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Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:42 am
by PowderMonkey
1st post ftw!

age: 28

education? bachelor's degree in design, about to get another one in animation

job? barista, animation intern. hopefully, a job in the film industry in january. fingers crossed.

girlfriend/wife? nope

kids? nope

house? nope

overall happiness (1-10)? about an 8 or 9

future goals? take every day as it comes, go with the flow, make the best of it. oh, and to be one big mofo.

current debt? bachelor's degrees. that's it. own my car, no mortgage, no credit card. i use a visa debit card when i need a credit card number for something. credit card = teh evil.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:45 am
by RobRegish
"credit card = the evil"


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:09 am
by elephino
age - 32
education? - M.S. / Computer Science.
job? - VP of software company, consultant, product manager.
girlfriend/wife? - Divorced. Stumbled into an awesome girlfriend.
kids? - Nope.
house? - Horse farm that no longer has horses. Now a gun range ;)
overall happiness (1-10)? - 9.8. Always be happy, never be satisfied!!!
future goals? - Always keep growing, learning, and moving forward. There are specifics, but they're too long to go into...
current debt? - None but a mortgage.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:10 am
by RobRegish
Good man.

The GF thing can be a good/bad thing I suppose. Everything happens for a reason!!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:13 am
by elephino
RobRegish wrote:Good man.

The GF thing can be a good/bad thing I suppose. Everything happens for a reason!!
To be clear, I stumbled into the girlfriend well after the divorce... I was stoked being single, and wasn't looking for anyone. She was the same. Somehow we started dating.

I'm starting to believe that nobody is actually ready for a relationship until they don't really want one. Because this one has been great.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:17 am
by RobRegish
Good for you!

All my best and good luck with everything. I love my wife and family. Marriage isn't easy though. Thankfully, she's a BEAUTIFUL person inside and out.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:31 pm
by pcallaghan
I'll get my first post out here:

age - 25
education? - B.S. - Computer Engineering, M.S. - Info Science (2012), M.E. Systems Eng (2012)
job? - Systems Engineer in Telecommunications (BNI Video)
girlfriend/wife? - Engaged - wedding June 2012
house? - 2 story colonial
overall happiness (1-10)? - 8
future goals? - Max out retirement investments, drop BF% to 10%ish, first BP run (still reading, work and finals kept me from having time to read)
current debt? - a bit of CC (to be gone very soon), car, student loans, mortgage.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:56 pm
by RobRegish
Great future there. Maxing out retirement accounts (that mindset) at age 25 is FANTASTIC. First thing I learned upon landing in corporate America (one of the only good things):

Investor A starts at age 25 and saves $5,000/yr for 10 yrs. Stops at age 35.

Investor B starts at age 35 and saves $5,000/yr for 30 f'in years (3 times as much money!!)

Guess who has more at age 65?

Yep, investor A due to magic of compound interest. Today's overbearing lecture from Rob: Save early, save alot. When they give you the gate, make sure to leave with more than what you walked in there with...

My Turn!

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:41 pm
by DJ82585
Age? 25

education? BA History from Auburn University, MS Sports Mgmt Duquesnes University

job? Air Force Officer/Nuclear Launch Operator

girlfriend/wife? Single, and loving it!

kids? None to my knowledge!

house? Yep!

overall happiness (1-10)? 8

future goals? Become an Athletic Director at a Major University;maybe get married one day. Other then this I've achieved goals that most people will not have done 10 yrs my Sr.

current debt? House Mortgage(good debt with the housing Market in ND; my house went up by 8K within 4 months of buying it), Car(bad debt but have to have some fun in life), Student Loan(will have it payed off with in the year!)

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:56 am
by RobRegish
A BP Believer with his finger on the nuclear trigger!!!

My dreams of realizing world domination just got a WHOLE lot closer...:) This is fantastic man. You're the key to my plan and we're going to publicize this every we can to hold hostage any pirating/anti-BP issues.

I need you to buy a BP Tshirt pronto and take a picture of you wearing it with your hand on the key!!!!


Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:09 pm
by DJ82585
That would be classic! I will talk to my leadership and see what I need to do to get a photo in our launch simulator! Can't make any promises but never hurts to ask the question!

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:02 pm
by RobRegish
Please do.

Even a simulation in your house or something would be fantastic. That's going on my wall at work :)