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Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:58 pm
by Street-dreams
I was planning on running a CC plan using only static movements to supplement it. Good to see someone else had that idea too.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:58 pm
by mcelrod
I've been a member but haven't posted, I should have earlier and read some of the posts. Just too much going on. Work and girl friend health issues seem to get in the way :(
I've been doing Convict Conditioning for a while now. I had nagging back and elbow pain.I'm 49 years old in good shape. I've mixed it into my lifting but need to back off as I know I'm doing too much, but love training. I do get strange looks doing the bridges and handstand pushups. I'm up to 11 handstand pushups and it feels real good.
Rob, thanks for the above information. It will be real helpful for this old man.
I did have to goals by the time I'm 50 and that is to be able to do 15 handstand pushups and to be able to clean and press 120 dumbbell. I'm at 105 lbs right now. I have been doing rack pulls but haven't been able to go all that heavy due to grip strength.
I also do some of Steve Maxwell's joint mobility stuff. It has really helped with me being able to move this old body.
50 is about 185 days away
Thanks everyone for all the great info

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:53 am
by drhowe9

Thanks for the response. I have been running CC exclusively for over a month now. No weights. The only things I have done beside CC are sled pulls(wow, these are awesome) and HIIT cardio 3-4 times a week.

I have been running CC 6 x a week and haven't let up yet. I'm 22 and feel like I can do it this much. I basically am in the gym for 30-45 mins depending on cardio. I do 3 sets of each exercise. Heres the regiment:

Pushups/Leg Raises

I have not lost sized and gained a lot of tone in my body. My abs are the best they've been in a long time and my arms are getting nice and swole (think gymnast arms)

INTERESTINGLY enough, I worked out with a buddy today and did his weight workout. We did incline bench, decline DB, SP and some tri work.

I blew him away. I haven't lost any strength in regards to weight and I personally think I was stronger. My tris were the most noticeable and the strength there was great (pushups?)

Long story short.. do this. CC is great and I will keep testing it for another 2-3 months and re-evaluate than.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:01 pm
by bigpelo
Street-dreams wrote:I was planning on running a CC plan using only static movements to supplement it. Good to see someone else had that idea too.
I have been doing just that for the last 2 months or so. It's basically a 2 days split routine, working half muscles CC style and the other half static contraction on day #1 and vise-versa on day #2.

I had a good strength increase the first month but now it's mostly 1 or 2 exercises that go up per week as opposed to 2-3 per workout. Also, the lack of volume prevent muscle size gain I believe.

Not a bad combinaison but I will lower the static contraction part and reintroduce EDT shortly.