Sovabrat's First BP Log

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Post by sovabrat »

Day 18 Overall no weigh in.

Took a break today. Thought I could use the rest leading to my 1RM tomorrow.

Had wings last night as a reward to myself for my progress so far. I have a very aggressive 3-4 weeks planned with cardio 4-5 times a week so eating unhealthy once a week will not harm me.

@Rob: absolutely use that as a testimonial. I still cant believe the transformation that is going on. I went from bulky to lean and mean in a period of 3 weeks so far. I am fortunate though that I did bulk all winter though, I dont think there would be any muscle on my body right now if it werent for that.
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Post by RobRegish »

Appreciate it man, really do.

I'd love to get a summary from you at the end of your run about how you did it, what you felt was most helpful, key learnings etc. Reason being, what you've accomplished is what most guys are really after. I've come to find out that folks today are looking for recomp more than anything.

Times have changed since I was younger. At age 40, probably a good idea for me to follow suit.

Many, many thanks..
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 19 Overall 177.5 lbs

Still losing weight despite the bad eating for dinner the past two days. My calorie intake is stable around 70-80% on off days and 100-110% on workout days.

Today was my 1RM test. I took the warmups nice and slow and rested 2-3 minutes between each set.

I amazed myself, the weight I put up on the bar looked out of my league so I called the spotter over. I had it at 230. He asked if I wanted a lift off and I said no. I easily got the bar off the rack, down to 1 inch from chest and back up. I felt like I could have done another rep with some help. I got up and took off the 2.5's on each end and replaced them with 10's. So i attempted 245. I got down and was 1/2 way up but my spotter aided with his fingers and I slowly got it up. That was not satisfactory to me so I told him next time dont help me. I lowered the weight back down to 235 and rested another 2-3 minutes. This time I asked for no help. I got it off the rack, down, and on the way up it slowed down a bit but I pushed through with a nice loud grunt/Arnold face!! So another PR at 235 clean.

Used 55lbs for the DB extensions, wasnt trying to go for a record here. As I have mentioned before, my form is not that great with this so im taking it slow and controlled until I find my stride.

Normally for the squats I only do a warmup set with no weight on the bar and then hop right into the big lbs. This time I started at 135 and kept moving up in 20 lb increments approximately. I maxed out at 295 for 1 clean rep all the way down and up. I think I could have probably done about 5-10 lbs more but I think I am happy with how good my form was so I stopped. I was debating recording 300 because I know I can do it, but it is what it is and I dont want to cheat at all. So new PR with the squat @ 295.

18 minutes of HIIT on the stairmaster again. I must comment that Ive tried HIITs on Bike, Treadmill, Encumbent bike, and stairmaster. Of all of them, the stairs makes me sweat the most. I am going to stick with stairs twice a week, bike once, and treadmill for long distance runs once a week for 4 total days of cardio for the next two weeks. Once I get closer to the end of May I will probably increase to 5 days of cardio.

Fat is still melting away, I can tell that my love handles are noticeably smaller every few days.

@Rob: I sure can have a discussion with you on my routine that I have been using. I write every detail down. I actually have a calendar with every detail written on it to hold myself accountable for what needs to be achieved each day. I totally bought the BP thinking I would use it to get bigger, but after reading it a couple times I thought it would be perfect for a cut/ recomp. And it turns out it is incredibly good for that also. I think the key is the flexibility it offers compared to all those other programs out there where you HAVE to complete what is required.
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Post by RobRegish »

So happy for you man. SOOOOO happy for you!

New PR's and bodyfat lows. This is EXACTLY what the mainstream is clamoring for, too.

Once you get that calendar together/log in order, let me know. I'd love for the crowd to hear this. OK that's a plea for advertising but dammit, we've got a better mousetrap here.

I am grateful The Blueprint helped you. Really am. That's enough for me. I'm going out to dinner to focus on you and the others here using it with great success, not the BP haters.

Perhaps that's a sure sign of success. BP haters are here....
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Post by sovabrat »

Anything I can do to help Launch the BP into mainstream would be my pleasure. I have pre-pictures and will be taking post pictures as well. I think the pictures will show the dramatic transformation. My story at the end will be a no BS testimonial on what it takes and how I did it.

Day 20 Overall did not weigh in.

Today is going to be a heavy drinking day for me. My calories will surely be too high but oh well. I did the same last weekend and I actually lost weight. I am not worried because if I stick to my gameplan things will happen the way I want.
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Post by RobRegish »

Appreciate it man, really do.

Your notes will go a long way to refining 3.0 too, if that's any hint :)
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 21

Today is rest from cardio and weights. Monday I am starting upper body german loading pattern. I havent worked out exactly what I plan to split the upper and lower with but I have a hunch I will leave towards the bench, db extensions, mil press, inc curls, t-bar rows, pullups. That should be a good hit to the upper body without focusing too much on any one area. In the past I had done Back, Bis, Chest, Tris SHoulders, Traps QUads,hams and lower back. SO that is basically a 4 day split.

With the focus being mainly on the bench, deadlift, and sqaut this time, I think I will make the most out of my time with the weight stretch exercises. I will post later this evening after I get back from bowling.
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 22 (177 Lbs)

Still dropping about a pound a week right now. Exactly what I was hoping for; any more and I would be worried a bit.

Day 1 Upper German Loading today weights for this will be guestimated because I didnt bring my log to work with me. BUt its based on a 1Rm of 235. All sets were a 3 min rest period, timed with my interval watch.

Bench press 10,8,8,8,8,8

The following groups of exercises were done with a super set.

Inc DB Curl 3x30x8
One Arm DB Row 3x50x8

Military Press 3x35x8
DB Overhead Extension 3x45x8

Regular full range pull ups, locked arms at bottom each rep 6x3xbodyweight
Dips 3x8xbodyweight

18 minutes on Stairclimber HIIT level 10 of 12.

This is the first workout where I feel drained and can tell I will be sore tomorrow. The intensity was immense this morning because I had the whole weekend off. I had the biggest pump on the bench press and inc db curl.

Nothing else to really note except that im going to try and increase my protein intake on workout days now that I am going more intense.
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice :)

Yes, the switch to GLP is a shock at first. There's a method to the madness though. More progress awaits!

Nice going man. Your progress is inspiring. Really is...
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 23 (176.5)

Had a late night last night. Hawks game started at 8 ct and I was there!! What an amazing game. Anyways, despite less sleep I still got up, took two thermo's and hit the gym.

Abs are really starting to pop, especially the top 4 right now. Still working on that fat along the bottom row which is the hardest to shed. I know I will get there soon. Weight was down and my weigh in was the lowest since day 5 famine. Im almost down to my famine weight of 176 of which I shot up to 179 in the three days following.

My muscles have not been shrinking at all and my strength is through the roof at the moment. I just have endless stamina and endurance right now.

I did all ab work this morning and then hit the treadmill for 7 minutes. I was hoping to get in a nice 38 min run @6.0 mph but after my 3 min warmup my left shin started to tighten up a bit. This is from the stair master yesterday when I went at level 10 of 12. It really kicked my but. BUt ive learned from that mistake. Now I will be cycling my cardio methods smarter.

Now I will be doing Bike on mondays because it is the least stressfull on my legs. Tuesdays will continue to be my long distance slow cardio day. Wednesday will be my stairmaster HIIT day. Thursday I will likely do bike again just to keep my stamina for the following day. Right now I am working on a Mon, Wed, Fri split for my GLP. It cycles between upper and lower so one week will be two upper, the other two lower. If i keep my stairmaster to wed and friday I will have ample recovery time in the event I would have a lower day following. My goal is to preserve 100% for my GLP complex moves at the beginning of each workout.

Side note: My bicep peak is getting very defined. I think it is all because of the body fat % drop.
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Post by RobRegish »

"My muscles have not been shrinking at all and my strength is through the roof at the moment. I just have endless stamina and endurance right now".

Lifted my spirits :)
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 24 (176 lbs)

Note to log: I weigh myself every morning at exactly the same time on the same scale. This keeps my fluctuations in check. So far I have only had one relapse on my weight but like i mentioned, I think it was because of some food sitting in me from the night before..

Had another late night last night. I was still sore yesterday from my Monday workout and my legs were drained because of the extreme HIIT session I had. Despite that, my bowling league started up which will be every Tuesday night for the next 15 weeks. I got a new ball drilled and using it sunday and last night destroyed my right thumb. I mean it is torn down through a couple layers of skin. I had to switch up my throwing to the old two fingers no thumb technique so now my forearms are stiff from essentially chucking 12 lb balls all night.

Today was workout #1 of GLP for lower body. I could tell when I got up that it was not going to be a good session for me because of how tired and sore I was still.

first 4 sets of the GLP were fine. The last 3 reps on the 5 set gave me a slightly tingling pulsing feeling in my lower back. Rather than attempt the 6th set I decided to err on the side of caution and skip it. The last thing I want is an injury.

Decided not to superset my following exercises because I didnt want to be hobbling the rest of the week and have to skip out on cardio.

Single Leg Hack Squat 3x120x6
Leg Curls 3x80x8
Romanian Single Leg Dead Lift 2 25lb dbs x 8

I was pretty exhausted after the third exercise. Although I could have probably done more weight and another exercise, I focused on clean form and stretching each movement. That seems to be the key to the adaptogen supplements. I think my effort level is something I could write my name on so I checked out and did some HIIT for 15 minutes on the bike. Worked up a really good sweat with the interval program.

Note: I feel run down today. Next week I wont make the mistake with the stair climber HIIT. That kind of set me back this week so far. I think with proper sleep the next couple days I will be A-OK. At least my diet is consistent and VERY clean.
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Post by RobRegish »

Smart move...

Your body is begging for a break. And good for you... you've already sensed it! Probably avoided an injury too. Always remember that. Now you'll live to fight another day.

Take some well deserved time off and tear into it next session!!
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Post by Hank! »

Another thing that BP finally managed to hammer into my thick skull was that you must listen to your body. Last year sometime i failed to do this and I have had a nagging lower back issue since October. I have gone to Physical Therapy, Chiro get massage etc. My regular Dr keeps finding reasons that he should not request a MRI for some reason. Yes my back still bugs me, my mobility is about 65-70% of where I was last summer but, by backing off when it hurt and properly resting I still managed to make progress on BP.
I am not where I was last year in(315) Dead Lift, even tried to do 275 this week and the Gogli tendon kicked in and shut me down BUT good news is my back doesnt hurt any MORE than it did 6 months ago..
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