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Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:28 pm
by RobRegish
so should i stop at 42 days or should i do a specific number of workout sessions like 15 and have that be my last day? because i dont want to cross the line btw feast and maintenance and overwork and deplete my gains.

A. Hank was spot on. Listen to your body, it will tell you when enough is enough and homeostasis has set in.

Q. how should my diet change in the maintenance phase? im doing the supersquats diet so im guessing id cut the milk and at least half of carb intake?

A. You should cut back to roughly maintenance calories. 5 x 5 is intense but it doesn't require the sledgehammer overfeeding seen early on in The BP. The goal is to normalize everything and establish a new (higher) state of homeostasis.

You'll be pleasantly surprise to see one or two (sometimes more!) lbs of muscle appear during Cruise. A common occurrence...

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:33 am
by KEissawi
im kinda of confused about eating in the cruise phase ive gained a few pounds but i hadnt done any cardio during feast i gained alot of muscle so i wana show it off without the excess fat

breakfast i have 6 eggs whites with two pieces of whole wheat toast

then lunch i have 40gs of protein either salad or fruit usually from turkey no carbs

dinner half a chicken n salad no carbs

workout days i have the periworkout shake with the waxy maize, protein, and bcaa

am i doing this right or wrong?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:32 am
by RobRegish
Your ideal here is a return to maintenance level calories with some added cardio.

The added cardio should create just enough of a dent in those maintenance calories to bring the bodyfat down. If still not where you want to be, rotate in 2-3 days of 70% of maintenance calories. That should do the trick!

Glad to hear you piled the muscle on during Feast.. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:47 am
by KEissawi
sorry im not quite catching the point so is my dieting too much or right where it should be, i was feeling i might not be intaking enough protein and going from feast phase to what im doing is making me hungry so i added the mass power pudding you suggested as a bedtime snack

the cardio i was thinking of like jogging everyday for no more than 30 minutes is that too much or too little

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:40 am
by KEissawi
how should creatine be taken in cruise phase?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:13 pm
by RobRegish
Depends upon the form. If straigh Cr mono:

5 g upon rising with a higher carb breakfast and 5g in your intra-workout drink.

Off days 5g upon rising as above and another 5g with a higher CARB meal later in the day.

You can "load" with 20-30g/day but I was never really a fan. The #'s on the scale go up rather quickly but.... let's be honest. Most of it is water that early on. Some of it held extra-cellularly.