Shoulder Rehab

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Post by RobRegish »

Same program (we'll change it in 2 weeks), but I'm curious to know how your shoulder feels after this weekend?
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Shoulder was feeling great till todays workout. I must have tweaked it doing one of the press movements. AC joint is inflammed and can feel the seperation of the joint. Not much in the way of pain but its just tender at the spot of the injury. Range of motion is still ok. I will see how it feels in the morning. Thats usually the test after a day like today
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Post by RobRegish »

Ok, play it by feel..

The fact we got through 1 week with no pain is VERY encouraging. Try to nail down the movement that separated it today.

That will be KEY! It's perceived as a negative right now but we're onto something....
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Shoulder is basically pain free this morning. Was able perform a strong sled workout. AC joint is still inflammed but still good. Will continue this weeks workouts strong.
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome. I spent all day at work wondering/hoping you'd feel better. Honestly, have been stuck in "all day meetings" since Monday. I tend to have many BP related ideas at these events :)
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Only problem is that the bump where my AC joint is injured is bigger than it has been lately. I am thinking I tweaked it wrong causing it to inflame. I have scheduled a chiropractic appointmenf for thursday as well as an orthopedic appointment next monday. I will check if the shoulder has made any progress over the past few weeks. I will continue with the normal workout protocal as planned.
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

So training is going well. Shoulder is feeling pretty good. Went to the chiropractor today and he made some adjustments that I hope will help. Everything is out of wack from this injury.
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Post by RobRegish »

That's great to hear! (training wise going well).

Let's get week 2 done and re-group. Very, very happy for you...
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Sounds good. For todays workout should I increase the weight on static holds? Last week i went light and they were fairly easy.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, increase the weight if you can. Go slow though.

I want two good weeks of training in the books on your road back :)
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Todays workout went good. Shoulder feels ok for the most part. Still went semi light on static holds.

Everything else went great...set a new squat max. Felt good and decided to go for it. Did 315lbs twice. Happy with that. I missed the feeling of getting stronger.

Legs are feeling sore so will get after the sled tomorrow. Overall feeling good.
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Post by RobRegish »


So what workout for the squat was this? I don't think you've hit max day yet?

Either way, very happy for you. I just checked Draco's latest results and he too, is hitting new PR's all over the place.

There is no better feeling than helping you guys. It used to be setting new PR's myself, but that really pales in comparison to this...
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

It was only workout 4 in the pattern but I was feeling good so I went for it.

You have been a huge help and I appreciate it a lot. Cant wait to be able lift again and really see results with your advice
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Alright 2 weeks down. Feeling good so far. I have stopped taking cissus and the pain is still relatively gone. Any changes to the program? Hit me with anything you got that still takes my shoulder rehab into consideration.

I have an orthopedic appointment tomorrow to see if my shoulder has made any progress. Can still feel the AC seperation and thats what worries me. I feel it has made progress but still the x rays and doctors consult will tell me.
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