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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:50 pm
by Hank!
you are already past 18inches?



Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:33 pm
by bigpelo
Well, not really... No training today nor yesterday. I just took left bicep:

Unflex: 16 1/4
flex: 18 1/32

I would like to get 19+ flex :)

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:07 pm
by Hank!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:47 pm
by bigpelo
Thanks Hank! :)

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:21 pm
by thething301
bigpelo wrote:Well, not really... No training today nor yesterday. I just took left bicep:

Unflex: 16 1/4
flex: 18 1/32

I would like to get 19+ flex :)
Watch out 19 here come bigpelo !!!

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:01 am
by bigpelo
Ok, here's the last 4 days of diet and the 2 first 10% solution workout:

Feast day 14 - January 28 2011

No training, 3000 calories target

3343 calories
107g fat (30%)
328g carbs (37%)
265g protein (33%)

Carbs composition
246g complex (75%)
46g sugar (14%)
36g fibre (11%)

When at the restaurant with some friends and I had a 12 oz filet mignon, that explains the protein and the calories excess...

Feast day 15 - January 29 2011

1st 10% solution training (bench) with calories downward spiral 2nd step:

diet goal: 3000 calories on, 2700 off (always 40-30-30)

3209 calories
97g fat (28%)
219g protein (28%)
324g carbs (44%)

Carbs composition:
272g complex ( 75%)
60g sugar (17%)
31g fibre (9%)

Diet was off target again mainly because of the carbs. I am guilty of following the pregnant cravings. It's hard to look at my girl eating all day telling me: "you want some?"... I need to take action on this because this lean bulking will transform in pure bulking!


According to the 10% solution calculation grid, my first bench workout is 3 sets of 3 reps with 215 lbs. That's not a lot for me... so I did:
Barbell bench press: 225x3x3 - Very easy...

EDT #1: incline dumbbell press - dumbbell row, 90 lbs dumbbells each
6,6,7,8,8 I did sweat a bit but overall I underestimate my strength. I will try more reps next time. total EDT time was 12 minutes

EDT #2: seated dumbbell shoulder press - upright barbell row, 53lbs dumbbells and 75 lbs barbell
6,7,8,8,8 Way too easy...
6,7,8,8,7 in 13 minutes total. Easy at the beginning, little bit hard on last set. I will blast that EDT with lots of reps next WO too!

Decline close grip barbell bench press static hold:
225x15 seconds --> easy (my spotter was impress by this static hold thing, I think it was the first time he saw this. It was my first time doing this too)
245x15 seconds --> no as easy but will try more next time.

Total workout time was 67 minutes. Weight as 246 after WO.

Feast day 16 - January 30 2011

No training

Diet target: 2700 calories

2850 calories
121g fat (41%)
167g protein (25%)
234g carbs (34%)

Carbs composition:
192g complex (82%)
30g sugar (13%)
12g fibre (5%)

Diet analysis: I ran out of hemp protein this week end. I did ordered some more last Tuesday (with NOW Gaba) but haven't receive them yet. That explains the very low fibre. Sunday for dinner, me and my pal cocked for our girls a Mediterranean meal: garlic butter snails with cheddar cheese for appetizer, salmon with white sauce for main meal with a side dish of Greek salad (olive oil, olive, mushroom, red pepper, cherry tomatoes, tortellini, balsamic vinegar, feta cheese) and white Masi wine. --> way too much fat!

Side note: no soreness still...

Feast day 17 - January 31 2011

10% solution squat workout, 3000 calories as target

3266 calories
109g fat (32%)
235g protein (30%)
319g carbs (38%)

Carbs composition:
272g complex (75%)
60g sugar (17%)
31 fibre (9%)

Diet analysis: still no hemp protein, fibre total is a bit low but not problematic. My girl and I went to the restaurant to celebrate the first ultrasound diagnostic. Baby is alive and kickin'! I ate in excess, again :oops:

Squat (according to the 10% solution calculus table) 3 set of 3 reps with 285 lbs. did them all pretty easy. Are this calculus table right?

EDT for lower body: Romanian dead lift225 lbs - hack squat with 270 lbs
6,6,6,6,5 in 14 minutes total.

Rack pull static hold:
405 x 15 seconds, not to hard
445 x 14 seconds, could have done 15, next time I will try 455.

Static abs crunch
205 x 15 seconds, easy
220 x 15 seconds, still not hard. I will try to max out the pulley next time (240 or so)

Total workout time was 59 minutes. Weight was 247.

Feast day 18 - February 1 2011

No training today. No soreness too. Feel good, slept well. I will try really hard not to go over the prescribe 2700 calories for today. I will report diet macros at the end of the day or tomorrow.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:20 pm
by bigpelo
Feast day 18 - February 1 2011

No training, goal was 2700 calories

2748 calories
88g fat (30%)
201g protein (31%)
288g carbs (39%)

Carbs composition
194g complex (67%)
62g sugar (22%)
32g fibre (11%)

Nothing special to report except that I forgot to take 1 serving of the following at lunch time: 1 cap of each, alkaplex green+, multi life, kre-anabolyn and fish oil...

Feast day 19 - February 2 2011

2nd 10% solution bench workout, goal is 3000 calories. I will report diet macros and workout numbers later, as usual.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:57 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 19 - February 2 2011

Goal: 3000 calories

2945 calories
82g fat (27%)
242g protein (35%)
304g (38%)

Carbs composition
192g complex (63%)
67g sugar (22%)
45g fibre (15%)

I added veganique to my supplement arsenal in place of hemp protein. 26g protein, 18g fibre, 2g omega 3 (6g fat total) 240 calories, 2.5g maca root, etc. Worth the look into it.

60 minutes total including warms up
248 lbs after WO (+5 lbs) :D

Bench press: 250 lbs x 3 reps x 2 set --> easy, again...

EDT #1: incline dumbbell press/dumbbell row both with 90 lbs
10,10,10,9,7 Got hard at the end, 92 reps total in 12 minutes

EDT #2: Seated shoulder press with dumbbell (53 lbs)/upright row with 75 lbs barbell
10,10,10,8,6 Shoulders where completely pump at the end of this one. 89 reps in 12.5 minutes

Static hold, close grip decline barbell press:
265x15 seconds
275x15 seconds

Feast day 20 - February 3 2011

No training, aiming for 2700 calories (that's not a lot compare to what I am used to...) At 4:30pm, I begin a 3 days weekend :D

More to come tomorrow after 10% solution lower body workout #2.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:56 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 20 - February 3 2011

2870 Calories
125g fat (41%)
189g protein (28%)
257g carbs (31%)

Carbs composition
137g complex (53%)
77g sugar (30%)
43g fibre (17%)

To much fat from hamburger, fries and chicken wings I had at the restaurant...

Feast day 21 - February 4 2011

10% solution lower body workout #2:

Squat: 345 lbs x 3 reps x 2 sets --> easy again

EDT: Romanian dead lift 225 lbs / hack squat 270 lbs
Total 79 reps in 14 minutes

Rack pull static hold
445 x 15 seconds --> was good
485 x 15 seconds --> felt good while holding the weight but after I put the bar down, I thought I was to lose conscious... It took 2-3 minutes to feel better.

Ab crunch static hold
235 x 15 seconds --> maximum of the pulley
260 x 15 seconds --> maximum + I had another pin with a 25 iron disk. It feels almost easy... I maybe need to change that exercise.

After all this, which took 63 minutes, I was still feeling super energized so I had 2 sets of wide grip pull up. body weight x 10 reps and BW x 8 reps. I do feel This program lacks work on back/biceps so I might keep doing pull ups after lower body workout.

Feast day 22 - February 5 2011

No training and no diet recording. Little bit of soreness in the traps from static hold, maybe... Felt good, lots of sleep.

Feast day 23 - February 6 2011

No training because I started renovation in the house. The office will be located somewhere else to make place for the baby's room. Bathroom will be upgraded too to increase storage capacity and finally the master bedroom will have a bigger closet.

And no diet recording because of the super bowl all process food you can eat etc. Felt like crap the whole second half. I felt like I ate a concrete pouch and it was slowly hardening in my belly. Is that what we call a cheat day?

Feast day 24 - February 7 2011

10% solution upper body workout #3 after work. I will update tomorrow with weigh lifted and diet macros.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:52 am
by Hank!

That rack pull will ramp up really fast, so fast you will be surprised. I still almost pass out when i do them tho

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:45 am
by bigpelo
Thanks Hank! I will crank it up again tomorrow then!

Feast day 24 - February 7 2011

Diet goal: 3000 calories

Achieved: 2969 calories
76g fat (24%)
230g protein (32%)
376g carbs (45%)

Carbs composition:
222g complex (59%)
104g sugar (28%)
50g fibre (13%)

Much better diet than super bowl day...

10% solution upper body workout #3:

Barbell bench press 280 lbs x 2 reps x 2 sets --> easy, again. My spotter asked me why I needed him...

EDT #1: Incline dumbbell press / 1 arm dumbbell row, both with 95 lbs (+5% approx)
6,6,6,6,7 --> I need to crank the reps on those, it was easier than I thought. Total 62 reps in 11.5 minutes

EDT#2: Seated dumbbell shoulder press (59 lbs, +5%) / upright barbell row (80 lbs, +5%)
6,6,6,6,7 --> again easier than I expected. Total 62 reps in 12 minutes

Decline barbell close grip bench press static hold:
275 lbs x 15 seconds
295 lbs x 14 seconds --> That was great!

Total workout time was 64 minutes. I had trouble finding a spotter for the decline close grip static hold. Someone I can thrust that would be able to lift the bar if something goes wrong, you know...

Weight after workout as 250 lbs --> +7 lbs!

This workout was great, sweaty but I recover very fast and again no soreness today! Very happy with the way this run is going.

Feast day 25 - February 8 2011

No training

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:37 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 25 - February 8 2011

No training, goal was 2700 calories

Achieved: 2711 calories
87g fat (30%)
210g protein (32%)
272g carbs (38%)

Carbs composition:
172g complex (63%)
71g sugar (26%)
29g fibre (11%)

I am pretty happy with this diet so far. 2700 calories is really a low food intake for me though. This is going to get even harder as I will begin 2400 calories every non training day, starting Saturday :( Hopefully it will keep my gain lean.

I upped my adaptogen N to 3 caps per night before bed since Monday because I couldn't feel it anymore. I will run out of them in 10 days or so. Not sure if I will buy some again or just finish this feast without a test booster... :?:

Last night I went to bed at 9pm and I had a hard time waking up at 6am. So a good strong 9 hours of sleep! And I didn't start the gaba yet. It's probably the melatonin contain in the 3 caps of AN.

Feast day 26 - February 9 2011

10% solution lower body workout #3. Can't wait to rack pull 500lbs! I am already pshhht :twisted:

Updates in the following 24 hours.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:23 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 26 - February 9 2011

Diet goal: 3000 calories

Achieved: 3029 calories
205g protein (28%)
94g fat (29%)
341g carbs (43%)

Carbs composition:
231g complex (68%)
76g sugar (22%)
34g fibre (10%)

10% solution lower body workout #3

Squat: 365 lbs x 2 set x 2 reps --> first one was ok, second one I went up a little bit slower but it wasn't "hard". Good, deep, satisfying lift.

EDT: Romanian dead lift whit 250 lbs / hack squat with 300 lbs
6,6,6,6,6 --> sweat a lot! not easy but I will certainly do at least 7 reps of each next workout

Rack pull static hold:
505 lbs x 15 seconds --> ok lift
515 lbs x 15 seconds --> again, almost passed out. I do believed I can do way more than that

Ab crunch static hold:
260 lbs x 15 seconds x 2 set --> again not really hard. I should superset this one with hanging leg raise static hold or something like that?

Pull ups:
body weight x 10
Body weight x 8

Total workout time: 70 minutes
Weight after workout was 248 lbs, -2 from Monday but still +5 from before famine. Probably the "super bowl" diet puffiness...

Feast day 27 - February 10 2011

No training today, targeting 2700 calories. Didn't sleep well because of my girl having a cold and snoring like an old tractor. Still, I feel good today and I am not sore!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:46 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 27 - February 10 2011

No training, target was 2700 calories

Achieved: 2593 calories
66g fat (24%)
195g protein (32%)
308g carbs (44%)

Carbs composition:
186g complex (60%)
89g sugar (29%)
33g fibre (11%)

I should stop the honey on toast in the morning, it busted my carbs, especially sugar.

I had some little soreness in my legs by the end of the afternoon. All gone now. I went visiting a factory where I will work next September and we climb close to 1000 stairs during the morning. I had no problem doing so but after a heavy squat + romanian DL/hack squat EDT day, quads felt a little bit tight.

Feast day 28 - February 11 2011

4th 10% solution upper body workout with 3000 calories. Updates later.