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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:42 pm
by Hank!
19 inches of Snow i Central park!
Our NJ and DC warehouses are closed today do to the fact that Fedx/Us cant work either
We shut down here in Greenville SC 2 weeks ago and we got 5 inches of snow, kids were out of school for a week.
Have fun
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:22 pm
by allieninja
Hank! wrote:19 inches of Snow i Central park!
Our NJ and DC warehouses are closed today do to the fact that Fedx/Us cant work either
We shut down here in Greenville SC 2 weeks ago and we got 5 inches of snow, kids were out of school for a week.
Have fun
Yup, there is SO much snow outside haha, it's awesome.
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:36 pm
by allieninja
Only ended up having to change up one exercise from my regularly scheduled routine. I obviously don't have an assisted dip machine at home lol, so I did some db bench on stability ball (wow that's hard to do) and some skull crushers with a plate. I threw in some concentration curls too, since I had nothing better to do, being snowed in and all haha.
Here's the workout:
(1 minute of rest in between each set)
dumbbell push press: 40x10, 10, 10, 50x10, 10
db walking lunge: 25 x 10 x 5
db bench on stability ball 25x12, 35x8, 35x7, 35x4 (eek, let's not count that as a set), 25x10, 25x10
db bent over row (2 arms at once): 50x12, 12, 70x10, 10, 8
crunch twist on ball: 12, 12, 10lb plate behind my head x 8 (lost balance), 12, 12
skull crushers w/ plate: 20 x 12 x 5
db concentration curls: 20 x 10, 6 (ick), 15 x 10, 8, 8
Doubting we'll get another snow day tomorrow, so will have to trudge into the city. But at least that means I can hit the gym in the morning. Also going to either do the living room workout again Saturday, or hit up a gym hotel on Sunday since I'll be out of state filming.
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:02 pm
by Hank!
I have found that running in the snow, and snowball fighting burns some serious cals.. for srs
especially when is 6 elementary schoolers vs me
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:08 am
by allieninja
Hank! wrote:I have found that running in the snow, and snowball fighting burns some serious cals.. for srs
especially when is 6 elementary schoolers vs me
So I guess I forgot to post this yesterday, diet and supplements for 1/27:
Went about 150 over what I wanted to be at today
★Controlled Labs Orange Triad multi/joint/digestion, Oximega fish oil (with lunch & dinner)
★Applied Nutriceuticals Osteobolin-C cissus (with lunch & dinner)
★Nature's Science Calcium Citrate + Mag & D (with dinner)
★NOW Vitamin D3 (with lunch and dinner), ginger root (with dinner)
★VS garlic allacin (with dinner)
Blueprint Specials:
★Thermolife E-Bol, cbol creatine
★Biotivia Bioforge
★ON Hydrowhey
★Scivation Xtend
★Other Blueprint goodies
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:48 am
by allieninja
Missed my morning workout, but made up for it by getting to the gym in the evening. It was no small feat, as there comes a time every month where ladies are severely fatigued by just being awake, so you can imagine our desire to lift a weight.
I *almost* skipped the workout but I guilted myself into it, and pounded 2 servings of White Flood. 20 minutes later I was bouncing off the walls and ready to go, haha.
Here's the workout:
(not including warmups)
lat pulldowns (underhand grip): 7th plate x 10, 10, 10, 8, 8
squats: 75 x 10 x 5
pushups: 12, 12, 12, 10, 10
bb romanian deadlifts: 85 x 10, 10, 95 x 10, 10 10
hanging leg raise: 10, 10, 10, 10, 8
decline crunch: 10 x 8, 10, 10, 25 x 10, 10
I felt really good during the workout; I think the ebol/cbol creatine/bioforge cocktail is starting to kick in.
Tomorrow is an off day because I'm driving up to Massachusetts to shoot a music video. Hopefully Sunday I can hit up the gym in the hotel, if the call time on Sunday isn't super early.
Here is my diet and supplements for today:
This might be the closest I have come to hitting the macros Rob has planned out for me. feelsgoodman.jpg
★Controlled Labs Orange Triad multi/joint/digestion, Oximega fish oil (with lunch & dinner); Oximega greens (in afternoon)
★Applied Nutriceuticals Osteobolin-C cissus (with lunch & dinner)
★Nature's Science Calcium Citrate + Mag & D (with dinner)
★NOW Vitamin D3 (with lunch and dinner), ginger root (with dinner)
★VS garlic allacin (with dinner)
Blueprint Specials:
★Thermolife E-Bol, cbol creatine
★Biotivia Bioforge
★Controlled Labs White Flood
★ON Hydrowhey
★Scivation Xtend
★Other Blueprint goodies
Happy weekend!
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:49 am
by Hank!
Tell me about the alaciin supplement your taking. I read about it in the 4 hr body but want to see why youve choosen to take it, what youve noticed etc
generally from septmber to january i never feel like working out on sundays maybe i have the same thing that you have once a month :/
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:28 pm
by allieninja
Hank! wrote:Allie
Tell me about the alaciin supplement your taking. I read about it in the 4 hr body but want to see why youve choosen to take it, what youve noticed etc
generally from septmber to january i never feel like working out on sundays maybe i have the same thing that you have once a month :/
I started taking garlic along with ginger a long time ago for its anti-inflammatory properties to help control my asthma. Last time I was buying garlic I noticed this new allacin thing, looked it up and it seemed even better than "regular" garlic. So I bought it. I don't really know much about it, haha. I haven't seen any marked improvements over regular garlic, but from what I've read the allacin has excellent health properties other than for what I'm taking it for. So I'm into keeping on taking it, haha.
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:37 am
by allieninja
Over the weekend I wasn't able to keep track of calories due to travel, so no charts for Saturday or Sunday. I did stay within my ranges for both days though, which was nice. My supplements for over the weekend will be the same as below.
No training today, got home super late last night and didn't get enough sleep to wake up early to go in. So I will consider today my off day and go the other 4 mornings this week.
Went about 50 cals over where I wanted to be, but no big deal.
★Controlled Labs Orange Triad multi/joint/digestion, Oximega fish oil (with lunch & dinner)
★Applied Nutriceuticals Osteobolin-C cissus (with lunch & dinner)
★Nature's Science Calcium Citrate + Mag & D (with dinner)
★NOW Vitamin D3 (with lunch and dinner), ginger root (with dinner)
★VS garlic allacin (with dinner)
Blueprint Specials:
★Thermolife E-Bol
★SNS Magnesium Creatine Chelate
★Biotivia Bioforge
Gotta kill it in the gym this week!
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:15 am
by Street-dreams
Im sure you will kill it in the gym..
I just started up my second feast(second bp run) and I added in a few edt sets and stuff and..I am interested to see how my recovery is.. I was sweating pretty bad from the edt blocks.
I added in the latest ingredient in the formula and tried it out..
how do you like the extra recovery you get from the formula?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:15 pm
by allieninja
Street-dreams wrote:Im sure you will kill it in the gym..
I just started up my second feast(second bp run) and I added in a few edt sets and stuff and..I am interested to see how my recovery is.. I was sweating pretty bad from the edt blocks.
I added in the latest ingredient in the formula and tried it out..
how do you like the extra recovery you get from the formula?
Nice! Honestly since Rob has me working harder than ever before, it's hard for me to judge my recovery. I've never done the splits or short rest periods that he's given me, and so I'm very sore for most of the week. I'm assuming I'd be MORE sore if not for the formula, but the only way to know how it is affecting me would be to go back to my old workout plan and use the formula. So I'm just basically taking Rob's word as gospel that it is helping, lol.
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:23 pm
by allieninja
Just realized I forgot to log my workout from this morning.
My workout felt pretty great, I went heavier on weights for all exercises except one, and this massive cold that I've had for the remainder of the day didn't happen until after the workout, so that was nice.
Here's the workout:
(not including warmup sets)
bb bent over row: 85 x 10 x 3
assisted dips: (weight is lbs of assistance) 50 x 10 x 3
db walking lunges: 35 x 10 x 3 - this is the highest weight I've ever done for these, so it felt pretty good
bb push press: 50 x 10 x 3 - this was the only exercise I had to go down in weight for, because I was so exhausted by this time in my workout
swiss ball crunch twist: 10lb plate behind head x 12 x 3
Looking super pumped from the cbol creatine lately, I looked at my arms in the mirror and was all wtf, haha.
I would still love to know what other people have noticed while on any of the magic 3 - cbol creatine, E-Bol, and Bioforge - because again, I don't really know what I should be experiencing from them. I know cbol creatine gives pumps, but I'd love to hear some other people's experiences with these 3 supplements.
Will post today's diet & supplementation later today or tomorrow.
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:59 pm
by Street-dreams
Yea i dont know what to think about the ebol either.. I did interestingly gain 4lbs overnight after my first workout.. whether that can be attributed to the ebol I dont really know..
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:20 pm
by Hank!
Probably swelling, water retention Sweet Dreams, I can jump 6 or more lbs after a heavy workout . I was taking up to 9 ebol a day before i got sick and ended my last run. I was defiantly noticing a differnce , Once rob gets back i will ask about 12 per day. (currently taking 6 a day)
cbol creatine howver is my favorite , that with Pumpbol is amazing. I loaded 12 per day for 5 days now tae 6 in the morning then p-bol pre workout