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Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:38 pm
by RobRegish
Great feedback. Especially those people that haven't seen you in a while. Their reference point was several months ago. Maybe a year. They can see things you may otherwise may not be able to.

Sometimes, you're just too close to it to see clearly..

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:42 pm
by dracotdrgn
Yeah, I am my hardest critic. When someone else sees me getting bigger I see areas that need work. They see heavy lifts I know of three that aren't heavy enough.
Even as recent as June when I ended my last "lean" phase, I was around 215. So 16lbs in around 5 months. I was bouncing between 225 and 227 before the BP, so the last few pounds were hard to gain without the plan.
Think about the card thing. It helps get people on line, and looking into information.
I may hit the gym tomorrow, the last workout hasn't left me sore at all and I think the cold is gone. I only push because I think Wed. might be a tough schedule. What do ya think?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:59 am
by RobRegish
dracotdrgn wrote:Yeah, I am my hardest critic. When someone else sees me getting bigger I see areas that need work. They see heavy lifts I know of three that aren't heavy enough.
Even as recent as June when I ended my last "lean" phase, I was around 215. So 16lbs in around 5 months. I was bouncing between 225 and 227 before the BP, so the last few pounds were hard to gain without the plan.
Think about the card thing. It helps get people on line, and looking into information.
I may hit the gym tomorrow, the last workout hasn't left me sore at all and I think the cold is gone. I only push because I think Wed. might be a tough schedule. What do ya think?
Totally understand your comments. I'm a child of the 80's myself and too much was just never enough.

It's gratifying to hear The Blueprint has allowed you to break barriers. Really, that's what I wrote it for. Keep in mind that was from just one run and you had some hiccups. With what you learned, the succeeding cycles just get better and better.

Training with an extra recovery day under your belt is fine. As I noted earlier, you seem to be thriving on it and it only makes sense to milk it. That adaptive energy will eventually run out, but Blueprint re-generates it in short order.... the big difference between Blueprint and every other training system. I wasted YEARS of progress because I kept chasing something that no longer was working. Tough to give up on something that worked so well (at one time, anyway). It all goes back to the 4 physiological states. They (and you) are always in a state of change and ideally, you want to stay 1-2 weeks ahead of each. Blueprint does that for you..

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:28 pm
by dracotdrgn
When I wrote tomorrow that was yesterday.... today....I went to the gym.
I did ok with two days off, had to use a new spotter, I never like doing that.
Weighed in at 231
Bench-Pullover 135x10-45x10~245x1-60x1~275x1-85x1~300x1-95x1
325 bench 4 reps with a very little help on the fourth no rest to pullover 105 x 5
Love that heavy pullover!
Squat to DL 225x8-155x8~295x1-243x1~355x1-309x1
390 5 reps full depth and wow what a head rush after re-racking that weight. Awesome!
10 min break deadlift 353 5 reps
One warm up set of calves and bi's then three drop sets each to finish this workout. Felt good today, even with two days off. As of now will plan three off unless I just can't wait and body feels good.
Snuck in some Nitro AKG today and tried my Anabolic Rush sample from AST.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:58 am
by RobRegish
Definately go to 3 days off. I'm betting you're going to see a nice increase in strength, especially since you have a de-load coming up.

Nice work on holding the bodyweight gains. Speaks volumes especially given your training volume has dropped!

Are you eating as much as you were prior? That'll be another sign.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:06 pm
by dracotdrgn
Actually, I'm trying to dial it back a bit. I don't do to many of the "mega" shakes in a week. Not much of a mid morning snack anymore either. Lunches and dinners are big and carbs are still comin in. I still stick with whole grain bread but pastas and rice are all white. I don't get near the egg without the shakes but still eat plenty of meat. I'm not "meatist" either, I'll eat pork, beef, chicken, and fish. (ocassional turkey and bison)
Turns out my Wed. schedule is open and I could have worked out today. Just for the sake of debate it was good to go in yesterday. Although the push wasn't bad yesterday there is always the question "could it have been better?"

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:10 am
by RobRegish
Good feedback and a positive sign. I suspected as much but didn't want to post any leading comments.

The fact you're dialing it back a bit on the calories, etc and still holding new highs in bodyweight.... great sign. Body is still supercompensating.

You're a great candidate for further LBM gains during the maintenance phase, which will be next.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:00 am
by dracotdrgn
I'm just, well I, I'm shakin my head here. I should have known something was up when my new pants weren't fittin right. Stepped on that scale three times, and it read 234 every time. I actually expected to be down a bit since I dialed the intake back.
Because of family time I ended up with four days off but here's what happened.

Bench to pullover 135x10-55x10~225x1-65x1~275x1-85x1~315x1-100x1
340 bench got a solid 4 plus one forced rep. WOW I was shooting for three but dug deep and pulled out an extra. Took a 15 sec breather then grabbed the 110lb dumbell for 5 deep pullovers. My gyms dumbells only go to 110 so 2-3 reps were stretched.
Squat to dead 225x8-199x8~315x1-309x1~365x1-353x1
410 squat x 3 My first rep was the shocker, I missed my depth a bit but got used to the weight and got full depth for the last two. A fourth here........I don't think so, not at full depth, so didn't even try.
Took an 11 min break then pulled out my new lifting straps.
Deadlift 403 x 3 -- A new personal best. Never been a heavy DL guy either.
Four drop sets of calves and bi's to end this session.

I felt strong today, even when I was gripping the bar it felt like I was tightening a vise. I did get a slight nose bleed today and I wondered if too much arginine could have done that.?.? AKG + my normal NO drink.
Intake-light snack early but went to a Sunday brunch buffet where I did eat a variety of meats, potatoes, a little pasta, wild rice, veggies, and yes biscuts and gravy. When I said I had cut back the intake that didn't include todays brunch. Waited a couple of hours before going to the gym.
Supplements: Upon waking 1 KA, 2 AKG, 1 Coconut oil, 1 multi
Pre workout: 1 KA, 1 co-oil, 2 AKG, 1 fish oil, drink-gat powder, 1scoop shotgun, 1 scoop Ana-State
Post workout Mass Pro 1 KA, 1 coco-oil
I made a shake with an apple, banana, oj/pine juice, wheat germ, 1cont egg whites, 2 scoops of Mass, two scoops EAS protein mix. Drank some pre and most post. One more KA, 3 Adapt, vitamins, and a coco-oil before bed washed down with milk and two scoops of EAS 1 scoop MASS. Dinner was salad, egg salad on wheat, stroganoff, and potatoes.
Sounds like a lot but I only had two meals today, not typical, and yes they were big meals.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:29 am
by RobRegish
So let me see if I have this straight...

You took 4 days off

You're now up to 234lbs

You felt strong

You were strong. Much stronger! You do realize a 340x4 bench = about a 380lb 1RM ?!?

And a new PR on deadlifts! Outstanding.

All of this with just one work set per movement and in the absence of consciously cramming in mega calories. In fact, you had just 2 meals today. Big ones yes but still...

So happy for you man. And we're not done yet!

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:41 am
by RobRegish
Let me summarize your results to date. Sometimes it doesn't hit you until you see it like this.

In a little over ONE MONTH:

- Bench 1RM has increased from 355lbs to 380lb (340x4)
- Squat 1RM has increased from 425lbs to 440lbs (410x3)
- Original goal of weighing 230lbs...shattered with authority at 234#
- All while training with about a third of the frequency you used to

And here's the real kicker:

Nov. 17th: 325 bench 4 reps with a very little help on the fourth
Nov 18,19,20, 21: 4 FULL DAYS OFF
Nov. 22nd: 340 bench got a solid 4 plus one forced rep. WOW

It has been said that it's not the notes, but the spaces in between that make the music.

I have to wonder what your gym buddies are thinking!?!

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:12 pm
by dracotdrgn
Unfortunately when sneaking in on a Sunday afternoon I don't see my normal group. I did however see a couple guys I hadn't seen in a while and sent one of them home with web sites for Blue Print and MASS.
I still am trying to figure out that bench. I had a good spotter so no spotter issues. I could feel my back "get under" me so to speak when the weight got heavy and it helped the push.
My lower back is tired today, will probably turn sore by tomorrow. I have a de-load coming up. If I take three days off that puts me on T-Day. So I either go after two or four days off. Slim chance to work out on T-day my b-i-l has a home gym I just don't think he has enough weight.
I love the gains but my ex-obliques have gone into hiding and my belly button is swollen. Although I am a bulker I love to see my abs.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:59 pm
by RobRegish
4 days off would be advised then..

Understand on the abs, but sometimes it's necessary to take the body to new places. You'll see them again soon enough if you so choose. Power and strength never go out of fashion... especially around the holidays!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:36 pm
by dracotdrgn
OK, things are changin. Working 10 hour shifts doing labor intensive work including a lot of overhead work until 3:00 am. This has thrown off my sleep, and taxing the back and shoulders. My deload was bad from the beginning.
Friday the 27th
Working out in a garage gym warming up as usual. Limited weight and using "The Block" dumbells one in each hand for pullovers.
Benching 300lbs- wasn't positioned quite right and was bumping into the safety hooks on 4,5, and 6 towards the end of the sixth my wife grabbed the bar and racked it. I said no unracked it and did one more. Six to seven reps, not what I wanted. Pull overs 45lbs each hand got three then the slide started coming out of the block, set down, reset, seven more.
Not starting out so good.
No lifting belt, and not enough weight to do squats to DL without help taking squat weights and lowering them to the ground.
Warmed up squats as usual, safety pegs too low to use as a depth guage. Had 300lb on plus I hung the BLOCKS off each end bringing it to the 370. Got ten but not sure on depth for the last four. Without my guages and without my belt, it just didn't feel right. DL hanging the blocks off the ends lifted 390 three times. This didn't feel good at all, espescially with no belt. I should have done less weight I know but I was a little flustered. Ended with a few curls.
Actually had my best night of sleep last night in about a week. Delts and back are very tired. Supplements and intake are the same, I added Muscle Pump from EP2 to my pre instead of drink. First dose didn't seem to do much but the company sent me an entire 30 day supply, so I will be trying it again. AD and KA are 3/e on workout days and 2/e on off days.
If body feels right Wed. will be my test day WO #6. I will be eating, stretching, and trying to sleep until then.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:06 am
by RobRegish
Sorry to hear about the schedule switch/manual work Draco. Man, than can really F things up...

The hanging of weights off the barbell radically changes things. Same weight but due to swaying it eats up a lot more nervous system energy and consequently, reps per set. And on the DL, totally changes the strength curve. Take the belt out of the equation and there goes a major fulcrum. Grateful though, you didn't get injured!

Rest up and give it one last max out and then transition to maintenance. And always remember the gains you've made to date. Astounding.

BTW, is this new schedule "permanent"?