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Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:06 pm
by matter2003

I awoke this morning feeling absolutely destroyed. I am so sore all over my body, I was wishing I could stay in bed all day, but unfortunately I had to work :P What makes it worse is that my DOMS is usually worst on day 2, so tomorrow is not gonna be a fun one...

Can't imagine how I would have felt without AN...

Fasted today, and just threw down some copious amounts of food just past the 24 hour mark to break the fast. Was planning on trying to do some cardio but right now, there is no way...

I did notice something pretty unusual for me...I realized I have a large zit right in the middle of my back and my face was feeling rather oily all day today...wondering if it was some extra T starting to kick in?

Just started drinking Coconut Milk....stuff is pretty good and surprisingly not that expensive...

Looking forward to taking some AN and hitting the sack body needs the rest...

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:38 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Well,

I awoke this morning feeling absolutely destroyed. I am so sore all over my body, I was wishing I could stay in bed all day, but unfortunately I had to work :P What makes it worse is that my DOMS is usually worst on day 2, so tomorrow is not gonna be a fun one...

Can't imagine how I would have felt without AN...

Fasted today, and just threw down some copious amounts of food just past the 24 hour mark to break the fast. Was planning on trying to do some cardio but right now, there is no way...

I did notice something pretty unusual for me...I realized I have a large zit right in the middle of my back and my face was feeling rather oily all day today...wondering if it was some extra T starting to kick in?

Just started drinking Coconut Milk....stuff is pretty good and surprisingly not that expensive...

Looking forward to taking some AN and hitting the sack body needs the rest...
Yep, that's AN kicking in... :)

On the off days, consider adding 5-10g of BCAA every 2 hours. Doing so makes a HUGE difference, in reducing DOMS!!

Hope that helps... :)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:59 am
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote: Yep, that's AN kicking in... :)

On the off days, consider adding 5-10g of BCAA every 2 hours. Doing so makes a HUGE difference, in reducing DOMS!!

Hope that helps... :)

I am following the 3-on/3-off recommendation with BCAA's...yesterday was my 3rd off day, gonna be utilizing them for the next 3 days....

Using the USPLabs Modern BCAA's with the 8:1:1 Leucine ratio, I'll let you know if I see anything different with it...

Can't wait til Sunday so I can go crush it...

On a side note, that AN gave me a real weird experience last night...I went to bed and woke up for some reason 30 minutes later(I think my wife hit me or something in her sleep) in a complete daze not knowing where I was and feeling like about 4 or 5 hours had passed....

Gonna have to get some ear plugs going because my sleep keeps getting interrupted my my 6 month old waking up at 5am and I cannot get back to sleep...

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:26 am
by Linkiroth
matter2003 wrote:
RobRegish wrote: Yep, that's AN kicking in... :)

On the off days, consider adding 5-10g of BCAA every 2 hours. Doing so makes a HUGE difference, in reducing DOMS!!

Hope that helps... :)

I am following the 3-on/3-off recommendation with BCAA's...yesterday was my 3rd off day, gonna be utilizing them for the next 3 days....

Using the USPLabs Modern BCAA's with the 8:1:1 Leucine ratio, I'll let you know if I see anything different with it...

Can't wait til Sunday so I can go crush it...

On a side note, that AN gave me a real weird experience last night...I went to bed and woke up for some reason 30 minutes later(I think my wife hit me or something in her sleep) in a complete daze not knowing where I was and feeling like about 4 or 5 hours had passed....

Gonna have to get some ear plugs going because my sleep keeps getting interrupted my my 6 month old waking up at 5am and I cannot get back to sleep...
I've got a 6 month old too. They aren't quite as patient as I'd like. Haha. Have you tried Xtend before? If so, I'd be VERY interested in how Modern BCAA compares.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:18 am
by RobRegish
I've tried plenty of Xtend before. Yummy, but doesn't register on the glucomteter like MassPro Amino. Just sayin'... :)

On the Adaptogen N, YES!!! - Superb rest/recovery and DEEP, restful sleep... :):)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:45 pm
by matter2003
I am planning to transition back into my normal feast 3.0 workouts....looking forward to crossing over the 500 lb mark on my decline static holds....

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:44 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:I am planning to transition back into my normal feast 3.0 workouts....looking forward to crossing over the 500 lb mark on my decline static holds....

I/We've created a monster... !!! :)

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:10 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout #6

OK back to normal 3.0 workout and today was a doozy let me tell ya...

Decline Bench Static Hold: 495 lbs x 8 sec/505 lbs x 8 sec<-PR!
Didn't get the full 15 sec hold like the last time I did this, but I did manage to add 10 more pounds...

EDT Block #1

Dips: BW + 45 lbs x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 <--PR!!

One Arm DB Rows: 80lbs x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6<--PR!!

Seated Shoulder Press Hold: 375 lbs x 8 secs/325 lbs x 8 secs
Lost some strength here from last time when I hit 405 lbs, but shoulders felt like jello after that decline hold and the dips...should improve quite a bit next time...a little disappointed with that one...

EDT Block #2

Preacher Curls: 130 lbs x 6 x 6 x 6/140 lbs x 6

Tricep Seated Pressdown: 245 lbs x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 <---PR shattered, old PR was 215 lbs

I switched to the seated tricep pressdown because I didn't really see anything going on with the tri extensions...after those pressdowns, my triceps felt like they were gonna explode...funny thing is, I thought I was doing 230 lbs until I looked at the dial on the machine and saw it was set to 15 lbs, so it was actually 245 lbs...

Not much to say other than I felt like a freaking monster again today(other than the shoulder press hold). Cannot wait to attack squats Wednesday. It also appears my shoulders/traps/chest area are starting to really get big and they are gonna be exploding out of my shirts pretty soon if this continues...

Really looking forward to getting some rest and hammering some squats Wednesday. My body is already feeling wrecked, especially my shoulders which are so sore I can barely move them...gonna start pounding some BCAA's before taking AN tonite...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:36 pm
by matter2003
My body is so wrecked right now its not funny...

been hurting all day and the AN, BCAA's etc have not been able to stop it...then again, I can only imagine how bad it would be without that...

shoulders, back and upper triceps are super sore, and it has begun extending down my back as well...gotta love DOMS

Just ordered some Harbinger Big Grip Padded Lifting Straps, looking forward to doing some rack pulls and DL's with them...

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:38 am
by RobRegish
"I thought I was doing 230 lbs until I looked at the dial on the machine and saw it was set to 15 lbs, so it was actually 245 lbs...

Not much to say other than I felt like a freaking monster again today(other than the shoulder press hold). Cannot wait to attack squats Wednesday. It also appears my shoulders/traps/chest area are starting to really get big and they are gonna be exploding out of my shirts pretty soon if this continues..."

GREAT news and.. some good news!?!?

First, congrats on your CONTINUED progress!!

The good news?

Time to insert, an extra rest day... :)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:05 pm
by matter2003
Well, was extremely sore today starting out, but luckily through mega-doses of BCAA's throughout the day, by tonite, it is barely noticeable.

Fasted today, and broke my fast by trying out a new drink for me, the half and half/pineapple juice smoothie, followed by a meal about an hour later...

planning on drinking another smoothie in about an hour or so to add some more calories...

Rack Pull/Squat day tomorrow and am super jacked to see what I got...
planning on drinking that smoothie on training days in between meals to try and get some xtra calories in...

I have noticed a few things recently:

1) I feel very dense, even when walking or moving...muscles just seem harder at all times, and especially when I flex them or tense them...

2) My front delts are starting to explode...first time I have really noticed them like the mirror when I flex my tricep I am seeing what looks like a double stripe...the tricep and then the front delt right above it...loving it!!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:30 am
by RobRegish
"1) I feel very dense, even when walking or moving...muscles just seem harder at all times, and especially when I flex them or tense them...

2) My front delts are starting to explode...first time I have really noticed them like the mirror when I flex my tricep I am seeing what looks like a double stripe...the tricep and then the front delt right above it...loving it!!..."

That's 3.0, for ya'... :)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:01 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout #6

Had to change it up a little bit as I am not able to do calf raises yet due to ankle...was looking at Pete Sisco's Static Contraction site and another one he has is the static leg press. So I incorporated this in first, and moved the Top Range Rack Pull to the Calf Raise Hold slot...

Milestone #1 REACHED!!!!

Leg Press Static Hold: 890 lbs x 15 secs/980 lbs x 12 secs
- suprisingly I felt this more in my hams than quads...legs started shaking uncontrollably at about 6 or 7 secs...

EDT Block # 1

V-Squat: 415 lbs x 6 reps/465 lbs x 6 reps <--PR! /475 lbs x 4 reps<--PR!! /505 lbs x 2 full reps, 1 70% rep, 1 40% rep <-----PR!!!! HUGE MILESTONE REACHED!!! Shattered old PR of 445 lbs 3 times in one day!!
Increase of 110 lbs since beginning the BP!!!

Hamstring Curls: 125 lbs x 6/110 lbs x 8/125 lbs x 6/125 lbs x 6

Top Range Rack Pull: 315 lbs x 6 sec/335 lbs x 11 sec <---PR!! Used a mixed grip, can't wait to get wrist straps so I can shatter these

Romainian Deadlift: 225 lbs x 8/245 lbs x 6 -again grip failed, need those straps to ratchet this weight up

EDT Block #2:

I really hate this block...probably the worst out of all of them

Weighted Abdominal: 105 lbs x 8/115 lbs x 8/125 lbs x 7/125 lbs x 7
HyperExtension: 10 lbs x 8/25 lbs x 8/10 lbs x 8/0 lbs x 8

I am super pumped about the 505 lb squat!!!! Looking to add more reps/weight next time...progress is becoming mind-boggling to me...never in a million years did I think I would be able to hit a 500 lb squat by then end of this program when I bought this...this one moment was worth buying this book 10 times!!! Rob, thanks for making this possible!! Your program and most of all your support is worth many times what you charge for it!!

Just ordered some holy basil, can't wait to add this to my stack and see what of its main points was that it lowers cortisol, which competes with testosterone...lower cortisol=increase in testosterone...

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:42 am
by beefcake66
You're a beast, this is the 2nd time you've smashed a PR multiple times in ONE WORKOUT......

I'm going to go look at what supp combinations you're on. This is ridiculous man!