Hanks 3RD run going for the cut

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Post by tufluk »

nice progress hank

how are you finding the karboyln as a whole, I got some for my feast and am wondering what to expect...
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Post by Hank! »

Never used a carb in this fashion before but I do like the results. next time I will get the Pure karbolyn tho, instead of scifit
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Post by Hank! »

Today was supposed to be lower EDT block but I ended up taking my kids to the Gym so they were a distraction, only got Rack pulls and squats before they got bored.

And I think I am fighting off a cold

Rack Pull
585 lbs x2 12 secs
405 shrugs x 8 x 2


Woke 7a 16oz Ice Water
7a 3x EBOL
7:15 Coffee with Cream and Sugar
8:00 Coffee with Cream and Cinnamon
11:15 Two eggs with handful spinach , garlic
2:30 The Formula Recovery + Karbolyn
4:00 Hormel Pepperoni Stick
5:45 3 x EBOL
6:15 8oz Skirt Steak, 1cup homemade Guacamole, two roma tomatos
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Post by RobRegish »

Rack Pull
585 lbs x2 12 secs

Yeah baby!!!!

Great going Hank :)
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Post by Hank! »

Off day today caught a damn head cold

Diet in Check

6a Ice Water
6:15 coffee with Sugar and Cream
7:00 half chicken breast
7:30 3 X Ebol
9:30 3 eggs , 4 slice bacon, spinach
1:00 Homeade Chix salad with mayo, Half a Brie and chocolate pannini
5:45 1 serving peanuts
6:00 6 oz taco meat, half a chix salad pannini
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Post by RobRegish »

Try this Hank:

2 grams of Vit C every 2 waking hours. You'll know where all the bathrooms are. Think Hurricane Katrina.

Category 5: Devastation?

Catastropic :)
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Post by Hank! »

lol I thought id be immune, both kids, GF and the cat all sick last week.

I am also ok with upping the NAC if you think there is benefit?

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Post by RobRegish »

Hank! wrote:lol I thought id be immune, both kids, GF and the cat all sick last week.

I am also ok with upping the NAC if you think there is benefit?

It is and it's the perfect fit too.

REASON: Too much NAC depletes Vit C!! In all fairness, it takes a few weeks of NAC to do this so hopefully nobody's been running it that long without some Vit C...

Happy New Year to you too Hank! Being up this early, I guess we weren't hammered like everyone else last night? :)
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Post by Hank! »

Rob i fell asleep at 10:30 on the couch. My 8 year old was up till 12a all jacked up on bubbly grape juice. I just looked at the label that crap has more calories than whole milk
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Post by RobRegish »

Hank! wrote:Rob i fell asleep at 10:30 on the couch. My 8 year old was up till 12a all jacked up on bubbly grape juice. I just looked at the label that crap has more calories than whole milk
Great what they're feeding out kids these days huh Hank??
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Post by Hank! »

After taking Friday, Sat and Sun off the GYM I feel like a bum

Saturday was a cheat day so no record of what I ate

7a woke 16oz Ice Water
7:15 Coffee with Sugar and Half and Half
7:15 2x Ebol
8:00 4 oz boars head chicken with Mayo
11:00 20 Almonds
4:00 Two eggs, two slice bacon
5:00 2x Ebol
8:00 Square of apple crisp about 2x3 inches

seem to be over cold now, will probably go to gym today

Weight 262
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Post by RobRegish »

Don't feel too bad Hank. The rest probably did you good.

Onward and upward!
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Post by Hank! »

WT at 262 is lowest for this feast recomp.

5:50a Wake 16oz Ice Water 3x ebol
6:00 Coffee with Stevia/ Half and half
6:30 2 Fried Eggs
7:45 Coffee with cream and sugar
9:00 20 almonds
12p 10 oz chicken breast, 2 cups cal with soy and sesame seed oil
1:00 Pump-Bol
1:30 3 x ebol
3:30 4oz chicken breast, kale
4:30 mixed nuts almonds, brazil , walnuts
7:30 2 scoops iso whey in milk
under the weather

I dont know about you guys but 1st workout after a cold is ROUGH

Decline static hold 315x12 x

Flat bench
DB Press / DB Row
100x6x3 // 110x6x3

Standng Overhead Press


Incline DB Bench

Ran out of time and felt like poo..
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Post by RobRegish »

OK you're at your lowest weight... how's the strength?

I'd go back and look but I'm about to pass out. The answer will tell me all we need to know... :)
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