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Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:11 pm
by RobRegish
OK understand. Good plan on the nuts and liver tabs to get you through Zee!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:33 am
by zeebodybuilder
So you recommend me taking 3 full days off from last maxing out workout 5. tommarow will be day 3 and I will go in thursday for my 1st workout on becnh using the %.

How does this look then..

I will start off with jog on runnning machine and the come down and do some light stretches and maybe some light flys. then go right into 60kg as the weight is light.

50%x10= 65kg
54%x8= 70.2 In this case I would round it off to just 70kg right.
61%x8= 79.3 rounded off 80kg
66%x8= 85.8= 86kg
73%x8= 94.9= 95
78%x8= 1001kg

I will take 5 mins rest inbetween sets all the way through the above.. Is this ok..

If I cant mange every rep on every set I shouldnt worry but shall I still attempt those half reps or whats ever I can push out with a spotter.

The number of reps for each set above is 8 which does mean there will be a huge pump. I belive. What do you think is that right. Even though i will be having 5 mins rest but still should get a better pump on this phase..

Also the reps should I do them in a slow fashion. I mean bring them down slow or normal pace.

Shall I attempt to fly through and try to achieve the reps reuired for that set. or should I use normal pace fully feeling it on the muscles.?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:34 pm
by RobRegish
Hi Zee,

Here we go...

I will start off with jog on runnning machine and the come down and do some light stretches and maybe some light flys. then go right into 60kg as the weight is light.

A. As stated prior, I prefer you don't do cardio prior. If you do cardio try and schedule it on off days. You can sap your strength depending upon cardio duration/intensity etc..

50%x10= 65kg
54%x8= 70.2 In this case I would round it off to just 70kg right.
61%x8= 79.3 rounded off 80kg
66%x8= 85.8= 86kg
73%x8= 94.9= 95
78%x8= 1001kg

A. Right. It doesn't have to be exact. Round up or down according to the closest weight.

I will take 5 mins rest inbetween sets all the way through the above.. Is this ok..

A. Yes, longer if you need to. Whatever it is to recover your strength.

If I cant mange every rep on every set I shouldnt worry but shall I still attempt those half reps or whats ever I can push out with a spotter.

A. Correct. Don't stress out if you miss a rep or two. .

The number of reps for each set above is 8 which does mean there will be a huge pump. I belive. What do you think is that right. Even though i will be having 5 mins rest but still should get a better pump on this phase..

A. Do not evaluate the quality of a workout by the pump. This is a mistake. You can get a tremendous pump curling a light weight. It doesn't do much for muscle growth. Please take that to heart. OVERLOAD builds muscle.... not a pump. Having said that you'll probably get a better pump from this type of training, yes.

Also the reps should I do them in a slow fashion. I mean bring them down slow or normal pace.

A. Normal pace. Try not to overthink this.... If there's one thing that can REALLY help you its just relaxing and letting this happen. You're only missing one thing so far and that is FLOW. Right now it sounds like things are a bit forced. Once you let things happen (vs. trying to force them) the floodgates open.

Please don't take any of that the wrong way. Read the logs here. The guys doing the best are having FUN with it! They're relaxed.... and letting it happen for them. There's a clue there and I encourage you to seek it.

Shall I attempt to fly through and try to achieve the reps reuired for that set. or should I use normal pace fully feeling it on the muscles.?

A. This is about acheiving your rep targets (or thereabouts) in a normal, relaxed fashion. Attempting to fly through it, slow it down etc. are all working against the program.

You are doing well Zee. Put aside the subjective and look at the objective. You've recovered a tremendous amount of strength in your Bench in just 5 workouts.

By your own account, you're squatting more weight deeper than you ever have. And you can see that in those posts... you had a LOT of success with those squats because you were having fun with it and letting it happen. That is the key, and I know you can do it!

Other members, please chime in. I really think if you talk to guys like Hank, Turboflex, sovabrat etc. you're going to hear the same...

squats using GL code 1

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:17 pm
by zeebodybuilder
Check this

As my max is 160kg. so it will look like this below..

50%x10= 80kg
54%x8= 86.4 In this case I would round it off to just 85kg
61%x8= 97.6 rounded off 98kg
66%x8= 105.6=105kg
73%x8= 116.8= 117kg
78%x8= 124.8kg rounded of 125kg
please check it out if its right..

I can still do a warmup set like 20kg bar 8 reps then 50 kg bar 8 reps then go for main set1 at 50%.. right..

what do you think.. as 80kg is still heavy if not warmed up?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 6:02 am
by RobRegish
I'd warm up but I'd do so with lower reps... warming up to your first work set weight of 80kg for 2-3 reps. Then rest and begin your work sets.

Very encouraged by your last workout (you should be too). Off to a great start on this loading pattern!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:40 am
by zeebodybuilder
RobRegish wrote:I'd warm up but I'd do so with lower reps... warming up to your first work set weight of 80kg for 2-3 reps. Then rest and begin your work sets.

Very encouraged by your last workout (you should be too). Off to a great start on this loading pattern!
Ypu damn right that was a hell of a workout serious.. Its like everything gona happen for me in the german loading stage for me, lol.

So I will do 3 warm up sets 20kg 40kg and 60kg and do 3 reps for all sets right..

cheers will update later..

just want to ask if you liked the update how coem you never left a reply, as i thought you wud want to, no worries..

will update later today..


Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 3:34 pm
by RobRegish
Hi Zee,

Doing the best I can to keep up. Things are getting bizzzzy! If I miss anything please PM me.

I won't be posting much on, just don't need the e-drama. My time and energy is better served supporting you and our other members. Check out that member list below. It's growing quite a bit!

I still remember the days where it was just me and AskMass chatting on here lol... :)

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:38 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Hi Zee,

Doing the best I can to keep up. Things are getting bizzzzy! If I miss anything please PM me.

I won't be posting much on, just don't need the e-drama. My time and energy is better served supporting you and our other members. Check out that member list below. It's growing quite a bit!

I still remember the days where it was just me and AskMass chatting on here lol... :)
notice the buzz begins when i add "user and supporter of the blueprint" to my sig.. :)

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:45 pm
by zeebodybuilder
RobRegish wrote:Hi Zee,

Doing the best I can to keep up. Things are getting bizzzzy! If I miss anything please PM me.

I won't be posting much on, just don't need the e-drama. My time and energy is better served supporting you and our other members. Check out that member list below. It's growing quite a bit!

I still remember the days where it was just me and AskMass chatting on here lol... :)
Hi what u mean by : just don't need the e-drama...?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:01 pm
by RobRegish
What I mean is this....

The program has attracted some serious attention. The results have spoken for themselves and to a person, everyone who's given it an honest try has seen results. In some cases INCREDIBLE results that border on the unbelieveable. Think about Turboflex:

- Added 30lbs to his bench press and 75 pounds AND TWO REPS to his squat all while getting astoundingly swole when you check out his pictures. This in just SEVEN weeks. This rivals, if not equals PH or steroid like gains. And Turbo was no noob going into this. Understandably, most people are skeptical upon seeing it..... and jealous.

I don't know what the motivation is but someone has a vendetta against me/Blueprint. I'm betting it's jealousy at the program's success. And for what? All I've ever done is try to help members and bring solid information-opinions to their board. MOST guys appreciate this. A select few do not. These clown have gone sofar as to lie about me/the program and are trying to get me banned.

Fortunately, they have not succeeded. In fact, the mods have removed several of their threads upon request and I'm working with them actively to point out other, more onerous issues.

Important to point out that all of this takes time and energy... which I have little of these days. I have a very demanding 50+ hour a week job in an incredibly stressful business. On top of that I have almost 250 .members here that I consider myself accountable for to do my absolute best in answering questions. Factor in I have to pick up PM's on 3-4 boards and answer questions there, am still writing/research BP 3.0 can see where I'm going.

And, oh yes... I have a family I see now and then. Truthfully, it's started to take its toll on that end too. Something I said would never happen.

So rest assured on this.... I will do the absolute best I can for you guys to be on here a minimum of twice a day and sometimes more frequently. I hope you can see now why I choose not to partake in the e-drama over there.

It takes away from you guys, and I'm not allowing that to happen!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:26 pm
by zeebodybuilder
Im sorry to hear about all the trouble you have been getting. I wish I could help you.. But dont know how Sir....

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:58 pm
by beachpirate
Zee, I just read this entire thread and it looks like you are off to a great start. I appreciated all the questions you asked as they were very helpful to me even though I just finished the GLP. I am entering the Cruise phase this week and am looking forward to more positive gains from the BP.

During my GLP run, I had a 7% gain on bench or 15lbs and a 20% or 60 lbs gain on squats. I will note that on the 4th week of GLP I was already able to bench 105% of max but with a poorly timed camping/fishing trip it effected my bench the most. I believe under better circumstances I could have added 10lbs more to my bench. I was blown away on the progress made for my squat. I had a personal goal of 350lbs so I just continued to squat until I hit it. (320 was 105%) Once I lifted 350 I was pumped and wanted to continue and slapped 25's on each side of the bar and lifted 365.

Stick with the program, the results are incredible. I am already thinking ahead to my next run and have some new personal goals in mind for targeted 1RM's.

I'm in on this journal and looking forward to all the PR's I expect to see coming out of it. (even if I have to read it with a conversion chart next to me. LOL!!!)

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:02 pm
by RobRegish
You're helping me already Zee... with your continued progress. The traction is really starting for you, and I'm sooooo happy for you.

Do you know why?

Because I know what it means to you. I saw that Youtube video of you squatting sir and it's very apparent to me.... heart of a lion. You deserve great results and I'll do my absolute best to deliver them to you!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:27 am
by zeebodybuilder
RobRegish wrote:You're helping me already Zee... with your continued progress. The traction is really starting for you, and I'm sooooo happy for you.

Do you know why?

Because I know what it means to you. I saw that Youtube video of you squatting sir and it's very apparent to me.... heart of a lion. You deserve great results and I'll do my absolute best to deliver them to you!
Thanks Rob.. You are the best support I ever received, I will conrinue to update my log on so more and more users can see and realize the truth. = more growth in the Bp army for you. I just hope you can handle all the replies, lol.

Byu the way after ending my first run. I will be your rep and promote the Bp like you did in my thread. and how it all started for me.

Also that way i can take half the message losda off you, lol.

I dont even know much myself yet.. Just a thought..
