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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:41 am
by bigpelo
FatBoySlimFast wrote:
RobRegish wrote:It's here!! AskMass posted this at 3:25AM... :)

There seems to be one vital piece of information missing, how many caps per bottle please?
60 caps -->

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:17 pm
by RobRegish
bigpelo wrote:What is the recommanded dosage? 1 cap post-workout and/or 1-2 cap pre-bed time? (I aim mainly better sleep)

A. Much depends upon how much stress you're under, but generally speaking...


*1 cap/day, prior to stressful episodes (if possible) up to...
*3 caps/day for those under extreme physical and mental stress

As with MPS, dialing in your dose is most important issue. Some experimentation with the number of caps, timing etc. will be necessary. What's absolutely fundamental however, is duration of on/off time. Here, I offer two suggestions:

1.) 5 days on/2off OR
2.) 3 weeks on/1 week off.

This is consistent with the way the former Soviet athletes and cosmonauts used them. Meaning the adaptogens were NEVER meant to be taken continuously all day/every day. Instead they were used strategically during times of great physical, emotional or psychological stress - where they function to help you better handle difficult situations.

The real wildcard here is the Rhodiola. You'll find reports of it giving people energy, making people "mellow" etc. How can this be? Simple, if you understand how adaptogens function. The adaptogen is bringing what's out of whack into sync, which is what adaptogens do! The person who lacks energy will now have it, and the person who's anxiety ridden will feel calm.

A "norming" effect will eventually settle in, but in short order the adaptogen will exert very noticeable effects (one way or the other). Doubly so, in the case of TQ. If it's racing thoughts you suffer from, expect it to quiet the brain noise. If it's more of a physical issue, it takes a bit longer but should show up in your recovery/the gym inside of a few weeks.

How would you stack with these: synthagen, adaptogen N, kre-anabolyn? all 4?

A. Like peanut butter and jelly, in most cases. You can add BIU to this list, btw and I can't WAIT for feedback on it. I can speculate, but I'm going to give it to you straight - it'd only be speculation.

I've only used it with MPS, so feel comfortable speaking to it with credibility. Adding TQ to MPS adds noticeably to recovery and corresponding size/strength increases. Not only do you feel like you can train every day, but the "sense of well being" feels like its been tripled. You just have this glowing sense of contentment, like you KNOW you're on the right track.

There's a keen sense of satisfaction not present when running MPS alone, when TQ is in the picture. Difficult to paint you a picture brother, you'll just feel like thoughts flow effortlessly, everything is going your way in life etc.. TQ adds a good deal of stamina too. Here, I'm talking about "wind" and the ability to handle ever increasing workloads with ease. That goes for out of the gym too btw. Perhaps that's it: TQ is most noticeable OUTSIDE the gym. It does for life outside the gym, what MPS does for life inside.

Lemme know if you experience the same. Best way I can say it...

Is there any tolerance build up or can one take Tranquilogen year long?

A. Yes. Refer to on/off periods referenced above. The benefits are most noticeable when the organism (YOU) are under stress. No stress, nothing for the adaptogen to address. Mild stress, you'll feel it. A LOT of stress? You'll REALLY feel it.

I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending "take this all year long" for any supplement, and especially not TQ. Having said that, it bears the same hallmark Synthagen does: Life SUCKS, when you come off it... :)

Are there any side effects?
A. None reported. The usual "headaches" reported from Rhodiola were noticeably absent. This is due to 2 factors:

1.) The Rhodiola TQ uses is the best of extracts. No dirty Chinese/Bulgarian (2 most typically used) cheapo extracts here. The culprit there usually being an unusually high salroside content, with little to no active rosavins. No no, TQ's Rhodiola is full spectrum material from Siberia, standardized to not only 5% rosavins, but retaining all 140 actives in the plant.

2.) Picamilon. Recall how it's a superb vasodialator, increasing blood flow to the brain even moreso that Vinpocetine, the category staple? Well, it's no accident it's in TQ... :)

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:38 am
by RobRegish
We've even wrapped all of these powerhouse ingredients into convenient, chlorophyllin coated capsules. A bit more now, as to why..


A water soluble derivative of Chlorophyll and present in green leafy vegetables, chlorophyllin reaches levels as high as 5.7% in spinach.[1] Scientific studies indicate Chlorophyllin helps to protect against environmental DNA damage by binding to pathological cells 20 times better than resveratrol - and thousands of times better than even xanthines.[2]

Right down to the capsule it comes in, "TQ" maximizes your investment in health, performance and longevity…

(1) ^ a b Castro DJ, Löhr CV, Fischer KA, Waters KM, Webb-Robertson BJ, Dashwood RH, Bailey GS, Williams DE (2009). "Identifying efficacious approaches to chemoprevention with chlorophyllin, purified chlorophylls and freeze-dried spinach in a mouse model of transplacental carcinogenesi". CARCINOGENESIS 30 (2): 315–320. doi:10.1093/carcin/bgn280. PMC 2722150. PMID 19073876.

(2) Osowski A, Pietrzak M, Wieczorek Z, Wieczorek J (2010). "Natural compounds in the human diet and their ability to bind mutagens prevents DNA-mutagen intercalation". JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, PART A 73 (17-18): 1141–1149. PMID

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:30 am
by CraigoBucks
Would it be a good idea to use GammaGH on your off days of TQ? Or use nothing at all on those days?

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:11 pm
by RobRegish
CraigoBucks wrote:Would it be a good idea to use GammaGH on your off days of TQ? Or use nothing at all on those days?
Perfectly logical IMO. Go for it... :)

Re: Ordering for UK delivery

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:37 am
by FatBoySlimFast
askmass wrote:
FatBoySlimFast wrote:Really want to place a pre-order for this to be shipped to the UK but I am a little concerned with issues that two guys on the Predator Nutrition forum have had, eg not receiving the 'First Order Welcome Pack of free gifts etc' with their order.
If I were to place an order can you confirm that I will receive these items?
Since Rob is a member on that forum I hope he can relay this because I hate thinking anyone was disappointed over something so small, and "skipped" with the best of intentions...

Not to downplay it too much, but the welcome pack is simply a couple small supplement samples which vary depending on what the packers have at their disposal on any given day. The issue with International orders is that many of the sample items are disallowed in the destination country... so, we'd rather not have your whole order snagged by customs over a few sample pills which are legal here, but not legal everywhere.

This said, I've advised our shipping manager to come up with something for international orders which is essentially legal across the board.

Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention, FatBoySlimFast.

Great forum handle by the way.

Best to you.
After your assurances I decided to go ahead and place an order, I ordered 1x multi life, 4x adaptogen n and 4x tranquilogen, so a substantial order of $320.
I received part of my order today(tranquilogen to follow) and upon opening to my dismay I received absolutely no 'first order welcome pack/free samples whatsoever'!!
After your assurances I hope you can appreciate my disappointment, and I hope you see fit to rectify the situation when the second part of my order ships?

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:49 am
by RobRegish
I'll notify MASS brother. Please PM me your full name and address, such that I can assist.

Two sides to every story, but please understand I don't work at MASS/for them etc.. I'm just the formula guy.. :)

Still, will do my absolute BEST for you!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:33 am
by FatBoySlimFast
RobRegish wrote:I'll notify MASS brother. Please PM me your full name and address, such that I can assist.

Two sides to every story, but please understand I don't work at MASS/for them etc.. I'm just the formula guy.. :)

Still, will do my absolute BEST for you!
Hey Rob

I am aware that you don't work for MASS, and really appreciate your willingness to help out.

I posted here hoping MASS would see it as this is where they addressed my concerns.

I Have sent ASKMASS a pm so hopefully that should do the trick, if not i have PM'd you my details.

Thanks again :)

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:08 pm
by askmass
I just responded to your PM, Mark.

Not going to post the full personal reply to you publicly, just acknowledging receipt/response.

This looks to possibly be an issue with customs removing disallowed samples, but it's hard to know for certain.

I think we are going to switch to non sample first time bonuses for internationals after this repeated issue.

As noted in my reply, I really appreciate the heads up, Mark.

Best to all.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:56 am
by RobRegish
Anxiety/Depression are in fact a TERRIBLE conditions, but they CAN be controlled.

The chief culprits here are an imbalance of dopamine and serotonin. Stress negatively affects both, so let's take a look at TQ and how it addresses!

ONE NOTE: During the first few weeks on TQ, you may notice you require up to 25% LESS sleep – than you otherwise would. This is the high quality Rhodiola Rosea at work, balancing out dopamine and serotonin levels. The adaptogen is functioning as advertised, to say nothing of the 5-HTP/Picamilon. Hell, there's even research supporting Curcumin's ability to positively modulate dopamine and serotonin

J Psychopharmacol. 2012 Dec;26(12):1512-24.
Multiple antidepressant potential modes of action of curcumin: a review of its anti-inflammatory, monoaminergic, antioxidant, immune-modulating and neuroprotective effects.

Lopresti AL, Hood SD, Drummond PD.
School of Psychology, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, Australia.


Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid of the popular Indian spice turmeric and has attracted increasing attention for the treatment of a range of conditions. Research into its potential as a treatment for depression is still in its infancy, although several potential antidepressant mechanisms of action have been identified.

Research completed to date on the multiple effects of curcumin is reviewed in this paper, with a specific emphasis on the biological systems that are compromised in depression. The antidepressant effects of curcumin in animal models of depression are summarised, and its influence on neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine is detailed. The effects of curcumin in moderating hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal disturbances, lowering inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage, neuroprogression and intestinal hyperpermeability, all of which are compromised in major depressive disorder, are also summarised. With increasing interest in natural treatments for depression, and efforts to enhance current treatment outcomes, curcumin is presented as a promising novel, adjunctive or stand-alone natural antidepressant.

Rather intriguing, and illustrates the power of the Pure, Potent and Biologically active ingredients we use in TQ… :-)

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:50 pm
by RobRegish
The Eagle has landed!

Yep, got my TranQuilogen today in the mail. Being I just got home from training, I popped 3 caps. Bear in mind I'm a long time E/C man, and dosed the following pre-workout: 60mg of ephedrine HCL, 300mg of caffeine and 9mg of Alpha Yohimbine.


I have a nice warm, fuzzy feeling going on. My muscle tension has melted away and my mind is no longer racing. Sitting here with a BIG smile on my face right now. Thanks so much John. Once again, the finished product out-shined even my prototype. You guys are going to love this, at least I hope you do.

Let the games as they say, begin! :-)

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:56 am
by RobRegish
UPDATE: Took 3 caps of TQ just before 2PM yesterday. Rest of the day went smooth as glass. Fell asleep early! 8PM to be precise and awoke at 3 - 7 hours straight through. I haven't dreamed this vividly since I was taking 5+grams of GammaGH + ZMA. Was seeing sh!t you wouldn't believe!

Good sh!t... :-)

So far, so good. No grogginess, no brain fog etc.. Looking forward to your feedback...

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:11 am
by RobRegish
Just picked this up via email. I'm not in any pain, but Randy is (or was)...

Randy Mordhorst -

I got TranQuiloGen today. Took 1 cap at 2 pm....30 min later 98% of my knee and hip pain was gone and I felt very calm and relaxed. By the time I got to my second store, I noticed that my driving was smoother and traffic didn't phase me. Was wondering how my work performance and attitude would be. It was great...focused, steady, complete, calculated and easy.

The entire work day was incredibly smooth and pain free.(long lasting) Just got home from visiting my daughter and grandson. I took another pill before we had dinner. It's about an hour and a half later and I'm so relaxed and actually feel like I could go to sleep now if I wanted to. For me, TranQuiloGen is a winner too. It's entirely about results.

Growing old just got easier....Thank God....


Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:35 pm
by askmass
I have already gotten some extraordinary feedback, too... plus, I'll personally vouch for the finished product being super potent, to the point of one single capsule having VERY pronounced positive effects on me when taken to offset a harsh tension headache.

The highly liberating, positive minded/uninhibited and focused drive will be what us athletes will champion most, I believe, but check out the pain killing potential...

A dear old friend phoned me yesterday afternoon saying he "was dying" after having chipped a tooth... no local Dentist open on Saturday afternoon, he had been trying all the usual remedies to little benefit and was near begging for help.

He is very holistic minded like a lot of us and did not want to succumb to going to the emergency room for chemical pain killers, but had resorted to drinking scotch to quell the pain (not the worst option, I assure you).

I was in the mountains for 3 Gap bicycling climbs, but told him who to go see locally and what to get, that being TQ capsules... I was only working on an educated hunch, of course, but thought it would likely help him stave off the pain until Monday.

Check this- He called today and left a message RAVING about how TranQuilogen eased his pain to where he completely forgot about his condition and was mindlessly laughing out loud at britcoms on PBS last night.

Think about that for just a moment, on a grand scale, would you?