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Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:56 pm
by RobRegish
Cheese n pickle sandwich.... that'll go a long way toward keeping you full - at the end of a long, stressful day :)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:38 pm
Another day, another shilling.


Milk 250 Cals
Protein Shake 250 Cals
Fruit 200 Cals

Chicken butty 350 Cals
Crisps 150 Cals

Yorkshoire pudding 150 Cals
Potato 150 Cals
Veg 50 cals
Gravy 50 cals
Chicken 250 Cals

Protein Shake 250 Cals

Total 2250 Cals 200 G Protein

Workout tommorow 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:34 pm
by RobRegish
Love me some "shilling"... :)

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:34 pm

Changed the order of lifts due to equipment availability, this plus lack of spotter meant i couldnt beat last week's record high on my dec bench but i added reps and weight elsewhere. disappointed with that but i made up for it :P

Incline DB 42.5 kg x 8
Flyes 22.5kg x 8
Dec Bench 110kg x 5 110kg x 5 + 1 static hold
Light pullovers 20kg x 8

Shoulder press 25kg x 10
lateral raises 12.5kg x 6

BB curl 40g x6 40kg x 4
Pressdown 40kg x 6 40kg x 6


fruit 300 cals
protein shake 250 cals
chicken butty 350 cals
crisps 150 cals

mixed grill for tea mmm :twisted:
steak 400 cals
sausage 100 cals
chickenbreasts x 2 300 cals
egg 100 cals
fries 200 cals

milk 300 cals

total cals 2450 200 g protein


Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:39 pm
after a couple days of rest - i'm now on the cruise stage of the BP.


Decline bench 5x5 90kg
Shoulder Press 5x5 20kg
Pressdown 50kg x 1 12 second hold

All lifts - slow and controlled,

Milk 250 Cals
Protein 250 Cals
Chicken Wrap 300 Cals
Crisps 100 Cals

Protein 250 Cals

Pasta Bolognese 600 Cals
Milk 300 Cals

Total cals 2050 Protein 190G

:twisted: :P

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:23 pm
by RobRegish
Well deserved.

Great work man.. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:49 pm
After a rest day yesterday, i was back in there today.



Squats 5 x 5 @80%Rm 90kg
1 Arm rows 5x5
Negative pull ups 5 x 1
Preacher 1 x 17.5kg 10 sec hold 1 x 20kg 10 sec hold


Protein Shake 250 Cals
Fruit 250 Cals
CHicken & Bacon sandwich 500 cals
Crisps 100 Cals

Protein Shake 250 Cals
Tuna Pasta 650 Cals

Milk 300 Cals

Total Cals 2300 Protein 170 G


another 10 days left by my reckoning ............ :idea:

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:59 am
by RobRegish
Nicely executed, IRONCHEST... :)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:14 pm
Another rest day so no workout,


Protein shake 250 cals
Fruit 250 Cals
Chicken breast butty 350 cals
crisps 250 cals
jacket potato 300 cals
beans 50
cott cheese 100 cals
cheese 25
milk 250 cals

Total cals 1900 120G Protein

a little under 2190 target but meh :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:07 pm
Deload workout #3

Dec Bench 90kg 5x5 20% less
SHoulder Press 20kg 5x5
Pressdown 50kg x 1 Static hold 12 seconds
Light Pullovers 20kg x 8

Diet -

Protein Shake 250cals
Fruit 150 Cals
Chicken Butty 350 Cals
Crisps 150 Cals
Protein Shake 250 Cals

Fish 500
Peas 50
Chips 150 Cals

Milk 250 Cals

Total Cals 2100 Protein 160G


Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:17 pm
by RobRegish
"Deload workout #3..."

Another well deserved one, too... :)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:44 pm
No workout today :(

Diet :

Milk 250 Cals
Protein Shake 250 Cals
Fruit 100 Cals

Chicken Butty 350 Cals
Crisps 100 Cals

Chicken Curry 350 Cals
potato 200 Cals
Rice 100 Cals

Milk 250 Cals
Choc 100 Cals

Total Cals 2050 Protein 170G Protein

Have a good weekend all :)