DaCookie is turning into the Cookie Monster-2nd run, 1st log

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Post by DaCookie »

Todays workout wasnt great, randomly got a splitting headache before starting...:

Bench 60kg- fine 1st set, failed on 12 rep 2nd set
Squat 67.5kg-Good form, I feel I could move up
Pullover 22.5kg- Failed on 16th rep.Went down to 20 and did about 8 reps.
Deadlift-My bone in my arm was feeling weird/hurting.I decided to stop because better safe than sorry.This is sort of an excuse though, cause I was moving up 2.5kg and after a few reps I thought I couldnt do it.
1arm db row-16kg

Notes: I think it says in the blueprint to listen to your body, okay well im listening and its telling me im making little progress now and that I need to move to a low say 5 rep program.For the past 8 months or so ive been doing high and medium reps.I really feel I cant get much size at this point and need to focus on strength in order to give a base to get that size.

Rob you have a low rep program with bench/squat/deadlift in it?

I was thinking to finishing this run off by switching up programs for a bit and doing some low rep program and then finding my new 1RM on bench, squat and deads.After that I would do a cutting blueprint run, most likely one of those german loading patern yokes.

Ive learned a lot this run, but gained little.The opposite from my first run.Im almost sure that when my body is not sore the morning after a workout it means im not gaining much and that calories are very important.Was having about 2x the calories in my previous run compared to now.And got over 2x the weight gain compared to now.Provided though that now im in a better shape than my last run and in my last run i would say 1/4 of the gains were fat.
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Post by RobRegish »

Rob you have a low rep program with bench/squat/deadlift in it?

A. I do. I would suggest reverting to the one set to failure protocol (first 5 workouts seen in this post) to run it out with a new 1RM:

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=378

Ive learned a lot this run, but gained little.The opposite from my first run.Im almost sure that when my body is not sore the morning after a workout it means im not gaining much and that calories are very important.Was having about 2x the calories in my previous run compared to now.And got over 2x the weight gain compared to now.Provided though that now im in a better shape than my last run and in my last run i would say 1/4 of the gains were fat.

A. It was still a success then. Think about this... you learned that on a targeted CKD/AD with calories at half of a non AD... you got roughly half the weight gain yet..... it was of a leaner nature.

That knowledge is now in your training library and thus, another arrow in your quiver (and others here) that will benefit you going forward.

And let's not dismiss a nearly 8lb bodyweight gain. This is still substantial given the diet/workout and served a purpose: Lean bulk with minimal fat gain (sounds like very minimal).

If you assume 1/4 of the gains on your first run were fat, that means out of a total 16 lbs gained 12 out of 16lbs were muscle! This means a full 75% of gains were LBM and that is NO small accomplishment. In fact, it is far better than one could expect over the typical (longer) run which wouldn't necessarily have afforded you the advantage of 1.) Perspective and 2.) Best Practice; the ability to repeat those gains at a future date.


Understand the first BP run set a HIGH bar. To compare this experiment (in particular with a different diet/training protocol) is difficult. In 2 Blueprint runs then, you have achieved the following:

* Estimated 18lbs of LBM gained, an estimated 12 from the first run and 6 from the second run. That latter estimate is conservative and assumes the same 75% LBM increase you made on the former.


It sounds like you may not have retained all 18lbs of muscle from cycle to cycle but a cutting cycle in between may have been responsible. That again, is something to learn from and incorporate into future runs.

I have noted such in your file (yes, I do keep hardcopy files on each of you guys) but no, they're not as detailed as "DaCookie squatted X weights for XX reps on such and such date". Your logs are more indicative but searching through them and interpreting patterns does take some trained skill and much effort/time.

They do however, afford me the luxury of looking at where you've been relative to where you want to going in the future.

I'd encourage all of you guys to do the same.
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Post by DaCookie »

Alright thanks rob.Heres a question I have

"Just a question.You said the carbs from fruit and veg are okay.Is this because they dont affect what we are trying to do here or because they are low in carb or similiar to waxy maize starch in some way.

I guess the ultimate question is, would I be better off without them in terms of this anabolic diet run?"

Wait so just so that im clear on this, the EDT blocks inbetween confuse me.

8-10 reps of bench, pullover, squat, deadlift(normal or stiff legged)?All one set.Superset in pairs?Its kinda not possible for me to do squats and the superset deadlift cause I only have 1 bar.Superset is no rest inbetween with another excercise, yes?

Next workout 4-6reps etc.
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Post by RobRegish »

"Just a question.You said the carbs from fruit and veg are okay.Is this because they dont affect what we are trying to do here or because they are low in carb or similiar to waxy maize starch in some way.

I guess the ultimate question is, would I be better off without them in terms of this anabolic diet run?"

A. Perhaps. What I was trying to say that carbs from F+V don't "show" like other carbs b/c they're bound to fiber within the fruit/veggie. That is why...

Wait so just so that im clear on this, the EDT blocks inbetween confuse me.

8-10 reps of bench, pullover, squat, deadlift(normal or stiff legged)?All one set.Superset in pairs?Its kinda not possible for me to do squats and the superset deadlift cause I only have 1 bar.Superset is no rest inbetween with another excercise, yes?

A. You'll need to couple 2 exercises per EDT block:

Bench and pullover

Squats and leg curls

Deadlifts (stiff or dimel) and a non-lower back threatening row like a 1 arm DB row, cable pulldown or Tbar row

Next workout 4-6reps etc.
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Post by DaCookie »

What could I do instead of leg curls.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

DaCookie wrote:What could I do instead of leg curls.
im a big fan of good mornings with light weights
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Post by askmass »

The stiff leg deadlift is very underrated IMO.

Oh, and funny as it may seen, most everyone who uses the new Sketchers shoes with regularity see benefit to glutes, hams and calves.
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Post by RobRegish »

AskMass hit the nail on the head...

You CAN overdo it with some vitamins to the point they become PRO-OXIDANTS, so be mindful.

Dr. Michael Colgan's Optimum Sports Nutrition is an EXCELLENT read for everyone in this area.

Probably the best $ you'll ever spend on a nutrition book.
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Post by DaCookie »

Think ya ment to put that in the vitamin C topic Rob :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Damn. Moving too fast again..
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Post by DaCookie »

Workout for today

Bench 62.5kg 10reps
Pullover 25kg 10 reps
Squat 72.5kg 10 reps(probably should have done a bit more weight)
Good mornings 25kg 10 rep(dunno if im doin this excercise right, feels weird.)
Deadlift 82.5kg 11 reps(should have done more weight)
1arm db row 20kg 10 rep
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Post by RobRegish »

Good start!

Do me a favor and space those good mornings and deadlifts further apart. I just don't want any lower back fatigue to be present when going into one or the other.

Important to play it safe there...
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Post by DaCookie »

Damn I feel like a beast.Havent lifted weights that heavy ever.

Bench 67.5kg 6rep (probably should have done 70kg!)
Pullover 30kg 6 rep
Squat 80kg 6 rep (probably should have done 85kg!)
Good mornings 30k ?reps(I dont understand this excercise and my body doesnt like it.It feels awkward.Im willing to give everything a try but this excercise just doesnt make sense to me so id like to replace it with something else)
Deadlift 95kg 6 rep(probably should have done 100kg!)
1arm db row 30kg 6reps(cant go higher)
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Post by RobRegish »


These are some fine numbers Cookie man. So glad to see this :)
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