Lerider's first BP run with Chinese medicine + IF

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Post by lerider »

Thank you for the kind words. I enjoy trying out different approaches to life in general, workouts are no exception. This philosophy is also partly why I am in China.

I really appreciate the feedback and motivation you bring to the table! Sharing of knowledge is a beautiful thing!

Since I am not posting frequently, here comes a rather long post. You might want to consider reading the shorter posts before this one, or jump to the cliffhangers. Your time is valuable.

Update on the BP workouts:

GLP #2 Chest was according to plan, struggled a little with the last rep and got it at ~90%, felt I wouldn't be able to press it if I went the last 10% down to the chest. EDT and Static also as planned, more weight on the EDT and a little longer time on the static.
This was only 2 days after GLP #1 Chest, and I felt muscles weren't all recovered.

GLP #2 Legs, this workout was HEAVY. I made it through with all reps, but d**n I felt killed by the weights, especially by deadlifts!

GLP #3 Chest. PUMP PUMP PUMP!!! Another SICK workout! Last set in benchpress was heavy in lower position, I think I only got 90-95% of full movement in all reps on this weight. No spotter but I rather do it this way, I have learnt from previous experiences that spotter is not always the best idea.
Chest felt really nice and full when I went into EDT, I felt Rows had not given me the the stimulation I want, so I tried switching it to Pullups and I must say I am happy I did! Got so FREAKING pumped! Also incresed the weight on the Decline DB Press, I'm now using the heaviest DB in the gym, 45lbs. It's not much compared to where I am going, but still a mile stone passed!

Update on workout frequency:
I have started to attend the Body Sculpt class, which is two times a week. I don't think it will have too much impact on the BP, it's light weights and focused on flexible movements instead of strenght. I feel I want to incorporate this in my training regime. It has nothing to do with all the other attendents being slim, flexible and beautiful Chinese girls. Promise! :roll:

Also added a small workout containing 2 EDT's, focusing on shoulders and arms, arms is my weak area. I did this workout once and are planning to throw it in on off-days when I have at least 2 more days until GLP Chest.

Diet is adjusted to get the more calories I need. I keep myself on the "safe" side and rather eat too much than too little.

Thought on the BP:
I will write a review for you, and I am sure you will be happy with it! I am planning on a cut after the first cycle is done, I will go go the exotical island of Hainan (Google it!) in the beginning of February so I want to bring the muscles out!

The goal is to get single digit BF! I know this will not be achieved before my trip, I plan to continue cut until goal is reached. I already know the before-and-after pictures will be insane, my chest has literally BLOWN UP in just two weeks! I knew I got good genes for chest development, but I can almost see changes on day-to-day basis, it's ridicolous! Abs also good development!

This cut is gonna be GOOD! You are more than welcome to help me through it when the time comes, I am leaning towards a second cycle BP during cut. The pictures are going to be wicked if I am able to keep the mass I have gotten this far, I will of course add these pictures in coming review. I will run cut without adaptogens, supplement with Novedex XT.

1. Great workouts, especially chest.
2. Spending more time with flexible, slim, Chinese girls, making up for it with eating more (Yeh, Livin' the Dream).
3. Will cut after this cycle, wants to cut with a second cycle BP, supplement with Novedex XT. Thoughts on BP + cut?
4. Strong development: Chest, abs.
Weak development: Arms, inner legs.
5. Will write review after cut. Review will be as BEAST as my current chest development!

All in all, my chest is developing REALLY nice. I'm so happy I stumbled across your program, Rob![/b]
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Post by RobRegish »

First, soooo happy for you! Sounds like you're making EXCELLENT progress and having a blast with it!

A VERY important comment/suggestion: GET A SPOTTER ON BENCH!

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=971

High School Student Dies Lifting Weights

Published December 04, 2010

16-year-old Jake Pezon was found dead under a bench press at home in Wisconsin on December 1, 2010.
A Wisconsin high school football player has died in an accident while lifting weights at home.

Slinger police say 16-year-old Jake Pezon was home alone in his basement rec room Wednesday night and was bench pressing 185 pounds when the weights dropped on him.

Police Lt. Joel Schodron says Pezon's mother arrived home shortly after midnight Thursday and found her son unresponsive. Schodron says the teen was dead by the time first responders arrived.

Pezon was a junior at Slinger High School and played wide receiver and defensive back for the Owls. School District administrator Bob Reynolds says counselors are available Friday at the high school.

I DON'T want this happening to you or anyone else! Tough to make gains when you're six feet under, you know?

"3. Will cut after this cycle, wants to cut with a second cycle BP, supplement with Novedex XT. Thoughts on BP + cut?"

A. Take care to solidify your gains during Cruise! I don't want you losing any of that precious muscle mass during a cut. Sugestion: re-comp would be a fabulous idea! I offered customized programs in this area, but if you'd prefer to start a thread here on such I'll ALWAYS do my best to answer your questions/set you up for success!

"Weak development: Arms, inner legs.

A. Easy enough fix in your EDT blocks. Consider adding dedicated arm work as follows if you aren't already:

Incline DB curls
Lying decline skullcrushers with EX curl bar

Static holds for bi's/tri's. On the bi's set up a handle on a low pulley. Have a partner assist you into the fully contracted position (lying flat on your back). Two holds of 5-15 seconds duration. When your static strength gives out, slowly lower. Two holds with about 3 min rest between sets is about right.

On the tri's, Decline BB close grip bench. Hold a MAXIMAL weight just under lockout. This should be 120-140% of your 1RM.

The inner thighs? We can address that via your EDT blocks too.

Hack squats with feet pointed slightly outward
Romanian Deadlifts


Leg Sled with feet pointed slightly outward

On the bench issues, first - GREAT work nailing everything. A couple of suggestions:

1.) Begin inserting just ONE extra rest day. That is to say, if you're currently on a 1on/1off schedule, move to a 1on/2 off etc.

2.) On your lighter sets (particularly on GLP 1), consider using a wide grip on the bench. Doing so will build more power off the chest and alleviate the sticking point. If using barbells for any upper body EDT work, same suggestion applies. Fantastic way to address this issue...

Looking forward to your review! Body building dot com? If so I will search. Same screen name over there??

Thanks so much and I hope this helps! Enjoy your BP journey and I'm right here to help if you need me!
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Post by lerider »

Thank you for the suggestions!

Regarding the review, I meant I will write it after I have run the second cycle. I feel I can give an honest opinion by then, and (I hope) I can attach some neat before & after pictures too. I have been putting on a little too much fat this cycle, but it will be a piece of cake cutting it once this first cycle is done.

Caught a virus a few days ago and have been resting for 3 days, kept calories high and megadosing vitamin C. I am cured now and will hit the gym tomorrow!
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Post by RobRegish »

Terrific man and glad to hear you're doing better!

Love your updates. The Blueprint invades Red China (in a friendly way, of course).

Doing more good than our Secretary of State IMO, that's for sure...
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Post by lerider »

Thank you Rob, feels great to have energy again!

New workout today: GLP #5, Bench.

I am really struggling with GLP. Couldn't get clean reps last set GLP#4, and today the two last sets were 88% x 3 and 88% x 2, I felt 94% wasn't in me and the gym was empty except me, put safety first.

EDT is another story, had 81 reps two workouts in a row, third workout on the same weights today and hit 100 reps in the SAME time (20 min). That's 24,5% increase in ONE workout!!! Doing decline DB press / pullups, I've previous had troubles increasing reps on pullups but today was a piece of cake!

I'm still kind of confused why I struggle with GLP but have great results with EDT. Maybe my body respond better to EDT. Is this common?

Day 31 of feast, I am considering to skip last GLP workout and jump on to Cruise, do you think it's a good or bad idea? At the moment size is more important than strenght for me, and I kind of feel my body needs a change of pace. Just want your thoughts, I will continue with the last workout in GLP if you think it is a better choice.
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Post by RobRegish »

First, smart move on playing it safe with no spotter. Here's why:

High School Student Dies Lifting Weights

Published December 04, 2010

16-year-old Jake Pezon was found dead under a bench press at home in Wisconsin on December 1, 2010.
A Wisconsin high school football player has died in an accident while lifting weights at home.

Slinger police say 16-year-old Jake Pezon was home alone in his basement rec room Wednesday night and was bench pressing 185 pounds when the weights dropped on him.

Police Lt. Joel Schodron says Pezon's mother arrived home shortly after midnight Thursday and found her son unresponsive. Schodron says the teen was dead by the time first responders arrived.

Pezon was a junior at Slinger High School and played wide receiver and defensive back for the Owls. School District administrator Bob Reynolds says counselors are available Friday at the high school.

Q. I'm still kind of confused why I struggle with GLP but have great results with EDT. Maybe my body respond better to EDT. Is this common?

A. Not really. It may be you're not taking enough rest days in between. Likely culprit. No matter. Size seems to be your goal and that comes from total tonnage/density overload.... EDT. Since that's going great, that's what matters!

Day 31 of feast, I am considering to skip last GLP workout and jump on to Cruise, do you think it's a good or bad idea? At the moment size is more important than strenght for me, and I kind of feel my body needs a change of pace. Just want your thoughts, I will continue with the last workout in GLP if you think it is a better choice.

A. Good idea. Your mind/body are likely telling you it's getting "bored" with the training and this is a sign. A sign to transition to cruise.

Don't feel bad about jumping into Cruise BTW. MANY report additional LB's of LBM DESPITE dialing back the calories and discontinuing adaptogens, etc.

Nice "side effect" of The Blueprint :)
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Post by lerider »

Cruise have been a smooth ride with nice gains, although not as good as feast. Really smooth, until yesterday.

Got food poisoned, probably from drinking bad milk. Got no energy at all and can't eat without feeling sick. 1100 calories today with 70g protein, and it was a big struggle to get my body to even accept this food.

It isn't the first time I got food poisoned in China so I know what I'm in for. Best case scenario: about a week with no apetite, and feeling sick every time I eat.
Not best case scenario: gastritis... those who have had it know what it means...
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man happy to hear about the smooth ride and ongoing gains (not uncommon!). Not so happy to hear about the food poisoning..

Do me a favor. Discontinue Cruise until you're back and 100%. We'll pick it up from there.

HEALTH FIRST as I always say..
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Post by lerider »

I will discontinue until I'm better, focusing on resting and eating.

Going to the gym now would be like begging to be crushed.
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Post by slipstrm15 »

Been in the same situation before man. It's awful and I know in my case it KILLED me that I couldn't get back to the gym. Best of luck with recovery and looking forward to learning from the rest of your log once you're back on track!
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Post by RobRegish »

lerider wrote:I will discontinue until I'm better, focusing on resting and eating.

Going to the gym now would be like begging to be crushed.
SMART move :)

Rest up man. Health is, was and always will be #1!
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Post by lerider »

Update on my condition:

I rested for 3 days, got my energy levels back to normal and felt great, so I hit the gym last Friday and had a great workout (cruise leg day). Feeling good and went out to celebrate new years eve. Unfortunately I went to an Italian restaurant with my friends and ate way more than one with gastritis should eat in one sitting. Needless to say, I woke up in the middle of the night with insane stomach pain and threw up everything :(

I realized I got the bad kind of gastritis and my digesting system is screwed up. First thing Saturday morning I went to the drug store and got medicine to help digesting problem caused by gastritis.

Been feeling like normal since I started the medication, and can eat normal amounts of food (can finally hit my daily calories again)!

Felt ready for the gym today, cruise chest/shoulder day. I am sad to report I have lost alot of strength.

First day on cruise flat bench was (kg):
65x5 65x5 65x5 65x5 65x5

Today was:
65x5 65x5 65x4 65x4 65x3

Eating around 1500 kcal and 100g protein a day since I got gastritis, the last two days around 2000 kcal and 120g protein.

Any thoughts on where to go from here?
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd consider extending Cruise a bit to re-gain some of that lost strength from the gastritis, etc.

Shame really but these things happen. The fact that you had such a great Feast run tells you all you need to know. Next time though, take note of those things that brought you down. Key learnings like that help refine BP runs, which is part of the beauty of the system :)
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