech because of this deal a buddy and i got. I think we got 480 pills for 90 dollars or something on BB.

I liked the effects of the pill, mainly the pump. The pills themselves though were so annoying to swallow. When you are taking 20+ pills a day its nice to streamline the process. I could do about 13 or 14 of my other supp pills no problem. I however can only do 2 nano at a time. And sometimes that would get lodged on the way down.

I am trying to steer clear of NO-Explode, ive heard its very sugary and makes you shit yourself. Maybe that is a timing thing like the nano was...

I thought about trying out the MASS product next run too but I would love a suggestion.

I do mainly want the pump, I get my stim from the Oxyelite which I will cycle again (most amazing product).

Of the ones you mentioned, which is best ?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:54 pm
by Big.jazayrli
sovabrat wrote:
Big.jazayrli wrote:also sovabrat, if you like taking an arginine product look into BSN nitrix, they are usually on sale and have alot of pills for less $ than muscletech products

though i never get anything out of just arginine

you might be better suited with some citrulline malate

or glycerol monostearate if you're simply enjoying the pump
I only got muscletech because of this deal a buddy and i got. I think we got 480 pills for 90 dollars or something on BB.

I liked the effects of the pill, mainly the pump. The pills themselves though were so annoying to swallow. When you are taking 20+ pills a day its nice to streamline the process. I could do about 13 or 14 of my other supp pills no problem. I however can only do 2 nano at a time. And sometimes that would get lodged on the way down.

I am trying to steer clear of NO-Explode, ive heard its very sugary and makes you shit yourself. Maybe that is a timing thing like the nano was...

I thought about trying out the MASS product next run too but I would love a suggestion.

I do mainly want the pump, I get my stim from the Oxyelite which I will cycle again (most amazing product).

Of the ones you mentioned, which is best ?
Well i bought a tub of glycerol monostearate, but it didn't work for me. i am the only person i've read about who isn't effected by it.

i talked to the controlled labs people and they said apparently they dont recommend taking it with 1,3 dimethylamylamine (which is a constituent of oxyelite)

Its supposed to work wonders for pump. If you'd like i'll trade it to you?

If not there are several stim-free pre-workouts out there. some of them amazing, yet youll find that there is always someone who is a non-responder.

I'm sure the mass product is probably a solid one, i'm just personally not a fan of pure arginine.

i have heard great things about (and would recommend) any of the following: Ultima, Hemavol, xpand caffeine free there are a few others that don't come to mind right at this moment

note: this is not advertisement :) i fully support the use of all MASS products!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:00 pm
by sovabrat
Thanks for the suggestions, I will look them up and read some reviews. I have a benchmark in nanox9 because I know it worked for me.

I dont think I want to stray from Oxyelite though. It worked and it worked well. The only downside I can think of is that now that I am cycling off for 4 weeks, i feel so tired and not focused for everything I do from working out to plain old work.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:38 pm
by Big.jazayrli
sovabrat wrote:Thanks for the suggestions, I will look them up and read some reviews. I have a benchmark in nanox9 because I know it worked for me.

I dont think I want to stray from Oxyelite though. It worked and it worked well. The only downside I can think of is that now that I am cycling off for 4 weeks, i feel so tired and not focused for everything I do from working out to plain old work.
BURN IT UP is supposed to be good for clean energy and focus so i've been told

all the ones i just listed are stimulant free

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:39 pm
by Hank!
Sova really impressive man,, you've sold me 100% on this run being for a recomp as opposed to size. The changes are dramatic in your progress pix
