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Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:18 am
by jjones11
Did my 3rd upper body workout of GLP 1 today

Bench Press
EDT 1- 79 reps in 15 mins
Incline DB Bench -55lbs
1arm DB row-75lbs
EDT 2- 72 reps in 12 mins
DB shoulder press- 45lbs
BB shrugs- 275lbs
1 burnout set on Incline db curls
10 mins of LISS

Good workout. I used my free sample of BIU today. Great, clean, energy. Alot cleaner and sustainable than anadraulic state. Liked it so much that I ordered a bottle of it today, along with another bottle of KA. Hopefully keeping my diet the same, but adding in BIU and cardio will allow me to put on more clean mass without as much fat. The fat wasn't totally unexpected given the holidays. Weighed in at 172 and 17.5% today :oops:. On another note, I have exploded since I started this BP run, despite the weight and bf. My arms are alot fuller along with my shoulders. I actually have traps now too :D . If I could execute a flawless recomp I would look great despite being so light. I know it may be a tall order, but I'm driven, I can tell you that. Along with all of my other posts, any and all critiquing is welcomed.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:47 am
by RobRegish
"I used my free sample of BIU today. Great, clean, energy. Alot cleaner and sustainable than anadraulic state. Liked it so much that I ordered a bottle of it today, along with another bottle of KA".

Soooo happy BIU is doing ya right! This is yet another category killer from MASS. For more info on that, see this thread! ... .php?t=943

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:19 am
by jjones11
Had my 3rd lower body workout of GLP 1 on NYE

Box Squat
EDT 1- 100 reps in 15 min
Leg Extension-215lbs
Leg Curls-90 lbs each leg
Heavy calves
10 mins of LISS

Nothing to add about this workout. Missed one rep on my final set of box squats but I did plan out my lower body GLP fairly aggressive.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:23 am
by jjones11
Had my 4th upper body workout of GLP 1 this evening

Bench Press
EDT 1- 76 reps in 11:22
Dips- BW
Chin-ups- BW
EDT 2- 63 reps in 14:48
Db shoulder press- 45lbs
Shrugs-285 lbs

Great workout. Chest keeps getting stronger. Shoulders are getting stronger. All in all, I'm very pleased with this first run so far. Very, very excited to run my GLP 2, along with the other 2 loading patterns :)

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:33 am
by RobRegish
Stronger and stronger, that's the idea man :)

GREAT work and keep it going!!

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:02 pm
by jjones11
Finished my lower 4th lower body workout of GLP 1 about half an hour ago.

Box Squat
EDT- 80 reps in 7:44
Leg Extension-225lbs
Leg Curls-100lbs each leg

Notes: Really good workout. Was running short on time though, so I didn't do calves or abs. I have been hitting them pretty hard, so an extra day off won't be a bad thing.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:01 pm
by RobRegish
Great work!

Looks like you nailed everything. Watch your frequency now, meaning insert and extra rest day if you feel the need. It all comes together nicely on PR day... :)

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:13 pm
by jjones11
Sadly I won't be able to do my 5th upper body workout of my glp 1 tomorrow. Came down with a little bout of the flu. Any tips to not let this affect me rob? I'm mega dosing emergen-c at 1 packet every hour to an hour and a half. On antibiotics, breathing treaments, keeping my room insanely hot, etc, etc. Trying to nip this in the bud asap. Naturally, I won't be doing anything until I'm 100%. Please, if you are sick, do not go to work. I am 99% sure this is how I came down with it. Had to work with a girl who came to work with strep. Really?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:09 am
by RobRegish
Right there with you this morning. 2 grams of Vit C every 2 hours is what I'm doing. I feel like I got hit by a train....

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:01 pm
by jjones11
RobRegish wrote:Right there with you this morning. 2 grams of Vit C every 2 hours is what I'm doing. I feel like I got hit by a train....
Achy, headache, with a slight cough?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:02 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah, 12 hours and 12g of Vit C later though, feeling much better...

Two grams every two hours is my standard recommendation. And no, I don't have any studies to back it up but it works for me EVERY time.


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:50 pm
by jjones11
Good news and bad news. After 3 days of being under the weather I went to the doctor today. Good news is I figured out what I have, and I'm on a round of antibiotics, along with alot of other things. Bad news is it wasn't a minor cold. I have a case of acute bronchitis AND a sinus infection. I'm feeling alot better with antibiotics in me and knowing what I have, but I'm just wondering when I get back into the gym is it business as usual, or is there some sort of bridge workout I need to do to get back on track.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:57 am
by RobRegish
Man that sucks, especially at this point. Tell you what, pick up at workout #5, the de-load. Provided that feels easy (and it should), you can proceed.

If you're struggling through it, I'll come up with another solution :)

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:38 am
by jjones11
Had my upper body deload workout on tuesday. First workout since I fell ill. All things considered a good workout.


Bench Press
EDT 1- 60 reps in 11minutes
Chin-ups- BW
Dips- BW+25
EDT 2- 72 reps in 14 minutes
DB Shoulder press- 45 lbs
DB Shrugs- 85 lbs each hand

Notes: Strength was iffy my first day back. Not totally unexpected, but I'll be good to go on my max day.