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Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:58 am
by RobRegish
Here's Garreth Denyer's feedback, quoted word for word (he posted in the other Synthagen thread)...


Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:55 pm Post subject:

"Just started Synthagen this past Tuesday (May 1st). Using 7 pre and 7 post workout along with 7 at night time and stacking 3 capsules of Adaptogen-N at night time.

Within the past two nights I have slept incredibly well. My workouts on Tues and Thursday were the two best I have had in the past month, breaking two PR's and having plenty of stamina even at the end. I wanted to keep working out, which is completely unlike me due to my 15 hour work days and lack of sleep. It's difficult to explain but I have a better sense of well being. I don't feel so damn drained in other words.

I can't wait to see what Synthagen will allow me to accomplish this month! I have to thank Rob for creating this product. The man has changed my life not only through Synthagen and BP, but giving me the motivation to train hard again!!!!"

COMMENTARY: Here again we see the Synthagen hallmarks that are emerging..

1.) Sense of well being, that's difficult to put your finger on - but it's there
2.) Increased work capacity
3.) Increased VO2 max/stamina
4.) Greatly accelerated recovery/reduced DOMS

These are all indicative of Ecdy's effects, yet they're manifesting MUCH faster given Synthagen's actives in the mix. If you read the write up closely - I think you'll see why. Every ingredient either reinforces all of the positive attributes Ecdy bring to the table, or compliments a known function of the compound.

For now, please continue to share as much as you can here. I'm confident that as the weeks and months roll by, you'll be most pleased.

I REALLY want to hear from someone who's "on" for 7-8 weeks, then comes OFF Synthagen.

You can learn as much, if not more about how good a product is - when you discontinue it!... :)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:06 pm
by matter2003
Rob, about to put Synthagen to a pretty good test running MI40, which has zero off days for 40 days. Non Lifting days are considered "off days", but you do 20 minutes of HIIT cardio, so its not exactly an "off day", especially when you follow this progression week 1-week 6 with it:

Week 1: 30 sec on/30 sec off
Week 2: 45 sec on/45 sec off
Week 3: 60 sec on/60 sec off
Week 4: 60 sec on/45 sec off
Week 5&6: 60 sec on/30 sec off

40 minute workouts consisting of 40 second sets and 40 second rest periods and a bunch of what he calls Neurological Overload Sets(NOS), which are basically 3 or 4 drop sets all in a row at the end of a lot of exercises.

Going to be super excited to see how I recover with Synthagen in my corner...

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:14 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Rob, about to put Synthagen to a pretty good test running MI40, which has zero off days for 40 days. Non Lifting days are considered "off days", but you do 20 minutes of HIIT cardio, so its not exactly an "off day", especially when you follow this progression week 1-week 6 with it:

Week 1: 30 sec on/30 sec off
Week 2: 45 sec on/45 sec off
Week 3: 60 sec on/60 sec off
Week 4: 60 sec on/45 sec off
Week 5&6: 60 sec on/30 sec off

40 minute workouts consisting of 40 second sets and 40 second rest periods and a bunch of what he calls Neurological Overload Sets(NOS), which are basically 3 or 4 drop sets all in a row at the end of a lot of exercises.

Going to be super excited to see how I recover with Synthagen in my corner...

Have to tell you man, I see this as a train wreck/over-training - BUT, I haven't tried it yet so I'll reserve judgment. This for SURE will be an incredible test for Synthagen. Geez...

I'm getting lots of great feedback via email with respect to the acute recovery effects of Synthagen. I realize logging in/posting may be a problem if you're busy guys - but PLEASE do try to share your experiences here.

Knowing how many you dosed/timing, your bodyweight and the observed effects is going to help EVERYONE get the MOST out of Synthagen. Thus far, it's been very favorable and consistent. We need only strive to nail down the optimal dosing, to help guys/gals dial it in!!!