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Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:52 pm
by islandboy90
GLP 5 bench

50%x10, 76%x8, 82%x6, 88%x4, 92%x2

Bench Press
175 1rm
87.5x10, 133x8, 143.5x6, 154x4, 161x2
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
decline db press 9X70 , 9X70 , 7X70 , 7X70 , 5X70 , 5X70
seated cable rows 6X120 , 6X120 , 4X120 , 4X120 , 3X120 , 3X120
3 minutes rest between sets

Decline BB Bench Static Hold X 3 X 5-15 second holds

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:17 pm
by islandboy90
GLP 5 Squat day

50%x10, 76%x8, 82%x6, 88%x4, 94%x2

240 1rm
120X10, 182.4x8, 196.8x6, 211.2x4, 225.6x2
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
romanian deadlift 7X165 , 7X165 , 5X165 , 5X165 , 4X165 , 4X165
leg sled alternative 7X140 , 7X140 , 5X140 , 5X140 , 4X140 , 4X140
3 minutes rest between sets

static hold ab crunch
3 sets 20 sec hold, 3 minutes rest between
set 1 85lbs
set 2 85lbs
set 3 85lbs

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:06 pm
by islandboy90
GLP 6 bench

50%x10, 64%x5, 76%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, 105%x1

Bench Press
175 1rm
87.5x10, 112x5, 133x3, 148.75x1, 166x1, 184x1
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
decline db press 6X70 , 6X70 , 5X70 , 5X70 , 4X70 , 4X70
seated cable rows 7X120 , 7X120 , 5X120 , 5X120 , 4X120 , 4X120
3 minutes rest between sets

Decline BB Bench Static Hold X 3 X 5-15 second holds

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:18 pm
by islandboy90
GLP 6 Squat day

50%x10, 64%x5, 76%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, 105%x1

240 1rm
120X10, 153.6x5, 182.4x3, 204x1, 228x1, 252x1 = 240x2 (all weight i have)
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
romanian deadlift 6X170 , 6X170 , 4X170 , 4X170 , 3X170 , 3X170
leg sled alternative 6X145 , 6X145 , 4X145 , 4X145 , 3X145 , 3X145
3 minutes rest between sets

static hold ab crunch
3 sets 20 sec hold, 3 minutes rest between
set 1 85lbs
set 2 85lbs
set 3 85lbs

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:46 pm
by islandboy90

Day 1

5X5 150lbs
5X5 120lbs
1X 6-10 second static hold 135lbs

3 minutes rest between everything

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:26 pm
by islandboy90
day 2 cruise
workout B

5X5 192LBS

Leg sled
1 static hold for 6-10 sec

Seated cable rows

preacher curl
1 static hold for 6-10seconds (can hold up to 45sec)

calve raise
1 static hold for 6-10 seconds (can hold up to 45sec)

- Hold with as much weight as possible for 6-10 seconds.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:37 pm
by islandboy90
day 2 cruise
workout B

5X5 192LBS

Leg sled
1 static hold for 10 sec
192 lbs

Seated cable rows
120 lbs

preacher curl
1 static hold for 20sec
80 lbs +bar

calve raise
1 static hold for 25sec
175 lbs

- Hold with 90lbs 10 sec

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:12 pm
by RobRegish
Looks good Bobby. Looks real good...

Can you summarize the happiness quotient on your end? Want to make sure it's where it needs to be :)


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:23 pm
by islandboy90
so far so good!
todays workout i ended up skipping due to bad sunburn on shoulders
but will be filling in weights and re attempting tomorrow

had 3 days off so far hoping it wont effect me too bad

weights dont seem to feel heavier week after week although the numbers keep going up so something must be working!
i've gained 10 lbs so far and quite a bit of strength
hoping I can keep it and see where a 2nd run will take me now that I have a better understanding of the routine


a+++ so far

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:51 am
by rookie_mistake
how do your lifts compare to before and so far during your blueprint run?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:31 pm
by islandboy90
rookie_mistake wrote:how do your lifts compare to before and so far during your blueprint run?
definatly increased/increasing
hard to say specifically though because when I first started I just guessed my 1rm because i workout at home with a powerrack and no spotter
but based off my 1rm now despite having some trouble with my shoulder throughout i'd say bench went up 10lbs and squat went up 20lbs

thats why i'm anxious for a second run to see the specifics now that I know my limits and understand the routine better

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:39 pm
by RobRegish
islandboy90 wrote:
rookie_mistake wrote:how do your lifts compare to before and so far during your blueprint run?
definatly increased/increasing
hard to say specifically though because when I first started I just guessed my 1rm because i workout at home with a powerrack and no spotter
but based off my 1rm now despite having some trouble with my shoulder throughout i'd say bench went up 10lbs and squat went up 20lbs

thats why i'm anxious for a second run to see the specifics now that I know my limits and understand the routine better
Oh HELL yeah...

This is why I wrote the book...!!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:44 pm
by islandboy90
haha and i'm glad ya did!
probably made same progress in last two months as past year

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:40 pm
by islandboy90
2nd round for cruise workout A

Same thing, same weight

5X5 150lbs
5X5 120lbs
1X 10 second static hold 205lbs

3 minutes rest between everything