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Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:46 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 25 Wednesday

No lifting today, 20 mins of HIIT cardio....5 min warmup, 20 mins of 1 minute high, 45 second low cardio, and then 5 minutes cooldown...

Weight dropped back to 189.4 this morning, but I am not overly concerned with it because it really looks like every morning I wake up, someone has inflated my muscles with an airhose...was looking at my arms and they looked bigger than before, so I remeasured them today and sure enough, I gained more than a quarter, but not quite a half inch on my arms since Sunday, they are up to 15 3/8"...remeasured my quads, and they are now 27.25 inches...up .75" since Sunday...Chest is up to 47 3/4", which is up .75" from Sunday as well...waist up slightly to 34.5", but I can live with a little extra around the waist temporarily to gain this type of size...

this is getting absolutely crazy, I feel like every time I look in the mirror, I am getting bigger...I swear this is coming from the statics, since triceps and legs are what are growing like crazy right now, and those are what I am doing statics on...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:51 pm
by tufluk
I still use the recipe daily. I bought the 25g containers from smartpowders which is enough to make 4 batches lasts a long time as you only use 6g per batch. I just opened my 2nd container a few days ago and this is something I have been uding the better part of the last 13 months, so that should give you an idea...
sweet, thanks for the reply man, defo gunna try this. Your progress is pretty impressive, Interesting note on your static holds tho, may have to add these in. Also don't listen to the misses man, your legs can never be too big. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:31 pm
by matter2003
tufluk wrote:
I still use the recipe daily. I bought the 25g containers from smartpowders which is enough to make 4 batches lasts a long time as you only use 6g per batch. I just opened my 2nd container a few days ago and this is something I have been uding the better part of the last 13 months, so that should give you an idea...
sweet, thanks for the reply man, defo gunna try this. Your progress is pretty impressive, Interesting note on your static holds tho, may have to add these in. Also don't listen to the misses man, your legs can never be too big. :twisted:
Thanks bro, but I can't help thinking just how much more progress I would have been making on this if I hadn't dropped so much strength on the cut...just now starting to feel like I have decent strength coming back, but am going up pretty quickly...

Thinking about running this again in a few months after I do a couple of BP runs, maybe in October or November...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:51 pm
by matter2003
A little behind in logs, here are the latest ones:

MI40 Day 26 Thursday

Shoulders and Triceps

Today is the first of the Giant this case, 5 consecutive shoulder exercises followed by a 3 min rest. Last set, each of the first 4 exercises features an NOS drop set...

Seated Side Laterals: 15/20/22.5/22.5-17.5x6-12.5x6-10x6
DB Shoulder Press: 35/40x5-35x3/40x4-35x4/30-25x5-20x5-17.5x5
Two Arm DB Front Raise:15/17.5x4-15x4/17.5/17.5-12.5x5-10x5-7.5x6
Machine Shoulder Press:70/75/75/65-50x6-40x5-30x6
Reverse Pec Deck(20 reps):85/90/95/85

-Shoulders are so done in at this point I wanted to cry...

Overhead Tricep Rope Ext(15 reps): 15/20/25/22.5
Tricep Extension: 45/85/100/110
Two Arm DB Kickback: 17.5DB x 20 reps(only 1 set)

Static Close Grip Bench: 225 x 15/365 x 10/455 x 5

-I tried to do skullcrushers but as usual, that movement really bothers my left elbow for some reason, making feel as if something is going to tear inside it. I have never really done them for that exact reason, and decided to switch to the hammer strength version, which gives me no issues. I know they are a great exercise to build size and strength, but my triceps grow pretty easily and were really big prior to this without doing any of these.

-Also ran out of time, so I had to decide whether to finish my DB kickbacks with low weight, or jack up the static holds. Not really a decision I had to even think a split second about to be honest. Did one set of kickbacks and then headed over and jacked up 455 lbs for 5 secs...up 50 pounds from last time...still nowhere close to my hold of 545 lbs a few months ago, but I am also 20+ lbs lighter too...getting back there...

-As I am driving home, I wonder how the hell I am going to manage to come back under 10 hours later and knock out chest and biceps in the morning because my shoulders are absolutely wrecked...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:58 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 27 Friday

Morning workout today, chest and biceps. Not sure what to expect because shoulders and triceps are pretty done in from the night before. Quickly realize its not going to be a good lifting day...

Flat Barbell Bench(w/ intention): 135/155/165/155-125x5-105x5-95x8
Incline DB Press(w/ intention): 30/40/45/50-40x5-30x7-25x7
Flat DB Press: 30/40/45/45-35x5-30x5-25x8
Incline Fly: 30/35/35/35-30x6-25x8-20x8

Two Arm Cable Curls: 10/15/20/30x3-25x5-20x6-15x7-10x8
Seated DB Curls: 25/30x6-25x2/30x6-25x2/30x5-25x3-20x5-17.5x6-15x6
Preacher Barbell Curl: 75/75/65/65-55x5-45x8-45x8

Didn't get a chance to do a bench press static today as I was running late for work...body was pretty much done anyways, as shoulders and triceps were pretty limiting in terms of the BP especially...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:59 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 28 Saturday

No workout today, just some HIIT cardio...

5 min warmup, 20 mins HIIT alternating 1 min high and 45 secs low, then 5 mins cooldown...

Measurement day tomorrow...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:09 am
by matter2003
Measurement Day!

Well, finally hit the 190 lb mark after 4 weeks...cannot believe it has taken that long...

Chest: 48 inches(+1" from last week!)
Waist: 34 inches(unchanged)
Arms: 15 3/8" inches(+ 3/8" from last week!!)
Hips: 39.5 inches(+.25 inches from last week!)
Quads: 27 1/4" inches(+.75" from last week!!)
Calves: 17 inches(unchanged)

Weight: 190.2(up 1.2 pounds from last week!)
BF: 11.4%(down .6% from last week!)
LBM: 168.51 lbs(up 2.20 lbs from last week!)

Well, pretty happy overall with my progress right now. Quads are getting ridiculously big...looks like I have a shelf on the top and sides of my legs...also noticed the upper part of my hamstrings that attach to the glutes are getting bigger than the glutes themselves, which is really weird feeling...all measurements went up from last week, except waist which remained stable. Body fat dropped slightly, and I gained a little over 1 lb.

Seems the 7-keto and forskolin are really kicking in now as I have felt like I was burning up internally the past few days for long periods of time and was sweating., almost like my internal temperature got raised(thermogenesis?). No matter how high I turned up the A/C in the car or at work it didn't help. Not like I was having sweat pouring off my face or anything, but it was a constant light sweat, enough to keep the back of my dress shirt damp for about 7 or 8 hours...really crazy...also noticed my love handle area that was coming back very slightly disappeared again, in addition to my body fat dropping, it appears that it is doing what I intended...

I have back and hamstrings later today, which means I work these body parts again on Thursday. Should be a good week for back and leg measurements again! :lol:

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:47 pm
by DaCookie
Why statics last in the workout?Good log man

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:53 pm
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:Why statics last in the workout?Good log man
Well, I can't remember where I read it, but I recall reading somewhere that doing them last caused huge releases of GH and other anabolic hormones...I kinda like doing them last to be honest, although I probably could lift more weight doing them first...either way seems like it works for me...

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:38 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 29 Sunday

Got Back and Hamstrings today...

Wide Grip Pulldown(w/ intention): 120/100/85/85-70x8-60x8-45x8
Reverse Grip Seated Row: 100/120/140/160-125x5-102.5x8-85x8
Bent Barbell Row: 135/155/165/165-135x6-105x6-95x6
One Arm DB Row: 50/60/70/70-55x6-45x6-35x6
Hyper Extensions: 25x10-BWx10/25x10-BWx10/25X7-BWx13/BWx20

Lying Leg Curl(in extension): 55/65/65/65
superset Lying Leg Curl: 55/65/65/65-50x5-40x6-30x8
Stiff Leg DL(w/ intention): 50/40/40/40

Hamstrings were destroyed after this...had my trainer friend who was working at the time help me with the curls....only had to help a few times, but my hamstrings were shot after those...

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:46 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 30 Monday

Chest in the morning and Biceps followed by 15 mins of HIIT cardio at night due to having quads Tuesday...

Incline Barbell Press(w/ intention): 115/135/155(6/2)/160(4/2)- 135x5-115x5-105x6

Giant Set A
60 Degree Incline DB Press: 40/50/55/55-45x5-35x5-30x8
Flat DB Fly: 30/30/30/30-25x5-20x5-15x7
Machine Pec Fly(10 reps): 100/110/140x5-120x5/105
Pushups(failure): 4/4/3.5/2-1

Machine Preacher: 95/110/115/115-90x5-70x6-50x8
Seated DB Curl: 25/30/35/40-30x5-225x6-20x5
Parallel Rope Cable Curl: 15/20/25/30-25x6-20x6-15x8

15 mins of HIIT cardio followed...5 mins warmup, 15 mins alternating 1 min high and 30 secs low...5 min cooldown

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:58 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 31 Tuesday

Today I have Quads and Calves, but after looking at the quad workout, I decided I was not going to even bother with calves...

This might have been the single worst workout I have ever done in my life. Brutal does not begin to describe it. I was hurting so bad I yelled several times while doing the workout and had guys coming to check on me to make sure I was OK...burning in my legs was so bad I almost wanted to cry...a guy next to me pointed out that my quads were literally swollen to the point they were bursting through my pant legs while doing lunges...that was pretty freaking cool to see, but a lot of pain....and that was only the beginning of the fun...

On the way home, every time I depressed the brake pedal to stop, my quad almost started spasming. When got at home, I planted my leg to get out of the car and it almost buckled on me. Then I got inside and attempted to walk up the stairs and that was a complete no go due to my quad starting to spasm....had to go up the stairs on my butt again...

This workout consists of a pair of 4 set Giant Sets...

Giant Set A
Leg Extension: 140/155/165/200-160x4-130X5-105X5
DB Squat(w/ intention): 40/45/50/50
DB Alternating Lunge(12 each leg): 20/25/30/30
Leg Press(w/ intention)(20 reps): 260/280/290/300

Giant Set B
DB Squat(feet together)(10 reps): 40/40/45/45
Leg Press(w/ intention)(feet low)(10 reps): 300/300/320/320
Leg Press(w/ intention)(feet wide)(10 reps): 300/300/320/320
Leg Extension(15 reps): 105/90/75/75

I am absolutely dreading having to wake up and pee during the night, and waking up tomorrow morning and taking that first step out of bed...
can't wait to measure these bad boys on Sunday tho after this!!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:02 pm
by tufluk
had to go up the stairs on my butt again

got this workout tomorrow, dreading it! in a weird good way :twisted:

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:20 pm
by matter2003
tufluk wrote:
had to go up the stairs on my butt again

got this workout tomorrow, dreading it! in a weird good way :twisted:
May God have mercy on your soul...