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Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:02 pm
by DaCookie
DaCookie has earned some chocolate chips...

Bench 57.5kg(Could have gone up, it was quite easy, didnt really struggle on last reps even.So 60kg next time)
Squat 67.5kg(New max, wasnt easy, wasnt hard)
Pullover 18kg(New max. Not easy, not hard)
Deadlift same as last time(Bloody hard, I dont think ill be able to increase this for at least another 2 workouts or something.Form is not great but not bad.Im pretty sure its fine until the last like 2 reps where it rounds but im not getting back pain so it cant be too bad)
1arm db row 16kg(New max, not easy, not hard)

Notes/quick review of supps:

MASS protein: Now gonna be a staple, good stuff
Adaptogen N: Well what can I say...its fuckin amazing.I had absolutely no doms from the workout before this one.
Kre-anabolyn: Good stuff
Alkaplex: First greens product thingy, so I dunno but I think it helps with digestion
Multi-life: Not really impressed.Any improvments im pretty sure have been from the alkaplex and not this.Dont see why not to use opti-men instead, it has higher zinc which I find helps with a few spots i have or at least I think its the zinc.
Burn it up: Pretty disappointed in this to be honest.I dont think I will buy it again.In terms of energy it doesnt give me much at all.All I feel is a small bit of caffeine.

Diet: Spot on, no carbs today at all except from a few veg.

Thanks for your comments guys, they help motivate me.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:07 pm
by RobRegish
Great going Cookie!

And nice review of the products man. You had a chance to use each so now you know which ones work for you!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:17 pm
by DaCookie
Yeh I almost cant wait to try the tanning pill one to see if it works cause im a fuckin pale albino vampire almost.Dunno if it will work after just 5 pill sample though.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:27 pm
by SudburyBaller
Nice progressssssss

Why no carbs man? Did I miss something?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:30 am
by RobRegish
He's on a low carb cycling ketogenic diet. Savvy stuff...

And no, the 5 pill sample isn't enough to get a tan from the stuff. Provided you take 3-5 over a day or two's time though, it might be enough to increase your tolerance to sunlight.

I'll tell you what though... after a bottle or two of those you can lay out for a LONG time and not get burned. Or a shorter amount of time and tan like you were out there for hours. Lots of fisherman buy it to deal with the sun exposure they get...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:33 am
by DaCookie
Im graduating tomorrow.So maybe diet wont be too great.So far about 20% carbs today cause loads of cake and things going around the class.

Gonna try and restrain myself to not drink tomorrow.Gonna be hard with everyone at me.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:54 pm
by askmass
DaCookie wrote:Im graduating tomorrow.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 7:59 pm
by askmass
Cookie, wanted to quickly add that you should stick with the 'Burn It Up!' for the full bottle... it's a cumulative product in that the effects build over time.

And, it's very much by design NOT your typical short duration "fat burner/energy cap" that's chock full of caffeine to make it look like it's doing something.

If you are looking for a "jolt!" pre-workout item, it isn't for you, granted. But, given a little time it brings the goods in abundance in a dozen ways beyond that.

Multi's are not so much "felt", also, but we can save that for another time. Actual absorption is key to Multi-Life.

Very much appreciate the feedback, all around!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:41 pm
by DaCookie
Okay ill stick with it for this bottle and maybe another mass.

My diet wasnt great the past few days, was busy partying with graduation and all, so my diet was quite low calories...I didnt hit the new max I wanted on bench.I think it was because of this and the fact that today was an off day for adaptogen N.Managed to resist drinking alcohol though, even though everyone except for my muslim mate was.

Bench 60kg failed on 12th rep 57.5kg 2nd set
Squat 67.5kg crap form, didnt go low enough, probably cause I was pissed about failing bench and not concentrating
Deadlift same as before but near perfect form, to make up for shit form on squat...
Pullover 20kg(new max)
1arm db row 16kg(realised I was only doing 12 reps, meh no biggy just upped it to 15.)

Notes: didnt feel 100% cause of crap diet/late night and no adaptogen N, did some weird liquid shits too.That and I was dancing a lot, abs are showin up though.So far this has been a very lean bulk.Probably too lean and I think I could have done better with much more calories.Gonna add in vegetable oil next time.Thinking of ending the bulk early and doin a cut

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:45 am
by RobRegish
Good man Cookie. You're accomplishing just what you set out to do!

And more oil = more liquid shits :) Suggest normalizing those bowel movements first, then stepping it up with the oil. Also suggest adding in some soluble fiber like benefiber or otherwise up from whole foods.

It'll get you to a more "regular" state that much quicker. The fact you got some new PR's despite the late nights/bad food/no AN..... impressive.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:51 am
by DaCookie
Not really, I wanted to accomplish a specific weight, but im not very near it.I didnt expect it would be this much harder to gain weight with low carbs.It really limits your food choice so I cant do the shake from the blueprint.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:31 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah, that's why I was hoping to pull off the mega-carb loading trick peri-workout. Insulin is needed to shuttle all those aminos and such into the muscle. Carbs too, for the suffix (hydrate = water).

For every gram of carb you store it draws in almost 3 grams of water with it...

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:05 pm
by DaCookie
Dad decided to pull a runner on me today and went to bed early so couldnt workout cause no spotter.Probably for the better cause my mind felt really weird today even though I got a lot of sleep, kinda this spaced out feeling.Bum feeling a bit weird too.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:41 am
by DaCookie
Just a question.You said the carbs from fruit and veg are okay.Is this because they dont affect what we are trying to do here or because they are low in carb or similiar to waxy maize starch in some way.

I guess the ultimate question is, would I be better off without them in terms of this anabolic diet run?