Linkiroth gets strong, Blueprint Journey part I.

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Post by Linkiroth »

No pain at all today. 0/10. I may very well try benching later on today.
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Post by Linkiroth »

Feast: DAY 34

The elbow started off 100% painless. Never did my pain exceed a 3. But when I racked 195 after my 6 reps, I knew something was off and decided not to do the last 2 sets. Instead, I did 2 sets of DB bench (3 second pause) with a lighter weight which was painless. I'm fairly certain it's the heavy weights that cause the pain so I will be completely eliminating static holds for bench in the future.

Calories: 2777kcal (so far)
FAT: 100.2g (33%)
CHO: 241.5g (35%)
PRO: 224.6g (32%)

GLP#1 Bench workout # 5
Bench Press
120 x 10
180 x 8
195 x 6 (Mild discomfort, no pain)

Pullups (between sets of bench)
total of 50

DB Bench Press
55 x 2 x 10

Seated low cable row
145 x 5
140 x 8
120 x 8 (These were very strict and all about the stretch)

Face Pull
25 x 20
35 x 2 x 20

EZ bar biceps curl
60 x 10 (Some body English on the last two reps)
50 x 2 x 10 (Very strict)

The curls actually felt very therapeutic. Nice to have an excuse to do some direct biceps work. Looking back through my log, I'm not certain I should go for a new 1RM next week. My goal is 245 (10lb over my current 235). Any suggestions? I'm pain-free and only had some mild discomfort after my set of 195. Maybe I'll just play it by ear.
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Post by RobRegish »

You're making all the right moves!!

Do take care to insert just ONE extra rest day, prior to that max attempt.

Also, consider the following prior to EVERY training session:

Prior to beginning even warmups, apply "Tiger Balm" or like cream (Icy Hot/BenGay), are suitable alternative.

To this, add a dash of Curcumin.

FINAL TIP: Get on SuperCissusRx, TODAY!!

SuperCissus ... php?t=1405


"Rob recommended it to me and I have to say that the supplement so far has been huge. I was having some chronic elbow pain and within 3 days time of starting, my pain is virtually gone.

I am doing Rehab, taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin and I haven't benched in several days but I can say with confidence that I believe in SuperCissus and recommend it to anyone who has joint issues or even just has some money to blow on a phenomenal joint supp. I imagine it's just as good if not better for prevention as it is for recovery..."

Dose that with AskMass's Nordic Naturals, or any HIGH QUALITY fish oil... joint/tendon/ligament pain... GONE!!

Hope that helps...:)
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Post by Linkiroth »

RobRegish wrote:You're making all the right moves!!

Do take care to insert just ONE extra rest day, prior to that max attempt.

Also, consider the following prior to EVERY training session:

Prior to beginning even warmups, apply "Tiger Balm" or like cream (Icy Hot/BenGay), are suitable alternative.

To this, add a dash of Curcumin.

FINAL TIP: Get on SuperCissusRx, TODAY!!

SuperCissus ... php?t=1405


"Rob recommended it to me and I have to say that the supplement so far has been huge. I was having some chronic elbow pain and within 3 days time of starting, my pain is virtually gone.

I am doing Rehab, taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin and I haven't benched in several days but I can say with confidence that I believe in SuperCissus and recommend it to anyone who has joint issues or even just has some money to blow on a phenomenal joint supp. I imagine it's just as good if not better for prevention as it is for recovery..."

Dose that with AskMass's Nordic Naturals, or any HIGH QUALITY fish oil... joint/tendon/ligament pain... GONE!!

Hope that helps...:)
Already on Cissus, Rob... you quoted me!! Haha. Good catch on the IcyHot, by the way. I thought of that and picked some up this morning.

Unrelated, also this morning:
Body weight: 178.1lb
Body Fat % (3 point caliper): 15.6%

By my measurements (not terribly accurate) that means I started at 147.49lb LBM and now am at 150.31lb LBM. A total increase of 2.82lb of LBM and an increase of 6.4lb overall, leaving an increase of 3.58lb of non lean body mass to account for. Simple solution: HIIT on off days. Since I'm on 1on/2off (until I start GLP 2 which may have me turning back to 1on/1off) I'll do HIIT on my first off day (along with my pre/re-hab) and rest on my second off day. This should prevent additional fat gain and may even cut into existing fat.
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT work, engineering your own solution!

Folks, right here... The very essence of what BP strives to teach; Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, he eats for a lifetime... :)

Keep on truckin', my man... :):):)
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Post by Linkiroth »

Feast: DAY 36
Unfortunately, due to unforseen work and family circumstances, I had two choices: Do squat workout #5 today or on Friday. I opted for the former. Since I didn't sleep well last night, the moment that my elbow acted up, I racked the bar and moved on to Dimel Deadlifts. In this way, I save myself today so I can lift tomorrow.

Calories: 2942kcal
FAT: 99.9g (30%)
CHO: 303.1g (41%)
PRO: 211.9g (29%)

GLP #1 Squat workout #5
205 x 10
305 x 8
335 x 6
Unracked 370, elbow discomfort, racked the bar.

Dimel Deadlifts
225 x 3 x 5

Leg Press
+500 x 3 x 6

Static cable crunch
97.5 x 20sec
105 x 20sec

Aiming for 245 bench on Friday and a 425 squat next Tuesday. In order to further help keep my weight in check, I am also considering moving to a LeanGains type of IF at the conclusion of GLP #1. Once I max my squat, we'll see what I decide in terms of diet. I don't want to mix anything up until then. I've got a lot of ideas floating around right now and I'll write up a gameplan once I'm 100% sure I know what I want to do.
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Post by RobRegish »

SMART move, man!!

I almost always suggest taking just ONE extra rest day, prior to maxing. You read your body's signs correctly - and did the RIGHT thing!!

Mentally rehearse you new PR's not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!!.

Do this no less than 3x/day, with at least one of those coming prior to sleep.

REASON: By doing so, you'll build success into your subconscious. For it's been said and it's true;

"What the mind can conceive, the body will achieve..." :)
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Post by Linkiroth »

RobRegish wrote:SMART move, man!!

I almost always suggest taking just ONE extra rest day, prior to maxing. You read your body's signs correctly - and did the RIGHT thing!!

Mentally rehearse you new PR's not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!!.

Do this no less than 3x/day, with at least one of those coming prior to sleep.

REASON: By doing so, you'll build success into your subconscious. For it's been said and it's true;

"What the mind can conceive, the body will achieve..." :)
Will do, Rob. Thanks for the encouragement.
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Post by Linkiroth »

Feast: DAY 38

Just a quick update. Had PT today, a combination of calisthenics (very little to no rest. Total ~90 pushups, ~150 situps) and running (On a 1/4 mile track, sprint the straight, jog the curve "fartlek" style for 8 total laps). Followed by An hour long Krav Maga session at a friend's behest. Hopefully, today brings enough recovery to really push the bench tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »


Geez, that sounds like a workout!! :)
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Post by Linkiroth »

Feast: DAY 40

So I went for my 1RM today. The warmup sets went fine, the work sets went fine. 225 (my sticking point for nearly a year) went up as smooth as butter. 245 pinned me to the bench. I'm almost completely certain it's a 100% mental sticking point but it's still annoying. I missed it twice and started feeling some discomfort in my elbow so I decided against a third attempt. Squats on Tuesday. Some light recovery work tomorrow and establishing a plan of attack for GLP #2 tomorrow. I'm thinking I should drop the KA during my week break after I set my max on squats. Any thoughts?

GLP 1 Workout #6
Bench Press
120 x 10
150 x 5
180 x 3
200 x 1
225 x 1

Pullups (all dead hang)
BW x 5 x 5

Paused DB bench press
60 x 3 x 10

Tbar row
+100 x 3 x 8

Dumbell curl
30 x 2 x 10

Face Pull
32.5 x 2 x 20

A solid workout if I do say so myself. [/b]
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Post by RobRegish »

First, as you said.. GREAT WORK!!!

Next, I/we've pinpointed what we think happened and more importantly, what YOU can do - To NAIL your new 1RM!!!!!

"225 x 1
245 x FAILURE..."

OBSERVATIONS/GUIDANCE: Consider the following;

1.) 20lbs at this stage of the game, is too much. Instead, observe no more than 10lb jumps.

2.) Prior to your P.R. attempt/last set, precisely DOUBLE, your rest between sets used in the preceeding attempts. That is to say, if 10min was used between sets preceeding this, rest 20 min!*

*The former Soviet teams took up to 30 MINUTES, OR LONGER!

Why, you ask...?

Because the CNS takes FAR longer to recover/regenerate, vs. the ATP (Adenosine, Tri-Phosphate), pathway. The latter is nearly fully replenished within 3 minutes time.

Therefore, take precisely 5 days off and tend to your soft tissue injuries via treating yourself to a sports massage. Not the "happy ending" variety, though I've heard it has its merits... :)

Now, concurrently do practice visualizing that new 1RM not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!!! Ensure at LEAST one of these, comes prior to falling asleep.

REASON: As it builds into your subconscious, so too does it build into your physiology.

What the mind can conceive, the body WILL achieve... :):):)

3 little words Linkiroth, prior to that new PR;

"Seize the moment"...

Hope that helps!!!
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Post by Linkiroth »

RobRegish wrote:First, as you said.. GREAT WORK!!!

Next, I/we've pinpointed what we think happened and more importantly, what YOU can do - To NAIL your new 1RM!!!!!

"225 x 1
245 x FAILURE..."

OBSERVATIONS/GUIDANCE: Consider the following;

1.) 20lbs at this stage of the game, is too much. Instead, observe no more than 10lb jumps.

2.) Prior to your P.R. attempt/last set, precisely DOUBLE, your rest between sets used in the preceeding attempts. That is to say, if 10min was used between sets preceeding this, rest 20 min!*

*The former Soviet teams took up to 30 MINUTES, OR LONGER!

Why, you ask...?

Because the CNS takes FAR longer to recover/regenerate, vs. the ATP (Adenosine, Tri-Phosphate), pathway. The latter is nearly fully replenished within 3 minutes time.

Therefore, take precisely 5 days off and tend to your soft tissue injuries via treating yourself to a sports massage. Not the "happy ending" variety, though I've heard it has its merits... :)

Now, concurrently do practice visualizing that new 1RM not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!!! Ensure at LEAST one of these, comes prior to falling asleep.

REASON: As it builds into your subconscious, so too does it build into your physiology.

What the mind can conceive, the body WILL achieve... :):):)

3 little words Linkiroth, prior to that new PR;

"Seize the moment"...

Hope that helps!!!
Thanks for the advice, Rob. I'll be trying for my new squat PR/1RM on Monday. That, I'm certain, will turn out much better.
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Post by RobRegish »

So happy I/we, could help... :)

Saddle up, and see how far that horse takes you. 5Faces of Fear(tm) and the WHOLE f'in world, loves a good comeback... :)
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