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Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:33 am
by RobRegish
STRONG Cookie!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:36 am
by DaCookie
Bench 60kg 15 reps
Pullover 20kg 20reps
Squat 67.5kg 22reps(knackered after that and was in a rush so other lifts suffered maybe a little)
Stiff deadlift 90kg 17reps
Bent row 50kg 13reps

Goin gym tomorrow with friend even though I worked out today.Aslong as im not sore as fuck in the morning

My testforce will arrive on monday(test boosting daa product) you think I should use it straight away or in next blueprint cycle?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:17 pm
by DaCookie
Bench 65kg 10 reps
Pullover 22.5kg 17 reps
Squat 75kg 13 reps
Stiff deadlift 105kg 8reps
Bent row 55kg 10reps
Crunch 10kg 20 reps
Leg raise 6kg 5 reps, then for 9reps(It was cause my elbows kept slippin, cause I was wearin after sun moisturiser...was out tannin yesterday, got just a little burnt)

Rob when the DAA product arrives should I just use it straight away?

And heres my gains so far.Im now about 160lbs and ive lost I think 1% bf, maybe 1.5-2 even.So as far as I can see thats LBM gains of at least 7lbs to about 9 or 10lbs at the most so far.Gonna measure bf% tomorrow, couldnt find the yoke for it today when I looked quickly.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:05 pm
by RobRegish
I'd save the DAA for the 2nd run. Just makes more sense.

Glad to see the gains are still coming!!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:01 am
by DaCookie
Might change this up a bit to a recomp.Got a little tan now, no longer pastey white and had a girl say I have a six pack even though its more like a shit 4 pack when flexed.

I was like "nah its a four pack" and she is like "nope thats definitely a six pack" then went on to say how she wish her bf had one blah blah.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:16 pm
by DaCookie
Went to gym with my friend for this, barbells have a different area to grip so i just went with what I thought felt right compared to my home one.Hopefully these are legit increases
Bench 67.5 8 reps
Pullover 30kg 8 reps(Weird ass long shaped dumbell...)
Squat 80kg 11reps(Beast)
Stiff deadlift 110kg 9 reps then again for 5 reps(beast)
Bent row 60kg 9 reps(Shocking form cause I was knackered from the stiff legged deadlift.Was doin more shrugs than bent rows.)

And the rest is just uninteresting ab work :S

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:41 pm
by RobRegish
Wow! Wonderful feedback from the chicks!

Nice liftin' too. You're on to something :)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:29 pm
by DaCookie
Aight so ive been slackin a little.Friends invited me over to a gaff out in the country and then i only found out once we were nearly there that it was a sleep over gaff yeh long story short i didnt get any sleep and arrived back at my house at 8am the next day.Resisted the temptation to drink though!Also had a dodgy indian today, think I could have done a little better at bench and maybe the other excercises cause I was out late a few days ago and also I had "japanese flag" from the indian :D

Also had an interview for working in a supplement shop today.Went pretty well, hope I get picked.

Still made some good progress with the lifts though

Bench 75kg 4 reps(Reckon I could have got another if not for that indian)
Pullover 30kg 11reps(Last one or two might not have been the best form in the world, but not bad)
Squat 92.5kg 4 reps(beast)
stiff legged deadlift 115kg 4 or 5 reps, cant remember(beast)
bent row 50kg(err, forgot to count, but i did bad form for 10+reps then i rested a little and corrected my form for 10+ reps)

Rest is ab work.

Weight went down a little.Pretty sure thats from the huge walk we took to get to that gaff and losing water weight and also fat.Im sure it will shoot up tomorrow from my gains.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:49 am
by RobRegish
Great work!

Strength looks terrific...

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:04 pm
by DaCookie
Ummm my squats were really weird today.

I had no spotter so I think it might ahve affected me mentally also I was holding back a little on bench.

Bench 77.5kg 2 reps then 2 reps again(Could have done 3 I reckon but I didnt want to risk it)
Pullover 30kg 12 reps
Squat 97.5kg 1 rep then failed like an idiot and slowly fell backwards then did 90kg for 4 reps.I dunno what was wrong here.I think it was because I forgot to warm up with the bar(thus form was bad) and I had no spotter, also my sleeping pattern has been really bad the last 2 days so I think the combination of these 3 things affected it.Thats the first time ive failed a squat and damn it feels really shit, not as hard to get out of as a bench fail though.
Stiff deadlift 120kg 4 reps(fuckin beast, what an improvement, soon ill need to buy more plates)
Bent row 60kg about 8-9reps with good form and a few more but bad form(when i say bad form it means I was doing more of a shrug then bent row)

Ab work.

Need to correct my squat...I really think I could have beat my old record of 92.5kg for 4 reps.Tomorrow I might go to the gym with my friend and if I can get 100kg for 1 then im pretty sure that beats it...

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:00 am
by RobRegish
Awesome. Anytime you need to buy more plates.... you know you're making progress!

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:59 pm
by DaCookie
Damn that HIIT I did the day after my last workout must have really helped my lifts or something.Havent done cardio that intense in like 4 years.

Had a sore neck and it hurt when doing pullover so they wernt as good as usual, but the rest was beast.

Bench 82.5kg 1 rep(beast)
Pullover 30kg 10reps
Squat 100kg 1 rep(beast)
Stiff legged deadlift 130kg 2 reps(fuckin beast)
Bent row 60kg 8-9reps

Neck has been hurting me the past few days.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:00 am
by RobRegish
Wow you're really at home bulking Cookie. Every time I logon I see new "beast" lifts, PR's etc.

Keep rollin' :)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:34 pm
by DaCookie
Yeh when I say beast it just means a new best at that lift, 1 rep maxes or not but its easyier to tell when its below 5 reps.
