Justin's 1st BP RUN

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Post by RobRegish »

Hi Justin..

I've heard of it but don't know the particulars. Have since looked it over and while the backbone looks similar, they've erred on a few counts..

- The 3 week period of lowered protein is too long. Way too long and the training protocol specified therein doesn't impose the kind of demands Famine does

- I'd imagine gains in their rebound phase are slow going. Too slow

- There doesn't appear to be a dedicated cruise type phase (maybe I missed it). This is crucial b/c if you don't retain them there's no new homeostasis to sprinboard off of.

- Their dedicated training templates need a LOT of work and don't elicit the same type of loading/de-loading that we do. He really missed the mark here.

I suppose it's better than nothing and I'm biased, but I don't see the kind of objective gains (1RM's, bodyweight or other) Blueprint trainees are getting. Certainly not with adaptogens employed...
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Post by RobRegish »

With respect to enhancing appetite... liquid feeds are your best bet.

They are somewhat pre-digested (liquefied) and will absorb quicker than whole foods. Try not to include too much fat in these as it slows absorption. Also, consume them standalone every other meal (vs. whole foods) such that they digest quicker.

Hope that helps!
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Post by Justin »

Thanks a lot Rob!! would it be a good idea to eat some healthy fats after workout i know you said it slows down absorption but isn't it also key for testosterone? this is just a thing i thought of and have no idea if it would be successful as its just a theory.

and about that anabolic workout thing i thought it was stupid to cut protein for 3 weeks! seems way overboard.... The BP seems to be perfect! i was wondering this as a rest week can you go into a famine however no workouts? like a rest/famine week?? or would it be counter productive?

for liquid feeds I know your recipe in the BP however would it be a good idea to add extra virgin olive oil in it? for some healthy fats or peanut butter...( y peanut butter isn't the natural type) ... Should i drink BCAA's throughout the day or only during my workouts wit sum waixymaize n protein

Starting my training today I'll let everyone know how it goes I'm really excited for the next two months!! The Famine really did me good i lost a good 7-8 lbs on it :o i hit the scale at around 168 when it was done...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Tear it up bro!
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Post by Justin »

thanks draco!! I'll try my best!
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Post by Justin »

I think i have some sort of problem with drinking BCAA's whenever i drink them i get super full :p n a little stomach ache... maybe my body has to get used to it?

Oh and my 1st workout went great totally pumped up my whole back! the one thing is im training always in tension now so i never lock out and it seems a lot harder to keep the same weight you previously used when locking out
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Post by RobRegish »

Try adding some citrulline malate/other malates to it. Helps with the dispersibility. You may also try some lemon juice..

Glad to hear about the first workout :)
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Post by Justin »

hey Rob if you wouldnt mind can you give me what you think on..
Thanks a lot Rob!! would it be a good idea to eat some healthy fats after workout i know you said it slows down absorption but isn't it also key for testosterone? this is just a thing i thought of and have no idea if it would be successful as its just a theory.

and about that anabolic workout thing i thought it was stupid to cut protein for 3 weeks! seems way overboard.... The BP seems to be perfect! i was wondering this as a rest week can you go into a famine however no workouts? like a rest/famine week?? or would it be counter productive?

for liquid feeds I know your recipe in the BP however would it be a good idea to add extra virgin olive oil in it? for some healthy fats or peanut butter...( y peanut butter isn't the natural type) ... Should i drink BCAA's throughout the day or only during my workouts wit sum waixymaize n protein
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Post by Justin »

I just recieved my KA in the mail when is the best time to take it :)? and should i take any on non workout days?
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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks a lot Rob!! would it be a good idea to eat some healthy fats after workout i know you said it slows down absorption but isn't it also key for testosterone? this is just a thing i thought of and have no idea if it would be successful as its just a theory.

A. Fats are good for test but only when looked at in the context of time. They build slowly into your structure like proteins.

and about that anabolic workout thing i thought it was stupid to cut protein for 3 weeks! seems way overboard.... The BP seems to be perfect! i was wondering this as a rest week can you go into a famine however no workouts? like a rest/famine week?? or would it be counter productive?

A. Counter productive. You want a homestatis in place to disrupt!

for liquid feeds I know your recipe in the BP however would it be a good idea to add extra virgin olive oil in it? for some healthy fats or peanut butter...( y peanut butter isn't the natural type) ...

A. That's fine.
Should i drink BCAA's throughout the day or only during my workouts wit sum waixymaize n protein

A. It's either or, but not both :)
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Post by Justin »

Just finished my arms workout and WOW that was amazing i never had such a pump my veins were crazy i heard people even say behind me look at that dudes veins hahah :) It might be due from the increase in carbs all of a sudden i'm not sure.
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Post by RobRegish »

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Post by Justin »

haha this si my first day of rest and my whole body is sore :D my chest has been sore for 4 days now my back 3 legs 2 and my arms are sore today also. The next to rest days should do me some good haha
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Post by Justin »

On my my second rest day So'
i'm gonna try and eat as much as possible and rest a lot
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