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Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:51 pm
by RobRegish
Have now tried 1, 2 and 3 cap dosing.

2 caps at a shoit is the sweet spot for me. Very nice, mellow feeling. A third cap before bed and it's lights out.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:52 am
by RobRegish
Subject: TranQuiloGen day 2

"Say goodbye to pain....

Day 2, took my 3rd ever TranQuilogen capsule and an
hour later I'm on my way to my son's house. He has these
crazy stairs to his second floor; extremely steep, narrow
and carpeted, with a handrail on the right side. Every trip
up there has been torture on my hips, lower back and
knees. (I'm 64, 6'5", 230#, many injuries, surgeries
and arthritis) I use to take one step at a time with both
feet on each step and pulling on the rail to get up those
25 steep steps (just like an 'old man') when
I tried, it felt altogether different and almost effortless...
so I tried something different.

I thought:."I wonder if I can do this?" So I put one foot
in front of the other and walked up those 25 dreaded stairs
like a normal, healthy person would and did not even
need to hang on to the rail to get to the top. I did the same
thing going down. In a state of utter surprise, I went
up and down again...and then one more time yet again
just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.. (and because I
could actually DO IT)

I have hobbled up those stairs at least 20 times in the
past and every time was difficult and painful. Today
it was almost easy though. A complete surprise.

So IMO...I believe inflammation is what is taking and
holding most of us boomers down. To me, TranQuiloGen
is a 'wonder supplement' when it comes to relieving pain..

Feeling little to no pain is fantastic alright, but so is a calm
demeanor and a positive, productive attitude along with
improved sleep that I get with TranQuiloGen too. Yesterday
was my first day on TranQuiloGen and it was all good, but
this experience with the stairs today was just over the top.

Billy Graham said: "I'm not afraid of death. It's the
dying part that has me concerned."

Well, if you are informed, IMO, it can be less of a concern
today than ever before. This product CAN lower
your concerns about "the dying part", believe me.
It was developed for us.

If I had the power to give every baby boomer just one
supplement, it would be TranQuiloGen. I hope you'll
try it. I'm almost positive that you will find real relief
in many areas, just as I have and improve your overall
health at the same time.

Thanks and love to Rob Regish and everyone responsible
for bringing this product to market. It's a game changer..."

Randy Mordhorst
Farmington, NM

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:21 pm
by bigpelo
My TranQuiloGen order finally shipped yesterday from Nicholson GA. Destination being Canada, I should be able to try it by the end of the month. This is going to be a loooooooooong waiting game...

Re: Ordering for UK delivery

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:55 am
by FatBoySlimFast
askmass wrote:
FatBoySlimFast wrote:Really want to place a pre-order for this to be shipped to the UK but I am a little concerned with issues that two guys on the Predator Nutrition forum have had, eg not receiving the 'First Order Welcome Pack of free gifts etc' with their order.
If I were to place an order can you confirm that I will receive these items?
Since Rob is a member on that forum I hope he can relay this because I hate thinking anyone was disappointed over something so small, and "skipped" with the best of intentions...

Not to downplay it too much, but the welcome pack is simply a couple small supplement samples which vary depending on what the packers have at their disposal on any given day. The issue with International orders is that many of the sample items are disallowed in the destination country... so, we'd rather not have your whole order snagged by customs over a few sample pills which are legal here, but not legal everywhere.

This said, I've advised our shipping manager to come up with something for international orders which is essentially legal across the board.

Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention, FatBoySlimFast.

Great forum handle by the way.

Best to you.

Hi John

Received my TQ order this morning, along with some free samples and a discount voucher for my next order :)

Much appreciated!

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:04 pm
by RobRegish
Great stuff!

Now I'm REALLY looking forward to people's feedback. The Canadian Monster (Big.Pelo), in particular.

As glowing as the feedback has been, it was pointed out to me that the very nature of the product (i.e. a "tranquil" feeling) isn't going to result in "OMG"! feedback you see from pre-workouts. They do jack you (and the corresponding review) up, LOL.

TQ is going to chill you out. Whether that carries over into the feedback, will indeed be interesting... :-)

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:38 am
by bigpelo
RobRegish wrote:Great stuff!

Now I'm REALLY looking forward to people's feedback. The Canadian Monster (Big.Pelo), in particular.
Saddly, it takes longer to ground ship across the US-Canada border then oversea to the old countries... My TQ should be here beginning of next week or if lucky enough, end of this one.

3 weeks vacation begins friday August 23th though. Time for some experiment :roll:

EDIT: package got custom clearence this morning! So it should hit my door step Wenesday :)

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:04 pm
by JlCh
Awesome! Mine comes in tomorrow or the day after. The depart from a city that's 9 hours away doesn't have a time on it, so not sure if they sent it yet or not.... But should be here tomorrow or Wed.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:17 am
by bigpelo
Surprise! Wife called to say I got a package. TQ has landed. I will try 1 cap half hour before bed tonight with zinc. (Today is an 15 hours work shift.)

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:43 pm
by askmass
Happy to hear you guys in international locations are getting especially fast deliveries from us.