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Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:37 am
by Jacos5
Hey Rob, had a question. I just bought the three pack starter value of KA as well as the Adaptogen N special. I had a question regarding the amount of KA I should be taking a day. I was thinking somewhere along the line of 2 on WO days and 1 nonWO days. Not sure what you recomend. If I follow the same rest/on days that I used in my first run 1 bottle would get me through the whole feast phase. But if Adaptogen N helps greatly with recovery and I'm able to get a good amount of rest every night I might not have to do the 3 days rest during GLP and use those left over caps during the cruise. Which sounds decent enough.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:39 am
by Jacos5
Oh and if I'm not mistaken. It would be 3 Adaptogen N caps every night during feast?

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:57 am
by RobRegish
Jacos5 wrote:Hey Rob, had a question. I just bought the three pack starter value of KA as well as the Adaptogen N special. I had a question regarding the amount of KA I should be taking a day. I was thinking somewhere along the line of 2 on WO days and 1 nonWO days. Not sure what you recomend. If I follow the same rest/on days that I used in my first run 1 bottle would get me through the whole feast phase. But if Adaptogen N helps greatly with recovery and I'm able to get a good amount of rest every night I might not have to do the 3 days rest during GLP and use those left over caps during the cruise. Which sounds decent enough.
A. On the AN, suggest 3/night first 21 days and 2/night M-F with weekend OFF.

On the KA, all you need right here! ... php?t=1069

Hope that helps!

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:03 pm
by Jacos5
I notice it recomends for me to be eating basic meals throughout the day. But if I'm planning on running the warrior diet it would be hard to get in all that stuff since I"m sticking to like 3 fruits throughout the day mostly. Do you suggest I simply run a basic calorie counting diet during the feast and go with the warrior diet during cruise?

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:46 pm
by RobRegish
Actually, Warrior is ideal for Famine.

Then, traditional bb style eating during Feast. You can even play with variations of that theme during cruise..

I am right now.. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:35 am
by Jacos5
Yea the more I thought about it the more that setting made sense. So during famine. What type of food do you recomend. I would probably eat a few fruits during the day. Maybe a largish salad? Or am I just supposed to eat a bunch of fruits and such rather than an actual meal?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:58 pm
by RobRegish

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:40 pm
by Jacos5
Hoping someone will be able to answer this question soon. But am I allowed to take melatonine during famine?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:51 am
by RobRegish
I wouldn't.

Although it doesn't put back in the classical sense of the word, Melatonin does impart a slight hormone optimization via its ability to put you into deeper REM sleep.

Just my $.02.. Hope it helps!!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:54 pm
by Jacos5
Just wondering, I'm on my second day of famine and I've been feeling my heart beat on my chest lately. Is this normal? didn't feel it in my last run. I don't feel weird at all, or sick.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:24 pm
by RobRegish
Not sure what you mean by this... can you elaborate??

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:41 pm
by Jacos5
I can feel my heart pounding against my chest. It's only happened twice. But I was just standing around and I could feel it pounding. And it feels pretty fast as well.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:43 pm
by RobRegish
I'd get that checked out. Sounds abnormal (for you)..

Don't want to be alarmist, just cautios. I'd discontinue until you get clearance from the doc..

My $.02..