Matter2003 BP Run #3, This time the Full Periodic...

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Post by matter2003 »

thicketman wrote:What brand of DIM are you taking and at what dose?

I just ordered Bioresponse's DIM 150. I'm also supposed to receive a book that details dosing protocols. I tend to hold onto fat in my midsection and lower chest so I'm interested to see how fat loss will be affected in these areas.

Also, three of my four grandparents have died from cancer (brain, leukemia, and lung). The fourth, which is still alive had a mastectomy years ago for breast cancer, so there might be a genetic inclination toward that fate. I'd like to avoid that cause death if possible.

After the test run on myself, I'll likely get some for my wife as well.
I am taking Nature's Way Dim-Plus with enhanced absorption complex. I am taking 400mg a day right now for the next week and then will probably drop to 300 mg...2 capsules are 100mg, so I am taking it in divided doses 4 times daily...
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Post by matter2003 »

OK, going to be extending my off week to 10 days for a couple of reasons:

1) I got kinda trashed last night, got home late, and was extremely dehydrated this morning/afternoon when I woke up. nice my gym was only open til 4pm for New Years Day, I needed to be ready to go by 2:30 or so, and I was still pissing bright yellow by then even though I had downed probably close to a gallon of water at that point.

2) I realized that to properly set things up for what I am doing I need to start on a Wednesday so I can run 3 days on, day off, 2 days on, day off. Starting on Sunday I cannot do that properly. So I am on to GLP II starting Wednesday. Currently at 208 lbs but seeing more and more musculature showing up in my midsection area, which I think DIM is somewhat responsible for. Have also been taking Yohimbine HCL and DIM in combination to get what should be a theoretically potent synergistic effect from the two.

I just ordered 2 jugs of Mass Pro Whey and 1 BIU, along with four 5 lb jugs of Pure Whey Protein, which I got for $14.95 a piece on a tremendous New Year special from TFSupplements, so I should have enough protein for quite some time. Planning to blend in Mass Pro with the other protein to get the added benefits of Colostrum.

Arms are feeling super dense and are busting out of a lot of the shirts I am wearing, so I am very happy my dropping weight has not affected muscle size in any noticeable way.

For this run, I am going to be again utilizing 4 compound days, along with 1 day of Farmers Walks(horrible, horrible exercise), followed by 20 minutes of non-stop EDT blocks where I alternate exercises in 5 rep increments until I can only do 4, 3, 2 and then 1 rep each time to get a total rep count for the session. Then the next time I will try and beat that rep count.

Here is what my breakdown for the next 14 weeks will look like:

Weds: Decline Bench GLP II
20 Min EDT Block: Weighted Dips/One Armed Rows

Thurs: Squats GLP II
20 Min EDT Block: DB Squat Push Press/DB Swings

Fri: DB Farmers Walk(30 minutes)

Sun: Barbell Clean And Press
20 Min EDT Block: Chin Ups/Vertical DB Pushups (this is brutal---stand a DB straight up in the air and place hands on top and do pushups---inner pecs feel like they are going to explode)

Mon: Lighter Rep Deadlifts(5 sets of 12 reps)--focus on resting for minimal amount of time between sets, 30 seconds to 1 minute

Off Days: Saturday/Tuesday

excited to be starting back up, feeling good and rested, which I needed, this is going to be a long 14 weeks...hoping to be in the 190s by the end of this run...
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Post by matter2003 »

Woke up this morning weighing in at 205 lbs, my lowest weight since fasting. I am not sure if DIM is responsible for it, but I seem to be losing weight much easier than before, and I havent even been doing anything.

Hitting GLP II Decline today followed by 20 min EDT Block of Weighted Dips/1 arm rows

As Bart Scott would say:
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Post by matter2003 »

GLP II Workout #1

Wow, is all I can say about these compounds followed by a 20 minute EDT block...that was one of the most horrible things ever...lungs were on fire after about 10 minutes and I was sweating buckets...

Decline Bench(GLP II): 225 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6
-no real issues, although it wasn't as easy as I had hoped for...

EDT Block:
-Basically its a timed 20 minute EDT Block where you pick 2 exercises and do as many 5,4,3,2, and 1 set reps of each one as you can, log how many of each, tally up your "rep" score and calculate the total weight lifted.

Weighted Dips(25 lb DB): 5R x 3/4R x 4/3R x 5(46 reps/1150 lbs)

1 Arm DB Rows(60 lb DB): 5R x 12(60 reps(each)/3600 lbs)
-only counting 1 complete set of both arms, not each arm

Total Rep Count: 106
Total Weight: 4,750 lbs

I am freaking done in right now....what a way to come off a 12 day layoff...hahaha...its a catabolic day so I am eating mostly protein, but I decided I will be saving some carbs for after workout so I can utilize my Dymatize Flud and a modified version of "The Formula"...I am allowed 80g per day, so I am taking in 30-40 after workouts...

Total workout time : 50 minutes
Total Reps: 130
Total Weight lifted: 10,150 lbs
Weight Lifted per Minute: 203 lbs
Weight Lifted per Rep: 78.1 lbs

hoping against hope that I am not too sore tomorrow night for GLP II squats and another 20 min EDT block of DB Squat Push Press and DB Swings...
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Post by bigpelo »

This EDT is a HIIT cardio workout and weight lifting session all in one :shock:

Might try that :roll:
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Post by matter2003 »

bigpelo wrote:This EDT is a HIIT cardio workout and weight lifting session all in one :shock:

Might try that :roll:
Ya its designed to be hybrid cardio or resistance cardio...supposed to torch body fat while still building muscle at the same time....I don't do any cardio sessions, just timed EDT blocks...
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Post by matter2003 »

GLP II Workout 2:

Took Formula X(BCAA's with LCLT and DAA) and 1 cap BIU 30 mins before hitting the gym...I really, really hate this time of year because you see all kinds of people you have never seen before that are following through on their "New Years Resolution" for a few months...hopefully they end up sticking it out for their sake, but the gym is way more crowded than normal right now...

I literally almost passed out today during the EDT block...holy crap that was rough...

GLP II Squats: 374 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6(24 reps/8976 lbs)
-no real issues but wasn't as easy as it should have been...seem to be fighting a cold so perhaps I am not at full strength right now...nothing major, but felt a little more drained than normal.

EDT Block:

Squat Push Press(two 30 lb DB): 5R x 9/4R x 3/3R x 2/2R x 2(67 reps/2010 lbs)
-only counting one DB to keep things even with One Arm Rows EDT Block

DB Swings(55 lb DB): 5R x 12/4R x 3/3R x 1(75 reps/4125 lbs)

EDT Block Total Weight: 6,135 lbs
EDT Block Total Reps: 142

Total Workout Time: 50 minutes
Total Reps: 166
Total Weight Lifted: 15,111 lbs
Weight Lifted Per Minute: 302.22 lbs
Weight Lifted Per Rep: 91.03 lbs

Entire Body is shaking right now...took a huge protein shake(half Mass Pro Whey/Half Cheap Whey) of about 85g mixed with about 40g Dymatize Flud...

Going to be eating in about 45 minutes and then hitting the sack for some well needed rest...doing some Farmers Walks tomorrow in the morning...followed by a 24 hour fast...

Expecting to see 204 lbs tomorrow morning on the scale...these timed EDT blocks are brutal, I am sweating buckets and gasping for breath...however, that which does not kill us, makes us stronger...just ask Rob! :D
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Post by bigpelo »

I love EDT. I want to know more on your way(s) of doing it (them). Please share here, by PM or via e-mail. I am right around the corner for a new run. Thought it will be the meteoric but because it's been delayed, I will put together something else in the meantime.
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Post by matter2003 »

bigpelo wrote:I love EDT. I want to know more on your way(s) of doing it (them). Please share here, by PM or via e-mail. I am right around the corner for a new run. Thought it will be the meteoric but because it's been delayed, I will put together something else in the meantime.
Big Pelo,

Well basically I do timed EDT blocks and try to design them so it is very easy to switch between the 2 exercises. You can set whatever time limit you want, but I do 20 minutes after completing a compound lift(decline, squats and clean days). High rep low rest DLs are an EDT block by themselves, hahaha...

So you start with a weight you can complete about 12 reps with good form, and you start doing 5 reps and alternating to the other exercise and do 5 reps of that. You keep doing this as many times as you can, until you start only being able to complete 4, 3, 2, or 1 reps. Basically on my workout log I create boxes for 5reps, 4reps, etc down to 1rep. After each movement I make a slash under each exercise in the correct rep box. At the end of 20 minutes you tally up total reps and weight and then the following week try to beat it either by increasing the weight and dong same reps or by keeping same weight and doing more reps...

Pretty much replaces cardio workout and effectively shreds fat while building muscle...definitely very very intense. I have to stop and take breathers every so often and rest...once I am in better condition I hope to get all the way thru 20 mins without stopping...
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Post by bigpelo »

I usually perform EDT for 12 minutes with 2 minutes in-between sets (around 5 sets). I will try a 20 minutes with 1 minutes break as you state.

Dips/chin up
bench press/barbell row

are few ideas that comes to mind...

Thanks Matter!
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Post by matter2003 »

bigpelo wrote:I usually perform EDT for 12 minutes with 2 minutes in-between sets (around 5 sets). I will try a 20 minutes with 1 minutes break as you state.

Dips/chin up
bench press/barbell row

are few ideas that comes to mind...

Thanks Matter!
Actually its no break unless you need it...20 mins straight
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Post by austinb37 »


Actually its no break unless you need it...20 mins straight[/quote]

20 Minutes straight, that is insane!

Do you ever feel like you are frying your CNS with such a high training volume? Also do you take any of these sets to failure?
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Post by matter2003 »

austinb37 wrote:
Actually its no break unless you need it...20 mins straight[/quote]

20 Minutes straight, that is insane!

Do you ever feel like you are frying your CNS with such a high training volume? Also do you take any of these sets to failure?[/quote]

Well its a lot lighter weight than you would be doing if working out normally, but its still very intense. I usually can go 3 or 4 in a row before taking a short breather...haven't been doing long enough to report on cns....
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Post by matter2003 »

Woke up this morning at 203.0 lbs, lowest weight I hace been in years...looking forward to hitting the 190s....

Today is a rest day with high fat/high protein...
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