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Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:17 am
by RobRegish
You have a few particulars on the lats and if wanting to specialize, I'd offer the following:

WIDTH: Chins, lat pulldowns and face pulls off a high pulley

THICKNESS: One arm DB rows, Tbar rows, BB rows and seated cable rows

What I'm getting at here is rowing movements on both the horizontal and vertical planes. To the latter, you can also add RDL's and rack pulls with a static hold:

Romanian Deadlift

Top Range Rack Pull with Static Hold - Big Jaz shows us how its done!

Structure as follows:

Hack Squats

1 arm DB rows
DB pullovers

Seated cable rows

Wide grip chin ups
Decline DB bench press

Pick one or two of these and finish with that Rack Pull static hold.

By prioritizing the back movement first and including an antagonistic and/or stretch position movement, you'll gain greater growth stimulation in the lats (all over really).

Hope that helps!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:19 pm
by ethanhun
What is antagonists to your shoulders???

thanks for all them help :)

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:15 am
by RobRegish
Something like an upright row or heavy BB shrug alternated with a pressing movement. Those would be good examples of vertical compound antagonistic movements for the shoulder.

Isolation movements would include reverse butterfly on the machine. Rather that sitting in it facing outward though, sit on the seat facine INWARD, placind the elbows on the pads and pushing BACK.

A third would be bent over lateral raises.

The latter two are isolation movements. I support these though given the shoulder is a complex joint structure (rotator cuff in particular). You don't want to over-do compound lifts here and they're already getting a LOT of work given all of the pressing/pulling we do elsewhere.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:51 pm
by ethanhun

Bench 190x8
Pullover 70x8 ( i dont htink im doign these right?) can you find me a video that shows it being done good?

Decline bench db 70x7:7:7:7
CG latpll downs 150x7:7:7:7

skullcrushers 70x6:6:6:5:6:5
curls 80x 6:6:6:5:5:5:5

I was able to do more reps because i got stronger + i did the bigger muscle first?? Triceps?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:13 pm
by RobRegish
You got the order right. Here's the pullover:

This guy has it right. So many BAD ones I had to go through!

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:08 pm
by ethanhun

day1 chest

Bench 120x10 130x8 145x8 155x8 170x8 185x9 :)
(??? I used that calculator you sent me and it said i was supposed to use 120x10 145x8 145x8 the rest the same, is that second set an error on my part or the calcuator on the docutument you sent me? In the book it says the second set is 54% and third is 61%)

A. Best to check the actual loading pattern beginning on page 60 of The BP. Wish I could tell you but my computer is giving me fits right now with that calculator/in general.

Pullover 60x7:6 45x8

Incline db press 60x6 70x6,6,6,6,6
CG lat pulldowns 130x8 150x6 170x6,6,6,6 (really worked my forarms good :) )

What else should i have done ??

A. Nothing. Keep at that and work on UPPING those reps next session!

Im still confused.

Day2 Legs

Squats 125x10 135x8 150x8 160x8 180x8 190x10 :) 2 bonus reps here 135x18 for fun

A. Do NOT insert "bonus reps". The total tonnage is very carefully calculated. I know I'm raining on your parade, but just trust me on that one..

I did some calfs and some abductor work today and soem ham curls

My main worry is that my knees pop every time i squat with more than 150 lbs. every time i come up from the bottom they pop. its weird no pain or anything. should i be worried

A. Nothing to worry about that I can see. Happens to me occassionally.

What all am i forgetting to do??

A. You're missing the EDT blocks on leg day. Please see the sample Feast Phase Training template in my sig. Spells it all out for you :)

I did legs today And ill do chest tommrmow. WO2 for chest

Should i do my ab stretch tomrorw?

A. Again, it's in the stickies. We use a unique ab overload movement at the END of your workout on leg day :)

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:19 am
by ethanhun
Bench WO2 GLP1

200x6 (felt really easy :) i think i had 2 more reps in me)

pullovers 60x8:8:8


Inclind DB bench 70x7:7:7:7:6:8 (+6 time to raise to 75s)
CG rows 130x6:6:8:7 Tbar row 115x6:10

Short work out :(

I got legs tormorow and Chest friday. Then i get a nice 3 day break :)

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:41 am
by RobRegish
Wow. Nailed everything and gas left in the tank?

You were SMART to stick to the loading pattern. They're VERY carefully calculated to deliver a specific total tonnage per workout. Check out the chart I put together for you: ... dSheet.pdf

I have a bad feeling a lot of guys miss this as I didn't do a good enough job of highlighting it in 2.0. It took me weeks to get the #'s right b/c I suck at math :)

Study it, strive to understand it and appreciate it. Provided you manage workout frequency correctly/stay healthy.... it provides the keys to the strength/power kindgom..

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:53 pm
by ethanhun
I dont understand what that spread shirt is trying to tell me?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:40 pm
by ethanhun
WO2 Legs

135x8 (was supposed to do 150)

210x2 (make up for not doing 150 on the second set)

Leg press (sled) 8platesx6:6:10 10 plates:6:6:8
Ham Curls 90x6: 110x6 120x6:10 130x7 140x8

calf raises

ab stretch

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:56 pm
by RobRegish
OK the spreadsheet illustrate the amount of TOTAL TONNAGE you lift each workout.

You wind up lifting quite a bit more as it's based on a 1RM of 100lbs for illustrative purposes. The point is, if you start doing more or less too much either way... it throws the load/de-load, which is UBER important!

Hope that helps. Solid workout!

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:35 am
by ethanhun
So the tonnage is for the main lift only correct?? What exactly does the tonnage tell you? IF i just do the lift with the correct weight will i be doing it right?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:44 am
by RobRegish
For the main lift only, correct. What does it tell you?

See this post by me (bottom of page 1) in Big.Jaz's thread: ... sc&start=0

Long read but well worth it insofar as answering your question.

You would NEVER just do the main lift for that workout and leave it at that. Why? Let's use bench as an example.

Just looking at that, all of your upper body pushing muscle get a tremendous amount of work. Question: Where are the pulling movements that NEED to go with it for balanced development? Rhetorical question but I'm sure you see my point.

To keep that up for any length of time (pushing movements only) is a recipe for shoulder cuff surgery and that "pulled forward/I train stupid" look so many people in your weight room have...

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:30 pm
by ethanhun
UGH today the gym was slammed up so my workout is a little off

WO3 chest

210x4 (felt pretty easy in 3 more workouts ill be maxing out at 250 i bet i could get 255 but ill follow the workout temp)

Incline bench (all the adjustable benches where taken)
135x6,6 155x6,6,5
Tbar row 90x6 115x6,6,7,8,10 (need to move up in weight)

Latpulldowns 130x7:7 (was EDT with shoulder but after the first set some man took my shoulder machine i was using)

Skullcrushers 70x6,7,7,7,7
Curls 80x7,5,5,4 70x5

Gym closed today so my workout was some what rushed

Okay here my situation for next week

Im leaving thursday.

I can do WO3 lEgs Monday
WO4 Chest tuesday
and WO4 Legs wednesday

then rest until monday
should i do this or just leave out wo4 legs? and it when i return monday?