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Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 pm
by Street-dreams
bw workout x2 a day 2 sets
workout 1 of 2

pullups 7 5
push ups 36 34
situps 25 15
squats 108 90

good workout but did it late.. (9ish at night..) might not get a second workout in... had some real life stuff come up earlier in the day..regardless.. GREAT workout.. beat 3 of 4 lifts on second set and new pr on static squats and situps on first set.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:57 pm
by Street-dreams
Week 4 The measurements

weight 177.8(-3.2)
navel 33 (-1.5)
waist 32(-1)

Overall after one month
start 185 current 177.8 (-7.2)
waist 33.5 current 32 (-1.5)
navel 35.5 current 33 (-2.5)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:05 pm
by Street-dreams

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Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:38 pm
by Street-dreams
2x a day workout 3 1 set
1 of 2

pullups 8 matches PR
push ups 43<-PR
situps 27<-PR
squats 115<-PR

started up 2nd month supps

reduce XT

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:28 pm
by Street-dreams
How about a lil food Pr0n?

I made me some chilli

4.5lbs lean ground beef
1/2 red onion
1/2 white onion
2 jalapenos
2 12oz bottles of Bells Oberon(beer)
2 tblspoons olive oil to prevent sticking to the pan
1lb kidney beans
1/4 garlic glove minced
2 cups spaghetti sauce
1 cup oatmeal
chili powder
crushed red pepper

sauteed vegetables in olive oil before adding in the beef..
simmered for 3 full hours.

the cheese on that second picture is white cheddar.


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Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:33 pm
by Street-dreams
9,163 cal
505.6 fat
393.3 carbs
766.2 protein

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:13 pm
by y0lked
Street-dreams wrote:Total
9,163 cal
505.6 fat
393.3 carbs
766.2 protein
more fat than carbs? on a cut?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:34 pm
by Street-dreams
Calories in vs calories out is all that matters to me. Also I am carb sensitive soo not a bad thing to have less carbs than fat

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:24 am
by Street-dreams
2x a day workout 3 1 set
2 of 2

pullups 3
push ups 15
situps 12
squats 40

joints started hurting so it cut this session short.. did less reps on pushups and squats than I could have. looks like I need to make sure to get my fishoil in..

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:55 am
by Hank!
"more fat than carbs? on a cut?

Do have any research to show that doing differently would be better?

Not trying to be combative , but I am not down with the anti dietary fat crowd

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:02 pm
by Street-dreams
workout 4 2x a day workout 1 of 2
pullups 8 5
push ups 37 28
situps 20 15
squats 120 100

need to try and get these workouts in earlier in the day.. i know I coulda done better had I worked out in the afternoon

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:38 am
by Street-dreams
well its been a couple times in a row.. so I think that I can draw the conclusion that doing this 2x a day doesn't work.. its like my body is still beaten down from the first workout. So I will only be doing 1 of this workout.. perhaps I could do something else less strenuous for a second workout.. Any ideas rob? I was trying to increase the intensity of the workouts throughout the 2 months of this cut.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:32 am
by RobRegish
Street-dreams wrote:well its been a couple times in a row.. so I think that I can draw the conclusion that doing this 2x a day doesn't work.. its like my body is still beaten down from the first workout. So I will only be doing 1 of this workout.. perhaps I could do something else less strenuous for a second workout.. Any ideas rob? I was trying to increase the intensity of the workouts throughout the 2 months of this cut.
A. To my mind(s), there is no point in performing at anything less than 100%. Much better to adjust workout training frequency. Here, you're going to want to insert an extra rest day, meaning if you're on a 1on/1off now... goto a 1on/2off, etc..

Doing so would be a far more prudent strategy, allowing you to do it justice at each session, while giving you the TIME necessary... to allow the body to super-compensate and grow larger/stronger.

HANK! - There may be merit on a cut, incorporating more fats vs. carbs. Clearly, ketogenic diets work uber-well FOR THOSE THAT OXIDIZE FATS WELL.

These folk are typicall meso-endomorphs or some mix, albeit there are exceptions given the wide range of individual somatypes to be found.

Nevertheless, experiment/re-load and refine. SOLID work, Street - dreams!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:07 pm
by Street-dreams
weight 179.0( +1.2)
Navel 32.5(-.5)
waist 32.0 (same)

im thinking some of that weight gain is water retention.. o well still making progess


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Can you guys give me an assessment of any changes you notice between week 4 pics and week 5... Its looking like my visual changes arent happening very fast or at least have slowed down.. I was expecting something significant this week.