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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:02 am
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:
matter2003 wrote:got a few logs to post, but it is measurement day!

Got home really late last night at 4:30 am, had a pretty fun night...I never had a girl stare at me as hard as a girl did tonight checking me out. I was talking to my friend, he had his back to the girl, she was sitting on a bench about 10 feet away. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she was looking at me, so I glanced over at her and she smiled at me and kept looking, so I gave her a half smirk and kept talking at my friend. I noticed she kept staring at me, so I told him "I cannot believe how hard this girl is staring at me" and he shuffled over a little and turned his head slightly around and was like "Damn bro, she must be really feeling you..." He turned back around, and now was directly in front of her line of sight, so she actually stuck her head all the way out and to the right so she could continue looking and smiling at me. Kind of creepy to be honest with you.
She wasn't bad looking, but damn...

Chest: 48 inches(unchanged)
Waist: 34 inches(unchanged)
Arms: 15 1/4" inches(-1/4" from last week!!)
Hips: 39.75 inches(+.25 inches from last week!)
Quads: 28" inches(+.75" from last week!!)
Calves: 17" inches(unchanged)

Weight: 188.6(down 1.6 pounds from last week!)
BF: 12.0%(up .6% from last week!)
LBM: 165.96 lbs

Think I might be slightly dehydrated, which is why the lower weight, good gains on quads again...thought for sure arms would have grown as I hammered my triceps a few days ago...

5 more days
Sounds like an alpha female bro, that or a rapist.Hope this kinda shit happens to me when Im in bars/clubs in the US.Im a good looking guy but the girls here in Dublin are something else.Dont like muscular guys and have the biggest standards ever(think its also the area of dublin I live in, north side dublin girls are different and mirin me hardcore) and every american girl
Ive asked said that everyone of the chicks would love to get with me over
Btw what you think of the ISA-TEST GF?
Ya, most girls over here like muscular guys. They will say blatantly sexual things to you many times and you'll be like Damn...could u make it more obvious??

They would probably love your accent too.

I absolutely love ISA Test GF

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:29 pm
by DaCookie
matter2003 wrote:
DaCookie wrote:
matter2003 wrote:got a few logs to post, but it is measurement day!

Got home really late last night at 4:30 am, had a pretty fun night...I never had a girl stare at me as hard as a girl did tonight checking me out. I was talking to my friend, he had his back to the girl, she was sitting on a bench about 10 feet away. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she was looking at me, so I glanced over at her and she smiled at me and kept looking, so I gave her a half smirk and kept talking at my friend. I noticed she kept staring at me, so I told him "I cannot believe how hard this girl is staring at me" and he shuffled over a little and turned his head slightly around and was like "Damn bro, she must be really feeling you..." He turned back around, and now was directly in front of her line of sight, so she actually stuck her head all the way out and to the right so she could continue looking and smiling at me. Kind of creepy to be honest with you.
She wasn't bad looking, but damn...

Chest: 48 inches(unchanged)
Waist: 34 inches(unchanged)
Arms: 15 1/4" inches(-1/4" from last week!!)
Hips: 39.75 inches(+.25 inches from last week!)
Quads: 28" inches(+.75" from last week!!)
Calves: 17" inches(unchanged)

Weight: 188.6(down 1.6 pounds from last week!)
BF: 12.0%(up .6% from last week!)
LBM: 165.96 lbs

Think I might be slightly dehydrated, which is why the lower weight, good gains on quads again...thought for sure arms would have grown as I hammered my triceps a few days ago...

5 more days
Sounds like an alpha female bro, that or a rapist.Hope this kinda shit happens to me when Im in bars/clubs in the US.Im a good looking guy but the girls here in Dublin are something else.Dont like muscular guys and have the biggest standards ever(think its also the area of dublin I live in, north side dublin girls are different and mirin me hardcore) and every american girl
Ive asked said that everyone of the chicks would love to get with me over
Btw what you think of the ISA-TEST GF?
Ya, most girls over here like muscular guys. They will say blatantly sexual things to you many times and you'll be like Damn...could u make it more obvious??

They would probably love your accent too.

I absolutely love ISA Test GF
What have you tried that you think the ISA test GF is better than?

Yeh my accent is subtle, some say I do have an accent and some american girls have said I dont have a strong accent but I can tell that they dig it.Think the ones who say that are expecting some leprechaun accent or some shit lol.

Girl im moving in with when asked to explain how I look to her work mates said 'basically an Irish God' they wanted to see a pic so she showed them this. ... 3332_o.jpg

Well old pic but got responses like 'OMG he is fine' and 'mmmm...yes'

Think that was a bad move on her part.My ego is sky high now and cant wait to hear responses like youre saying.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:58 pm
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:
matter2003 wrote:
DaCookie wrote: Sounds like an alpha female bro, that or a rapist.Hope this kinda shit happens to me when Im in bars/clubs in the US.Im a good looking guy but the girls here in Dublin are something else.Dont like muscular guys and have the biggest standards ever(think its also the area of dublin I live in, north side dublin girls are different and mirin me hardcore) and every american girl
Ive asked said that everyone of the chicks would love to get with me over
Btw what you think of the ISA-TEST GF?
Ya, most girls over here like muscular guys. They will say blatantly sexual things to you many times and you'll be like Damn...could u make it more obvious??

They would probably love your accent too.

I absolutely love ISA Test GF
What have you tried that you think the ISA test GF is better than?

Yeh my accent is subtle, some say I do have an accent and some american girls have said I dont have a strong accent but I can tell that they dig it.Think the ones who say that are expecting some leprechaun accent or some shit lol.

Girl im moving in with when asked to explain how I look to her work mates said 'basically an Irish God' they wanted to see a pic so she showed them this. ... 3332_o.jpg

Well old pic but got responses like 'OMG he is fine' and 'mmmm...yes'

Think that was a bad move on her part.My ego is sky high now and cant wait to hear responses like youre saying.

Personally I think IsaTest is on par with AN...I have used both and have gotten similar results with both. Nothing else even comes close, IMHO...I have ran tbol trib, Athletix Triple Stack, Testofen, and a few other ones...

It is an excellent excellent product with a very good ingredient profile...

Ya, I know what you mean about the whole ego thing...the first few times it happened, I was kinda caught off guard. After that, I started believing it and now it comes pretty natural to me...

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:10 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout 1

Had a relaxing day of eating and getting prepared for today's workout yesterday. Ended up finishing famine down 7 lbs in 5 days, which dropped all the weight I gained on vacation and an additional pound.

Got things rolling this morning with 6 eggs, a little cheese and some spinach. Ate some leftover spaghetti, black beans, a pancake and some chicken for lunch...

Using a modified version of the formula for my intra/post workout drink...115g of Dymatize Flud, 53g Protein, 13g BCAA and 13g of Glutamine. Starting to drink this 30 mins into the workout to allow GH release and then cut off cortisol. Drink half during workout and the other half immediately post workout. About 675 cals(20% of my caloric intake for the day).

Also going to add a little twist from MI40 into my BP workouts and do NOS sets at the end of some of the EDT blocks(3 consecutive drop sets reducing the weight 20% each time).
Workout Log:

Static Decline Bench Press: 485 x 9 secs/505 x 5 secs

Weighted Wide Dips: BW+40 x 6/BW+50 x 6/BW+60 x 4/BW+60 x 4/ BW+60 x 2, BW+45 x 3, BW+35 x 2, BW+25 x 2

superset 1 Arm DB Row: 70DB x 6/80DB x 6/90DB x 6/100DB x 4/100DB x 4, 80DB x 4, 60DB x 6, 50DB x 6

Static Shoulder Press: 305 x 15 secs/395 x 9 secs

Incline DB Curls: 25DB x 6/35DB x 6/40DB x 6/45DB x 4/45DB x 6(Hammer Curl)

superset Overhead Tri Ext: 25 x 6/35 x 6/50 x 6/57.5 x 7/65 x 7

Off to a flying start! Lifting weight right off the start I didn't hit til the end of my other BP runs, so I am expecting some extreme strength/size gains this time!!

Next workout is Wednesday, going to do some HIIT cardio Monday and Tuesday while taking in about 2750 cals each day.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:25 pm
by JayBezel
are you still working with pak-man? im not even gonna attempt to read all 6 pages to find out :D dude is a freak of nature, especially now that he brought his upper body up

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:33 pm
by matter2003
JayBezel wrote:are you still working with pak-man? im not even gonna attempt to read all 6 pages to find out :D dude is a freak of nature, especially now that he brought his upper body up
Nope, I finished the MI40 program a few weeks ago. I just completed my first 3.0 feast workout yesterday...really sore, especially my outer pecs and shoulders...

Did some HIIT cardio this morning, eating somewhere in the 2700-2750 calorie range today and tomorrow, then banging out workout #2 on Wednesday...

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:23 pm
by JayBezel
have you ever run 3.0 before? if so how would you compare it to 2.0? better, worse, or just different? i should probally just read your journal to find out but it seems like its gonna be more than 10 min read and my brain cant function until i get my coffee

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:27 pm
by matter2003
JayBezel wrote:have you ever run 3.0 before? if so how would you compare it to 2.0? better, worse, or just different? i should probally just read your journal to find out but it seems like its gonna be more than 10 min read and my brain cant function until i get my coffee
Yeah, I have run it twice...

I personally like it better because it combines some different methodolgies like static holds, EDT blocks, etc...

That being said, you can get great results from either...

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:49 pm
by matter2003
Was supposed to do HIIT training yesterday but I was so exhausted I took it off...I was literally at work falling asleep from 2pm on, so I listened to my body and went to bed around 10pm last night, sleeping til after 7am this did I need that.

I don't know what it is about only lifting twice a week, whether it is the extra rest, better hormonal profiles or what, but I have that beast feeling back...

Static Rack Pull: 495 x 10 secs/565 x 3 secs<---PR!!!
-Cannot believe I manhandled that pull at 495 lbs...could have held it forever it felt like, but I didn't want to waste too much strength on the 1st one...this has never been a strong suit of mine, and to easily hit a PR on my second pull when I am about 25 lbs lighter than the last time I tried these is pretty phenomenal to me.

EDT BLOCK I(4-6 Reps) 3 Min rest between sets
Barbell Squats: 225x4/275x4x4x4/235x4<---PR!!(have only been barbell squatting about 1.5 months tho)
Ham Curls: 145x6/160x5,1/160x3,1/160x3,1/145x4
-Could have stopped after 4 sets as I was pretty gassed, but decided to lighten it a little bit and hit a 5th set...

Static Seated Calf Raise: 220x 7 secs/245 x 5 secs
-calves always want to start spasming on this for some reason...

Romanian DeadLift: 225 x 10/315 x 10 <---PR!!! for that many reps that is a PR, and I MANHANDLED buddy that is a trainer there was like "Damn man, you made that look easy..."

EDT BLOCK II(4-6 Reps) 3 Min Rest between sets
Cable Crunch/Ab Machine: 35x6/57.5x6/72.5x6/110x6/150x6
Frog Planks: 10 second plank followed by holding the plank and alternating pulling feet up to chest with knees outside(like a frog), followed by 10 second plank hold---did these immediately after hyperextensions, kinda as an additional ab move, since I need some more work there...

-Wasn't feeling the cable crunches AT ALL, so I switched after the 3rd set to the HS ab machine crunches...

Excellent workout today, can't wait to get back in the gym on Sunday...going to likely do sandbag training tomorrow morning, as I will try and follow each workout with some sandbag work the next day to add some MRT training along with HIIT on the other days...

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:04 pm
by matter2003
Was extremely sore this morning, but got up to hit the sandbag at 7:30am..did some 4 circuits of the following with the sandbag(roughly 60 lbs), 30 sec or less rest between exercises and 1 minute rest after each circuit:

Shouldering(6 reps each side)
Zercher(front) Squats(8 reps)
Sandbag Chops(8 reps each side)
Bent Rows(8 reps)
High Pulls(8 reps)

Focused on explosive upright concentric movements on all reps.

Gonna hit some HIIT tomorrow morning and then rest Saturday leading up to Workout #3...

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:49 pm
by matter2003
Some HIIT cardio today for 20 mins...1 min high, 30 secs low..

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:43 pm
by JayBezel
matter2003 wrote:Was supposed to do HIIT training yesterday but I was so exhausted I took it off...I was literally at work falling asleep from 2pm on, so I listened to my body and went to bed around 10pm last night, sleeping til after 7am this did I need that.

I don't know what it is about only lifting twice a week, whether it is the extra rest, better hormonal profiles or what, but I have that beast feeling back...

Static Rack Pull: 495 x 10 secs/565 x 3 secs<---PR!!!
-Cannot believe I manhandled that pull at 495 lbs...could have held it forever it felt like, but I didn't want to waste too much strength on the 1st one...this has never been a strong suit of mine, and to easily hit a PR on my second pull when I am about 25 lbs lighter than the last time I tried these is pretty phenomenal to me.

EDT BLOCK I(4-6 Reps) 3 Min rest between sets
Barbell Squats: 225x4/275x4x4x4/235x4<---PR!!(have only been barbell squatting about 1.5 months tho)
Ham Curls: 145x6/160x5,1/160x3,1/160x3,1/145x4
-Could have stopped after 4 sets as I was pretty gassed, but decided to lighten it a little bit and hit a 5th set...

Static Seated Calf Raise: 220x 7 secs/245 x 5 secs
-calves always want to start spasming on this for some reason...

Romanian DeadLift: 225 x 10/315 x 10 <---PR!!! for that many reps that is a PR, and I MANHANDLED buddy that is a trainer there was like "Damn man, you made that look easy..."

EDT BLOCK II(4-6 Reps) 3 Min Rest between sets
Cable Crunch/Ab Machine: 35x6/57.5x6/72.5x6/110x6/150x6
Frog Planks: 10 second plank followed by holding the plank and alternating pulling feet up to chest with knees outside(like a frog), followed by 10 second plank hold---did these immediately after hyperextensions, kinda as an additional ab move, since I need some more work there...

-Wasn't feeling the cable crunches AT ALL, so I switched after the 3rd set to the HS ab machine crunches...

Excellent workout today, can't wait to get back in the gym on Sunday...going to likely do sandbag training tomorrow morning, as I will try and follow each workout with some sandbag work the next day to add some MRT training along with HIIT on the other days...
beast mode. somebody ate their wheaties that morning

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:45 pm
by matter2003
Had a pretty crappy eating day today, as it was my daughter's birthday party, so after 6 eggs for breakfast I ended up eating 4 slices of pizza, chips, watermelon and a few raspberry iced teas for lunch, then acme home and took a nice 2 hour nap and hit the gym. After another hellified workout, I ended up going to large festival and had a few more slices of pizza, half of a big piece of frozen cheesecake on a stick and a piece of fried dough. At least I made sure it was directly after the workout when I did all this, so the damage should be minimized...

Decline Bench Static: 485 x 10 secs/535 x 7 secs

EDT BLOCK I: (6-8 reps/2 mins between sets)
Dips: BW+40 x 6/BW+50 x 6/BW+60 x 6/BW+70 x 5.5/BW+70 x 3-BW+60 x 2-BW+50 x 3-BW x 6
1 Arm DB Row: 80DB x 6/90DB x 6/100DB x 6/100DB x 6/100DB x 4-80DB x 6

Static Military Press: 395 x 12 secs/445 x 10 secs <---PR!!!
-made that one look easy, blasting thru PR's like nothing on this one...

EDT BLOCK II:(6-8 reps/2 mins between sets)

Preacher Curl: 100 x 8/125 x 8/160 x 3-145 x 3/160 x 3-145 x 3
Overhead Tri Ext: 50 x 8/65 x 8/80 x 8/
Seated Tri Pressdown: 250 x 7-230 x 2-210 x 2-190 x 2(last set)

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:14 am
by matter2003
couple days of HIIT---20 mins, 1 min on, 30 secs off...

Feeling good about tomorrow's lifting...