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Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:46 am
by jjones11
Had my lower body de-load workout of GLP 1 tonight. Was very slow to startt. Almost walked out of the gym, but I am very very pleased that I stuck around for this workout. You'll soon see why :D .

Box Squat
300x1 PR
315x1 PR
Heavy calves
Heavy abs

Notes: I've been running alot as of late. That is the reason behind my lackluster performance on squats. I ran after my upper body deload and then once more in between today and then. Legs were sore going in there tonight. Just wanted to get done with my deload so I can get geared up for max day. I'm a little upset but I feel I made up for it with my deadlifts. It may seem pathetic, but I was after that 315 deadlift all last year. Not bad progress going from 185 last march to 315 now. If you remember correctly, that 315 was my goal for this run. I still have 3 more loading patterns to go through
:shock: . Even with my performance on squats tonight, I am very very confident that I can get my max that's projected in my loading pattern. Why am I so confident? The stars are aligned. The way that my schedule is set-up, my lower body max day falls smack dab on my birthday 8) .

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:59 am
by RobRegish
PR's... LOVE 'em..


Because I'm happy, when YOU'RE happy!!! :)

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:15 am
by jjones11
Just tried my upper body max day of GLP 1 tonight. Didn't do too hot. As a matter of fact I'm pretty heated right now. This is pretty much how it went.

Bench Press
205x1 FAILED
200x1 FAILED

Notes: Attempted my EDT's but even those went horrible. I did a few supersets of dips and chin-ups, then a couple sets of shrugs and after those weren't going the way I wanted them too, I hopped on the treadmill. Truth is, I could type out every excuse I could think of, but even that won't change the fact that I missed my reps. I was just dragging tonight, everything felt so heavy. Just an off day I guess. Shouldn't have gone I was so tired. I want to just put this in my rearview and move onto my lower body max day, and attempt this again my next upper body day. I just wasn't good mentally, or physically today.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:44 am
by RobRegish
jjones11 wrote:Just tried my upper body max day of GLP 1 tonight. Didn't do too hot. As a matter of fact I'm pretty heated right now. This is pretty much how it went.

Bench Press
205x1 FAILED
200x1 FAILED

Notes: Attempted my EDT's but even those went horrible. I did a few supersets of dips and chin-ups, then a couple sets of shrugs and after those weren't going the way I wanted them too, I hopped on the treadmill. Truth is, I could type out every excuse I could think of, but even that won't change the fact that I missed my reps. I was just dragging tonight, everything felt so heavy. Just an off day I guess. Shouldn't have gone I was so tired. I want to just put this in my rearview and move onto my lower body max day, and attempt this again my next upper body day. I just wasn't good mentally, or physically today.
OK, a couple of thoughts:

First, your jumps from set to set were spot on - you didn't make too big a jump. Good work! Next, how much rest did you take between those last 3 sets? I ask because I almost always find that taking an additional 5 minutes tacked onto your usual say, 5 min in between sets is the fix!!

The CNS recovers FAR slower than the glycogen/ATP substrate pathway. That takes about 3 min. For CNS it can take 15 min or longer! Last workout I did like this I failed on my last set. Then waiting 20 min. You read that right.....20 min of psyching myself up to walk out of there with what I needed: a new PR!

Finally, I'd like you to take 2-3 days off and go after it again!!! Every day during these 2-3 days off I want you to practice visualizing your 1RM not for a single, but for a triple! At least one of these visualization sessions should come prior to bed, allowing it to build into your subconscience.

What the mind conceives... the body will ahieve!!

If willing to entertain the unthinkable, consider accidentally cutting yourself. The sight of blood is a well known "trigger" in the human race that releases endorphins and a CNS response like no other. Drastic? For sure. But ole' Mix has used it and tells me it's never failed him!!

I'm betting that this time.... you'll be a much, much happier man.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:45 am
by RobRegish
RobRegish wrote:
jjones11 wrote:Just tried my upper body max day of GLP 1 tonight. Didn't do too hot. As a matter of fact I'm pretty heated right now. This is pretty much how it went.

Bench Press
205x1 FAILED
200x1 FAILED

Notes: Attempted my EDT's but even those went horrible. I did a few supersets of dips and chin-ups, then a couple sets of shrugs and after those weren't going the way I wanted them too, I hopped on the treadmill. Truth is, I could type out every excuse I could think of, but even that won't change the fact that I missed my reps. I was just dragging tonight, everything felt so heavy. Just an off day I guess. Shouldn't have gone I was so tired. I want to just put this in my rearview and move onto my lower body max day, and attempt this again my next upper body day. I just wasn't good mentally, or physically today.
OK, a couple of thoughts: It was all PR's up until this point so time to deliver the fix :)

First, your jumps on the last two sets were too much - you made too big a jump. Easy enough fix. Next, how much rest did you take between those last 3 sets? I ask because I almost always find that taking an additional 5 minutes tacked onto your usual say, 5 min in between sets is the fix!!

The CNS recovers FAR slower than the glycogen/ATP substrate pathway. That takes about 3 min. For CNS it can take 15 min or longer! Last workout I did like this I failed on my last set. Then waiting 20 min. You read that right.....20 min of psyching myself up to walk out of there with what I needed: a new PR!

Finally, I'd like you to take 2-3 days off and go after it again!!! Every day during these 2-3 days off I want you to practice visualizing your 1RM not for a single, but for a triple! At least one of these visualization sessions should come prior to bed, allowing it to build into your subconscience.

What the mind conceives... the body will ahieve!!

If willing to entertain the unthinkable, consider accidentally cutting yourself. The sight of blood is a well known "trigger" in the human race that releases endorphins and a CNS response like no other. Drastic? For sure. But ole' Mix has used it and tells me it's never failed him!!

I'm betting that this time.... you'll be a much, much happier man.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:09 pm
by jjones11
I took around 3-5 minutes, in between my last 3 sets. Also, my sleep has been off. Going to up my cals to about 3-3.2k these next couple of days. Going to work on envisioning myself moving that weight. It worked last time, but I didn't practice it this week. I know I can do it, but last night was just not the night I assume.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:40 pm
by RobRegish
jjones11 wrote:I took around 3-5 minutes, in between my last 3 sets. Also, my sleep has been off. Going to up my cals to about 3-3.2k these next couple of days. Going to work on envisioning myself moving that weight. It worked last time, but I didn't practice it this week. I know I can do it, but last night was just not the night I assume.
There you go right there..

1.) Take extra rest days
2.) Use visualization during this time
3.) UP the rest between those heavy sets to 10 min, no less..

Can't wait man. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:17 pm
by jjones11
Alright, I think my suspicions have been answered. Being sick last week really really messed me over. I think I need you to PM me those bridge workouts Rob. Forgot my paper so I didn't have my pyramids right, but I played it conservative.

Box Squat
275x1 FAILED
EDT-96 reps in 11 mins
Leg Extension-225lbs
Leg Curls-90lbs

8 mins of LISS cardio.

Notes: Definitely not a fun thing to have happen on my birthday :( . But I think if I can get back on track we'll be good to go here. Also, after I finish my GLP, should I keep running through the whole periodic, or would I be better off scratching this run, and running the periodic on my next one?

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:58 pm
by RobRegish
Keep running the periodic but I noticed one thing..

275x1 FAILED

That's a big jump. Did the loading pattern call for this? In any case.. I'd rest up 2-3 days and give that another run. This time with a full 10 min between sets and a less aggressive jump.

I'm betting you'll walk out of there a LOT happier. Either way... keep playing offense!!

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:47 pm
by jjones11
Yeah, I forgot my paper with all of my weights on it... So I just ball parked it.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:47 pm
by jjones11
Alright, got everything I need for "The Formula" today. Excited to add this to my arsenal as well :D .

So, just go in there, and kill my max day? Don't backtrack 3 or 4 workouts to get my strength back to where it needs to be? I apologize for beating a dead horse here, but I just don't want to potentially hurt myself, or anything heh.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:50 am
by RobRegish
Yes, it would be best to get a baseline reading to ensure you're where you need to be.

Difficult for me to discern how far back this put you. You have a FAR better idea than me so I'll leave that up to you. If it was me... I'd play it conservative and proceed with the baseline workout to know for certain.

Hope that helps!!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:27 pm
by jjones11
You've never steered me wrong Rob, and that streak continues!!

205x1 PR
EDT 1- 60 reps in 13 min
Dips- BW+25lbs
EDT 2- 90 reps in 11 min
DB Side Laterals- 25lbs
DB Shrugs- 85 lbs

Notes: Good good workout. Finally got that "in the zone" feeling back. Still not 100%, but I got my PR and I'm very excited about that. Still didn't get to use "The Formula" just yet, and forgot my paper with my numbers on it once again. Did not hinder me though :)

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:15 pm
by RobRegish
And there we go... :)

So happy it all worked out for you man. FANTASTIC work!!!