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Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:42 pm
by RobRegish

Now make sure you're good and rested/recoverd for max day. All of the physical work has been done. Now, it's just a mental game...

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:01 am
by jjones11
Had a great lower body deload workout today


Box Squat
EDT 1- 134 reps in 11:04
Leg extension-185lbs
Leg curls-85lbs
Decline Crunches until failure

Felt really really good today. No lower back pressure at all. Really really confident in my max days. Getting really really anxious to smash those PR's!!

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:41 am
by RobRegish

So nice to see this. Now do keep an eye on workout frequency. If you at all feel the need, please do feel free to insert and extra rest day... particularly before maxing out!

Very happy YOU'RE happy!! :)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:05 pm
by jjones11
You have NO idea how happy I am right now Rob. Went with my gut and did my upper max day today. And I delivered!!!! :D

Bench Press
135x5 (warm-up)
190x1 PR#1
195x1 PR#2
DB pullover
EDT 1-?/?
Incline DB bench-55lbs
1 arm DB rows-70lbs
EDT 2- ?/?
DB shoulder press-45lbs
BB Shrugs-255lbs

Notes: Amazing workout. So happy I went with my gut. I didn't really do my EDT's as you can see because those sets on bench really took it outta me. I did 190 and it felt easy. So I debated on whether being satisfied or not with it. Well I wasn't gonna be happy with myself if I just quit right there. So I threw 195 on and got a good rep. Being 6'1" taking it down 2 inches off my chest really hammered my chest. Any lower and I wouldn't have any pressure on my chest, and it would all be on my shoulder. In the middle of my 195 set I remember telling my spotter "Don't.... touch.... that.... f*&^ing.... bar." It may not seem like alot of weight to some of you but that is the most weight I've ever had on the bar for bench. Now time to get prepared for my lower max day.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:58 pm
by RobRegish

Way to go man! Soooo happy for you!! Now rest up and HAMMER that lower body PR.

Then, looking forward to your final review. Hopefully on with this in the post: ... nials.html

If you're not down with that I'm fine with it. Either way... you made progress and that's why I wrote it!

Rob happy man. Rob happy you're happy :)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:54 pm
by jjones11
Just did my lower body max day. And boy did I deliver again.

Box Squat
235x1 PR
245x1 PR (Ultimately this was my goal. But I wasn't satisfied)
255x1 PR
EDT 1- 100 reps in 8:10
Leg Extension-195lbs
Leg Curls-85lbs each leg
Heavy Calves
Heavy Ab Circuit

I'm very very happy with my box squat max. My previous PR was 205x3 on box squat. I'm not sure of the 1RM increase on that, but it's quite a jump. Anyone who has done box squats can give testimony, that they are quite a bit harder than traditional squats. And I am feeling it. This week I was able to not only feed my body physical fuel, but mental fuel. And that has definitely contributed to the strength jumps. But all in all The BP does what it's told. I'm quite excited to start my GLP 1, because if it's anything like I've seen in these logs, my train the gainsville has barely gotten out of the station. But for now, I have some spice cake cookies with my name on it. The weekends kill my diet :oops:

EDIT: I thought of a few questions. I ran out of KA yesterday, while my other one was in transit. I just got my bottle today. One day without KA won't mess me over will it? Also, my numbers in my GLP aren't 100% correct, they're mostly rounded. I'm pretty sure it's not expected to be dead-on, but at least close. I can e-mail it to someone in a word document, if they'd like to check it over. Also, do I perform my stretch movement, as a superset for every set in the GLP or just the last one?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:50 am
by RobRegish
Wooo hooo! FANTASTIC man. Raining PR's!!

"EDIT: I thought of a few questions. I ran out of KA yesterday, while my other one was in transit. I just got my bottle today. One day without KA won't mess me over will it?

A. No :)

Also, my numbers in my GLP aren't 100% correct, they're mostly rounded. I'm pretty sure it's not expected to be dead-on, but at least close. I can e-mail it to someone in a word document, if they'd like to check it over.

A. Don't worry about this. Just round up or down as appropriate. Down if you want to play it conservative. I always round down and the new PR always shows up on max day :)

Also, do I perform my stretch movement, as a superset for every set in the GLP or just the last one?

A. If hypertrophy is the goal, loaded stretch superset right AFTER the GLP set.

However, if maximizing 1RM strength is the goal (and this is my preferred approach because your 1RM strength drives your total tonnage strength).. simply devote all time/energy to completing those GLP sets FIRST.

Then incorporate your loaded stretch position movements into your EDT blocks.

Presto, best of both worlds :)

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:50 pm
by jjones11
Had my first upper body workout of GLP 1 on monday. Just haven't had time to update my log.

Bench Press
EDT 1-80 reps in 15 min
Incline DB Bench- 55lbs
1 arm DB row-70 lbs
Shrugs-275 PR3 sets of 8 reps
Wasn't a great workout, but I felt it. My work capacity was way down, due to a couple different factors. I had to do my 1st EDT block because a family was hogging a few different machines, 1 being the Flat Bench. So that didn't help. It was also an evening workout, so I wasn't able to take my anadraulic state, or else I would be up until 3am. But I definitely felt it. My chest was chronically sore on tuesday. Didn't even have to do anything to aggravate it. 3 days letter and my chest is still severely tender. To me it feels amazing, but then again I'm a pretty sick person :D . My 2nd EDT block just wasn't going to happen. I tried a couple of sets, and couldn't lift the weight. My arms were dead. I was able to muster up enough strength for shrugs as you can see. Happy enough with that.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:00 pm
by jjones11
Did my 1st lower body workout of GLP1 today. Oh man it was amazing.

Box Squat
185x6 (6th set just wasnt happening :? )
225x15 PR
EDT 1-64 reps in 6:57
Leg Extension- 200lbs
Leg Curls- 90lbs

Notes: What an extremely fun workout today. Even with only 5 sets of squats. I missed 2 reps on the 5th set of squat, but I guess I'll have to make up for it next workout. After my set of deads, I laid down in the squat rack after I racked the weight. Damn close to passing out. After a minute or so I "walked" to the bathroom and laid down there for a couple minutes just in case I got sick. Pleased to say I did not get sick, but it was a close call. Left everything I had in that gym. Both of the exercises on my EDT were PR's as well, but I'm not sure if a PR on an isolation exercise should be pointed out. A good thing about this time of year is all of the food laying around. I've been eating like a horse. Haven't been putting alot of weight on but my strength just keeps going up and up. I think once I have my conditioning back in my legs and chest and such, we'll see better and better workouts. But I've set the bar extremely high for me on this one :D .

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:03 pm
by jjones11
Quick question for you Rob. Do you have any experience in athletic training? I was reading an article, and this HS S&C coach was working on making his athletes more ham dominant rather than quad. He said it's able to increase their explosiveness and overall speed. Just wondering if there's any vailidity to this or not.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:09 pm
by RobRegish
First, FANTASTIC work and LOVE to see those PR's! Great job man..

On the athletic training question.. not really. I suspect that coach knows his stuff. Why? Because MOST people (even weight trainers) are quad dominant and under-train the hams. You have these folks work on the lower back, glutes and hams and presto... you look like a genius!

Like anything else you can't see when looking into the mirror, they get ignored. Do this instead: Look at yourself from the SIDE.

The thicker you are, the stronger you'll be. End of story. "Cock Strong" as it's called.. plenty of guys look wide viewed from head on. Take those same people though and turn them sideways and they disappear.

DON'T be one of these people. Work on it. Hammer your back as strong or stronger than your front. Do one pull for every push, balance one for the other and work unilateral movements in wherever possible.

Thickness/girth is where it's at. If we had more chica's here, they'd tell you the same.. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:43 pm
by jjones11
I did my 2nd workouts of GLP 1 recently. I'll split it up into 2 posts again.

Bench Press
DB Pullovers
EDT 1- 72 reps in 10:42
Incline Db- 60lbs for 1 set, 55 lbs for 4
1 arm DB row- 75lbs
EDT 2- 70 reps in 13 mins
DB shoulders press- 45 lbs
BB Shrugs- 275lbs

Nothing to really add. Good workout, hit all of my reps.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:49 pm
by jjones11
2nd Lower Body workout of GLP 1

Box Squat
EDT 1- 82reps in 8:20
Leg Extension-210lbs
Leg Curls-90 lbs
Heavy Calves
Heavy Abs

Notes: missed a couple reps on my box squat. I'm not too worried about it. I'm thinking it's time to switch up my EDT's. I'm getting rather bored with them. I'll keep the Shrugs and DB shoulder press. Those I really really look forward too for some reason :) . Going to add in some fasted HIIT cardio in the mornings. I'm gaining some fat, which is uncomfortable for me at least. Any input you guys have let me know. I want to get the most out of this as I can, and you guys are the experts :D

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:52 pm
by RobRegish
Wouldn't worry too much. Do ensure you're resting long enough between sets and workouts. Doing so will help, because the CNS recovers slower (especially between sets) than the glycogen, ATP/phoshpagen etc pathway which takes about 3 minutes.

Hope that helps!