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Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:51 pm
by RobRegish
Yes for sure.

The stiff legged is so named because there is only a SLIGHT bend in the knees and the hips stay largely motionless.

The Romanian Deadlift is obviously different. In particular the greater bend in the knee and hip movement (backward).

It's a pick 'em. Either one will serve you well. I favor the Romanian only b/c I feel it is 1.) safer and #2) more productive across a wider rep range.

Workout #2 feast

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:12 pm
by zeebodybuilder
Workout #2
- Bench press for as many as you can get in the 4-6 rep range
- Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers (enough weight to get atleast 4-6 good reps).
- Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement.
- Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 4-6 rep range
- Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged deadlifts (enough weight to get atleast 4-6 good reps).
- Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement.

So the workout will look the same as todays apart from the reprange being different. what bout the rest time. will that be the same?

Warmup sets for bench and pullovers
set1 bench 20kg bar 3 reps
pullovers 10kg dumbell 3 reps

set2 bench 40kg 3 reps
pullovers 14kg dumbell 3 reps

set3 bench 60kg 3 reps
pullovers 18kg dumbell 3 reps

set4 bench 80kg 3 reps
pullovers 22kg dumbell 3 reps

set5 bench 90kg 3 reps
pullovers 24kg dumbell 3 reps

then MAIN WORKING SETS 4-6 rep range AS LISTED

Bench 110kg 4-6 reps or near 8 reps feeling fully fatigued
pullovers 32kg dumbells 4-6 reps or near 8 feeling fully fatigued.

Now take 5mins rest

warm up squats and stiff legged deadlifts
set1 squats 20kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 20kg bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set2 squats 40kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 30kg on bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set3 squats 60kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 45kg on bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set4 squats 80kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 60kg on bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set5 squats 90kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 80kg on bar 2-3 reps
5-10mins rest

1 MAIN working sets
Squats 110kg bar 4-6 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 90kg on bar 4-6 reps

End of workout.

How does that look.. This is using the same rest time used today?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:28 pm
by RobRegish
Yes, it is. Same deal, different rep range.

I think you'll feel the difference the heavier weights make. Do make sure you're fully recovered going in there.

If you're interested in adding additional work, suggest you do that in the form of EDT. I've sketched out workouts 1-5 in Feast for you here:

Workouts 1 - 5

- Bench press for as many as you can get in the 8-10 rep range. NOTE this is ONE set (after warmups).

- Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers* (8-10 reps).

- Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement.

* Should be performed on a SLIGHT incline bench. If using an adjustable bench, incline it one notch.

EDT BLOCK - sets performed back to back

Incline DB presses
Tbar rows


- Alternate antagonistic muscle exercises in jump set fahion
- Staley's generally uses 15-20 minutes, (called a PR Zones).
- You perform just this ONE PR Zone per workout.
- Your target weight is one that you can do 10 clean reps with.
- You will begin with alternating sets of 5 or 6 reps.
- As you tire, you may reduce set reps to 4 then 2 and end with singles.
- Your goal is to do as many reps with good form as possible in the PR
- Do not work to, or near failure in the early sets.
- You may reach failure at the end as you try to beat your previous
- Once able to do 20% more reps than your prior workout, increase load
5% and begin again.


- Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 8-10 rep range. NOTE:
This is ONE work set after warmups.
- Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged or Dimel deadlifts (8-10
- Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the

EDT BLOCK - Sets performed back to back

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg Sled

Same points as above per the KEY POINTS section.

For workouts 2-5, follow the same template but please note the rep range variations inherent therein. For example, workout #4 is a de-load. You're back into a higher rep range (6-8 reps) vs. 2-3 reps in workout 3. I think you'll understand after looking at it more closely. For example:

WORKOUT #1 8-10 rep range
WORKOUT #2 4-6 rep range
WORKOUT #3 2-3 rep range
WORKOUT #4 6-8 rep range
WORKOUT #5 Attempt new 1RM

Now, in terms of how to perform EDT blocks:

An EDT PR "zone" works as follows. Let's look at incline dumbell pressess and Tbar Rows, as an example:

Barbell curls
Lying tricep extensions on a flat bench with barbell

You select a weight that's your 10 rep max. Let's say that's 100lbs on the barbell curl and on tricep extensions it's also 100lbs

START OF SET #1: 12 noon. The total time it takes to do a superset of each is exactty one minute.

On set #1, you get 6 reps with the barbell curl (note.. NOT going to failure) and immediately go into the lying tricep extensions, again achieving 6 reps.

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 2, same drill and again you achieve 6 reps on each

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 3, same drill but now you get just 5 reps

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 4, you again achieve 5 reps apiece

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 5, you achieve just 3 reps on each exercise

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On your final set, you rep out both exercises and get 3 reps apiece..

Total workout time: 16 minutes. You tally up the total amount of reps for each and there's your baseline: You achieved 56 reps in a total of 16 minutes.

Your challenge the next time out is to get more reps with the same weight. Once you are able to do 20% more (68 reps) within the same time period, you up the weight 5% to 105lbs on each exercise.

Does that help?


- Alternate antagonistic muscle exercises in jump set fahion
- Staley's generally uses 15-20 minutes, (called a PR Zones).
- You perform two PR Zones per workout.
- Your target weight is one that you can do 10 clean reps with.
- You will begin with alternating sets of 5 or 6 reps.
- As you tire, you may reduce set reps to 4 then 2 and end with singles.
- Your goal is to do as many reps with good form as possible in the PR
- Do not work to, or near failure in the early sets.
- You may reach failure at the end as you try to beat your previous
- Once able to do 20% more reps than your prior workout, increase load
5% and begin again.

I'm going to head off to bed now but will be up early AM. Don't stress too much Zee. You're putting the work in, eating up etc.. Those fundamentals will carry you where you want to go!

Talk to you in the AM...


Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:53 pm
by zeebodybuilder
but just went through the above very fast and IM LOST. Very Lost.. Shouldnt I befollowing the same method as i done today..

Yeh I do feel like working incline chest but will not if its gona affect my gains in strength that i can achieve alone by doing workouts like the 1 done today?

Whats the diifference bween this EDT training and the workout i did today?

I still dont understand what EDT means.. Does it have proof that it works.. as I read a thermolofe rep saying it didnt work for him..

Im gona have loads of question though If i look into it..

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:55 am
by RobRegish
OK Zee. No worries, just continue doing what you're doing.. we'll introduce you to EDT at a later date.

Really, the "by the book" interpretation you're doing now works wonders on virtually everyone who tries it. REASON: You pour all of your mental and physical energy (and you have PLENTY of both) into the most productive lifts!

That's no accident. Abbreviated training on the big basic exercises should be the FIRST stop for many trainees today, not the last.

Great going Zee and hit workout #2 with full force!!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:02 pm
by zeebodybuilder
So shall I follow workout 2 as I listed above for my next workout..

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:04 pm
by RobRegish
Yes sir...

Keep it simple first time out. Best to really pour yourself into those exercises where they can have the most benefit!

Workout 3

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 10:00 am
by zeebodybuilder
Workout #3
- Bench press for as many as you can get in the 2-3 rep range
- Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers (enough weight to get atleast 2-3 good reps).
- Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement.

- Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 2-3 rep range
- Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged deadlifts (enough weight to get atleast 2-3 good reps).
- Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement.

So the workout will look the same as previous workouts apart from the reprange being different.

Warmup sets for bench and pullovers
set1 bench 20kg bar 3 reps
pullovers 10kg dumbell 3 reps

set2 bench 40kg 3 reps
pullovers 14kg dumbell 3 reps

set3 bench 60kg 3 reps
pullovers 18kg dumbell 3 reps

set4 bench 80kg 3 reps
pullovers 22kg dumbell 3 reps

set5 bench 90kg 3 reps
pullovers 24kg dumbell 3 reps

then MAIN WORKING SETS 2-3 reprep range AS LISTED

Bench 125kg 2-3 rep reps or near 8 reps feeling fully fatigued
pullovers 32kg dumbells 2-3 rep reps or near 8 feeling fully fatigued.

Now take 5mins rest

warm up squats and stiff legged deadlifts
set1 squats 20kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 20kg bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set2 squats 40kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 30kg on bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set3 squats 60kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 45kg on bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set4 squats 80kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 60kg on bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set5 squats 90kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 80kg on bar 2-3 reps
5-10mins rest

1 MAIN working sets
Squats 130kg bar 2-3 rep
stiff legged deadlifts 95kg on bar 2-3 rep reps

End of workout.

How does that look.. This is using the same rest time used today?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:18 pm
by RobRegish
Looks great Zee. You're really dialing in the rest periods.

Key things to look for now are a sense of fullness coming on, "heaviness" in the muscle bellies and the feeling like you want more. Workout 3 is usually where it "hits" for me. Each is different though, so don't be concerned if that's not you.

I know you're already experiencing much improved recovery so that in and of itself is a VERY telling sign. The body is now just starting to play catch up and hyper-adaptation is underway :)

Workout 4

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 12:04 pm
by zeebodybuilder
Workout #4 - deload!
- Bench press for as many as you can get in the 6-8 rep range
- Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers (enough weight to get atleast 6-8 good reps).
- Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement.

- Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 6-8 rep range
- Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged deadlifts (enough weight to get atleast 6-8 good reps).
- Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement.

So the workout will look the same as previous workouts apart from the rep range being different.

Warmup sets for bench and pullovers
set1 bench 20kg bar 3 reps
pullovers 10kg dumbell 3 reps

set2 bench 40kg 3 reps
pullovers 14kg dumbell 3 reps

set3 bench 60kg 3 reps
pullovers 18kg dumbell 3 reps

set4 bench 80kg 3 reps
pullovers 22kg dumbell 3 reps

set5 bench 90kg 3 reps
pullovers 24kg dumbell 3 reps

then MAIN WORKING SETS 6-8 rep range AS LISTED

Bench 100kg 6-8 rep reps or near 8 reps feeling fully fatigued
pullovers 32kg dumbells 6-8 rep reps or near 8 feeling fully fatigued.

Now take 5mins rest

warm up squats and stiff legged deadlifts
set1 squats 20kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 20kg bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set2 squats 40kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 30kg on bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set3 squats 60kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 45kg on bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set4 squats 80kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 60kg on bar 2-3 reps
2-3mins rest

set5 squats 90kg bar 2-3 reps
stiff legged deadlifts 80kg on bar 2-3 reps
5-10mins rest

1 MAIN working sets
Squats 110kg bar 6-8 rep
stiff legged deadlifts 70kg on bar 6-8 rep reps

End of workout.

How does that look.. This is using the same rest time used today?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:22 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah Zee, looks good. Can't tell if you did it though already?

I'll tell you what, I've been thinking about this and I'd like to know your frequency schedule. Is it 2 on 2 off? Something like that??

Let me know and I'll get back to you. Spent a good part of the day noodling that one around...

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:55 pm
by zeebodybuilder
No havent doen the wokrout boave yet will do tommarow. as this is workout 4 pf feast.. I am taking 2 days off inbetween. As im recovering really fast.. But if needed will listen to my body and take 3 days of when needed. might do that or take 4 days b4 i max on waorkout 5?

What have you been thinking?

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:28 pm
by RobRegish
I say provided you're recovering well and feel "fresh" keep at it!

We'll re-group after workout #4 is completed. Rest up and hit it HARD. I know you will Zee, you bring a lot to the game...


Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 10:52 am
by zeebodybuilder
Hi can you help me out with how many sets reps weight should I be using for all warmup sets and how many reps I should be doing for these sets.

I want to be feeling fully warmed and hopefully then should be able to max out more heavier on bench on squats..