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goals are 38.33g fat, 345g carbs, 170.75g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

bumping up the protein to keep the 2:1 c/p ratio. again, just so i feel better about it. not sure why by i felt really anxious last night and couldnt sleep. kept waking up and seemed like i had a million things running through my head.

took ec with breakfast
breakfast was 1 cup dark chocolate granola, 1 scoop pure synergy superfoods, 1/2 cup almond milk -- 14g fat, 82g carbs, 14.5g protein
will take ec mid morning
lunch will be 2 slices ancient grains bread, 2 tbsp almond butter, 2 tbsp sugar free jam -- 19g fat, 59g carbs, 17g protein
will take ebol, xfactor, reduction pm, and ultima preworkout
will drink formula 1/3 pre/intra/post with ebol -- 0g fat, 72g carbs, 36g protein, 30g leucine
dinner is 12.5oz chicken, 4 servings mixed veggies, 5 servings mixed peppers and onions, 6 tbsp orange sauce, 6 tbsp mango salsa, 1 scoop pure synergy superfoods, 1 piece string cheese -- 5.5g fat, 140g carbs, 104g protein

total -- 33g fat, 214g carbs, 67.5
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Post by RobRegish »

OK Matt, way to play it by ear!

You're making all the right moves... :)
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Feast Workout #9

Post by MSR9889 »

todays workout started well. would have been a good workout but when i got into dips i couldnt hold myself up. my left hand felt like it was broken when i put weight on it but i had no trouble the rest of the workout which i dont understand.

decline bench- 95x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x5, 205x0, 275x7s, 280x6s

was going to do my hold with more weight but remembered the weight is only supposed to be 20-40% over my max, which im guessing is around 210 again.

attempted 205 twice and couldnt get it. weight felt fine when i lifted it, first attempt i couldnt get it and second attempt soon as i brought the weight down i lost it.

weighted dips- +45x2, +45x3, +50x2, +50x1
started with 2 and after my second set i knew id be able to finish with 3 reps and more weight but my hand started hurting. 3rd set i got one, paused, then did a 2nd through the pain. 4th set got 1 and couldnt go again

superset with 1 arm db rows- 35x10 warmup, 85x3, 85x3, 85x3, 85x3
would have bumped to 90s but my gym doesnt have them.

military press- barx10, 65x10, 85x5, 95x6
havent been able to do the hold for these very well so i decided to do these with slow controlled reps and a short pause at the bottom of the rep.

incline db curls- 45x1/2, 40x3, 40x3

superset with overhead tricep extensions- 65x3, 70x3, 70x2

stopped after 3 sets because i needed to get going. dropped curls form 45 to 40 because my left arm couldnt curl them but 40s were too easy, could have done 4+ for each set. triceps died on the 3rd set of extensions.
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goals are 26.83g fat, 241.5g carbs, 120.625g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

took ec, ebol, 1 tsp almond butter before breakfast -- 2.66g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
breakfast if 1/2 cup dark chocolate granola, 1/2 cup vanilla almond agave granola, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk, 4 egg whites, 1 scoop pure synergy superfoods -- 13g fat, 86g carbs, 39g protein
took ec mid morning
took ebol before lunch, forgot to bring fish oil
lunch was 1 serving mini wheats, 1.5 scoops xf whey, 1 serving craisins -- 4g fat, 82.5g carbs, 38.5g protein
drank 1 scoop green mag and 2 sample packs pureple wraath intra cardio
took ebol with dinner
dinner was protein brownie with 1 tbsp raw honey, 5 egg whites, 8oz green goodness, 1 scoop omega ONE -- 3.5g fat, 102g carbs, 52g protein, 5g leucine

total -- 23.16g fat, 271.5g carbs, 130.5g protein

did some light biking, light jogging, and some walking on the treadmill. knee hasnt been feeling great and was bothering me a little on the elliptical and when i tried jogging on the treadmill so i went with walking. did a few extra calories because of the "cardio", burned a little over 300 at the gym. still almost 200 under my original deficit.
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Post by RobRegish »

Kind of an odd workout, but likely due to being rushed?

I've experienced the same Matt, so don't feel bad. Progress is progress, just keep an eye out as to if it becomes a "pattern". Meaning 2 or more "iffy" workouts in a row and, time to move on... :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Kind of an odd workout, but likely due to being rushed?

I've experienced the same Matt, so don't feel bad. Progress is progress, just keep an eye out as to if it becomes a "pattern". Meaning 2 or more "iffy" workouts in a row and, time to move on... :)
honestly, i think it would have been fine if it werent for my hand which i still cant explain. i missed the 205 on bench which could tilt things either way, but i felt good holding up the heavy weights and definitely could have done sets of 2-3 with the added 50lbs.

went back today to spot my friend and did some light cardio while he was lifting and tried dips again and did a couple before my hand started hurting again. did a few random pull ups with no problem though, only bothered me on dips so far. guess we'll see how it turns out.
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goals are 26.83g fat, 241.5g carbs, 120.625g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

took ec, ebol and 2 caps xfactor before breakfast
breakfast is 1 cup vanilla almond agave granola, 1 cup egg whites, 1 serving pure synergy superfoods, 1/2 cup unsweeted almond milk -- 12g fat, 86g carbs, 38g protein
will take ec mid morning
will take ebol and 2g fish oil before lunch -- 2g fat
lunch will be 1 cup greek yogurt, 1 scoop xf whey, 1 serving mini wheats -- 7g fat, 80g carbs, 45g protein
will take ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before dinner -- 2.66g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
dinner is 3oz chicken, 5 servings mixed peppers and onions, 2 servinsg mixed veggies, 1/2 scoop whey, 4 tbsp sesame ginger sauce -- 1g fat, 80.5g carbs, 39.5g protein

total -- 24.66g fat, 247.5g carbs, 123.5g protein
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goals are 26.83g fat, 241.5g carbs, 120.625g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

keeping things the same as yesterday. why mess with success?

took ec, ebol ecdy and 2 caps xfactor before breakfast
breakfast is 1 cup vanilla almond agave granola, 1 cup egg whites, 1 serving pure synergy superfoods, 1/2 cup unsweeted almond milk -- 12g fat, 86g carbs, 38g protein
will take ec mid morning
will take ebol ecdy and 2g fish oil before lunch -- 2g fat
lunch will be 1 cup greek yogurt, 1 scoop xf whey, 1 serving mini wheats -- 7g fat, 80g carbs, 45g protein
took ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before dinner -- 2.66g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
dinner is 4 egg whites, 2 slices ancient grains bread, 2 tbsp raw honey, 1 scoop trutein -- 4g fat, 85g carbs, 58g protein

total -- 27.66g fat, 252g carbs, 142g protein

got my delivery of the new trutein cinnamon roll flavor and had to try it out.
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Re: goals are 26.83g fat, 241.5g carbs, 120.625g protein

Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:keeping things the same as yesterday. why mess with success?

took ec, ebol ecdy ecdy and 2 caps xfactor before breakfast
breakfast is 1 cup vanilla almond agave granola, 1 cup egg whites, 1 serving pure synergy superfoods, 1/2 cup unsweeted almond milk -- 12g fat, 86g carbs, 38g protein
will take ec mid morning
will take ebol ecdy ecdy and 2g fish oil before lunch -- 2g fat
lunch will be 1 cup greek yogurt, 1 scoop xf whey, 1 serving mini wheats -- 7g fat, 80g carbs, 45g protein
There you go Matt, smart move... :)
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goals are 38.33g fat, 345g carbs, 143.75g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

hitting the gym 'fasted' this morning.

took 2 sample packs of recoverpro when i woke up
30 min later took ultima, 4 xfactor caps, ebol, reduction pm, focus xt, and ephedrine
hour later started drinking formula 1/3 pre/intra/post -- 0g fat, 72g carbs, 36g protein
also mixed 1 scoop ultima replenisher electrolytes and 2g citrulline malate with my intra/post portions
lunch was 3 scoops trutein, 2 tbsp almond butter, 6 servings mixed veggies, 4 tbsp sesame ginger sauce, 1 packet kashi hot cereal with ebol -- 24g fat, 145g carbs, 100g protein
took slinsane before dinner
dinner was 1 cup pancake mix, 1 egg, 1 tbsp whipped butter, 2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk, 2 tbsp raw honey, 1/2 tsp cinnamon -- 14g fat, 114g carbs, 10g protein

totals -- 38g fat, 331 carbs, 146g protein
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Feast Workout #10

Post by MSR9889 »

i think today confirmed ive reached overtraining. i felt great preworkout and during warm ups, but once i got to lifting things just went down hill. after my first set i felt weak and demotivated.

skipped the t-bar hold because i dont think it has really made a difference thus far.

squats- 95x5, 135x3, 185x2, 205x1, 225x1, 245x1, 250x2, 250x2, 235x2, 235x2
superset with hamstring curls- 110x10, 200x2, 190x2, 170x3, 180x2

dropped the weight because my left hip was feeling off which is new. usually anything i feel is on my right side.

seated calf press- 90x10, 180x10, 180x10, 180x10, 180x10
skipped the hold again because ive seen diminishing strength in doing so over the previous workout.

ab extensions- 12
hanging leg raises- 10

i still wanted to hit my abs since i havent dont them much the past few workouts due do fear of pulling a muscle or slipping a disc or something. went back to do a second set of ab extensions after the leg raises and had a bad feeling again so i stopped and called it a day.

im going to take a few days off, skip maxing out and head into a 5x5 routine or something similar, starting with my upper back. in my training history ive never reached a point with my back where i felt like i was overtraining and while my chest hasnt been terrible thus far, i think it needs a break for a few extra days before moving on. im also going to move back to eating a maintenance calories and end dieting. im consistently weighing 189-190 lbs, a 14lb loss since my start and a 28lb loss since before my previous run. not sure how depleted my glycogen may be since ive been eating high carb and i dont think its water weight as ive been drinking 2 gallons of water a day.
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Post by RobRegish »

You're making the right move, at the right time Matt!

Look at it this way, you had a TERRIFIC run. My terrific, I mean you finally realized the CONSISTENCY that had been holding you back, in previous runs.

I saw workout after workout of good strength gains, high energy levels and SOLID lifts. This was predicated upon not only good, consistent nutrition but most importantly - SLEEP!

This bodes well (very well), for your future Blueprint runs. It'll be important to document the lifestyle conditions that led to this (low stress? less women/school issues? Different supplement array?).

It's essential to record all of these, as they'll be the bed-rock of whatever goal/run you have in mind for the future.


Now, I'm looking forward to see if you can pick up some additional lbs of LBM during Cruise... :)
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Post by RobRegish »

You're making the right move, at the right time Matt!

Look at it this way, you had a TERRIFIC run. My terrific, I mean you finally realized the CONSISTENCY that had been holding you back, in previous runs.

I saw workout after workout of good strength gains, high energy levels and SOLID lifts. This was predicated upon not only good, consistent nutrition but most importantly - SLEEP!

This bodes well (very well), for your future Blueprint runs. It'll be important to document the lifestyle conditions that led to this (low stress? less women/school issues? Different supplement array?).

It's essential to record all of these, as they'll be the bed-rock of whatever goal/run you have in mind for the future.


Now, I'm looking forward to see if you can pick up some additional lbs of LBM during Cruise... :)
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Post by RobRegish »

You're making the right move, at the right time Matt!

Look at it this way, you had a TERRIFIC run. My terrific, I mean you finally realized the CONSISTENCY that had been holding you back, in previous runs.

I saw workout after workout of good strength gains, high energy levels and SOLID lifts. This was predicated upon not only good, consistent nutrition but most importantly - SLEEP!

This bodes well (very well), for your future Blueprint runs. It'll be important to document the lifestyle conditions that led to this (low stress? less women/school issues? Different supplement array?).

It's essential to record all of these, as they'll be the bed-rock of whatever goal/run you have in mind for the future.


Now, I'm looking forward to see if you can pick up some additional lbs of LBM during Cruise... :)
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