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Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 12:15 am
by Muoio117
scump wrote:hey bro, couple of things.

nah extending famine doesnt make it better, i just skipped a workout so had to extend to squeeze it in!

also regarding diet in feast, whats your BW like? depends for how much cals you will have to take in....

but anyway, the first 2 days of feast PRIOR to your first workout are massive refeed days, take your ecdy/Tbooster and eat a shtload.... like i mean stupid amounts of food, alot of people eat like 1000-2000 above maintence for those 2 days.

also for the first 10-14 days post that i would recconmend increasing cals by no less than 500 untilll you finish your first 5 HIT workouts. they are very intense and see impressive gains, but without a good supply of nutrition, it wont happen!
Wow, thanks for the info.

I weigh ~175 but I normally bulk at 3300 cals on workout days and 2700 cals on non-workout days. At this level I gain under 0.5 lbs a week.

1000-2000 above maintenance for first 2 days?!?!?! Seriously? That seems like awfully a lot. I don't want to pack on the fat. Is that many calories really necessary?

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:00 am
by RobRegish
Yes. Do not be concerned. You're coming off of Famine which means your body won't upregulate fat storing enzymes for at least a week, maybe more. You can always dial back. Expect to have a bloated belly. This is not harmful nor uncommon.

You have to take advantage though. This is the time. Remember, it's 3 days, and you have 6 full weeks to make adjustments. Up to 9 if you count cruise!

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:15 am
by Muoio117
Alright well I just finished an awesome breakfast of 520 calories plus whatever the ketchup was. My heart is beating pretty fast at the moment; it must be excited about all the food I just ate :)

I took my first dose of Kre-Anabolyn and I'll take the second dose later in the day with another higher carb meal. I'm also going to start BCAA loading with MASS Pro Amino.

I don't know how I'm going to fit so many extra calories into my stomach today. I guess I'll be loading up on that natty pb.

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:16 pm
by pmartinez78
RobRegish wrote:Yes. Do not be concerned. You're coming off of Famine which means your body won't upregulate fat storing enzymes for at least a week, maybe more. You can always dial back. Expect to have a bloated belly. This is not harmful nor uncommon.

You have to take advantage though. This is the time. Remember, it's 3 days, and you have 6 full weeks to make adjustments. Up to 9 if you count cruise!
That's good to hear cuz I was planning to eat as much as I can for these next 3 day. I even woke up at 6 am just to eat breakfast. lol I'm already have at least 1200 calories so far but I wasn't really planning on counting calories.

Take advantage and eat, Muoio117. I am.

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:10 pm
by RobRegish
You guys are doing great. Load up and keep loading. These 3 days of super-stocking nutrients are critical.

Fine work all around :)

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:59 pm
by Muoio117
Okay guys, here is what I plan on doing tomorrow for my first feast workout. The top part is just copied and pasted from the sticky but I'm curious as to what you guys think of my EDT blocks. They aren't really original or anything, but I'm always up for suggestions. I would like to concentrate on my arms a lot because I feel they are the lagging area on my upper body. Also, do you think I should do an EDT block for legs in addition to or in place of these?

Monday (workout #1)

- Bench press for 8-10 rep range.

- Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers* (8-10 reps).

* Should be performed on a SLIGHT incline bench. If using an adjustable bench,
incline it one notch.

- Squat for 8-10 rep range

- Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged or Dimel deadlifts (8-10 reps)

- EDT 1 :
- Shoulder Presses w/ Reverse Pec-deck or reverse flys

- EDT 2:
- BB Curl w/ Skullcrushers

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:34 pm
by scump
dont worry bro, everyone feels their arms are lagging behind, its universal.

now with your workout, i would move the EDT Block above the squats so you upper body is all isolated. (this guy :- Shoulder Presses w/ Reverse Pec-deck or reverse flys )

now with your second EDT block, you have a arms one, normally you should have the lower body EDT block example mine was : Romanian Dead lifts s/s with DB Lunged. NOTE: thats different to the norm.

i know your worried about your arms, the thing is... these first 5 workouts are to focus on one thing only, strength training to see your new 1rm max. AFTER that you begin the German Loading Pattern (or something similar) which is when you can include you second EDT block (for the guns).

also it doesn't say it, but as you know for the bench/squat you need to include your own warm up sets with appropriate rest.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:47 pm
by RobRegish
Spot on.

Best advice I can give you: Your arms will grow when your bench/squats do. Sounds odd but it's true. With all that pushing/pulling you're doing, they're going to get a LOT of work, even without isolating them.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:02 pm
by Muoio117
scump wrote: also it doesn't say it, but as you know for the bench/squat you need to include your own warm up sets with appropriate rest.
Lol, yeah I figured out that part. So here is what my workout will now be. Anything else I should fix?

Monday (workout #1)

- Bench press for 8-10 rep range.

- Pullovers 8-10 reps (slight incline bench).

- EDT 1 :
- Shoulder Presses w/ Reverse Pec-deck or reverse flys

or should I do CG dips w/ Lat-pulldowns or pull-ups?

- Squat for 8-10 rep range

- SLDL 8-10 reps

- EDT 2:
- Romanian DL w/ DB Lunges

Also, do I switch EDT blocks for every other workout, or are they the same every workout for the first 5 workouts?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:54 pm
by pmartinez78
Muoio117, is there a reason why you chose to start your workouts a day early?

Rob, does it matter if we start a day early instead of the 72 hrs? I'm just asking cuz I feel like I'm ready to go.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:57 pm
by Muoio117
pmartinez78 wrote:Muoio117, is there a reason why you chose to start your workouts a day early?

Rob, does it matter if we start a day early instead of the 72 hrs? I'm just asking cuz I feel like I'm ready to go.
Oh, oops. I guess I just feel ready. I guess I should wait for Rob's response.

Take a look at my previous message, I just edited it with some questions. Btw, thanks scump and pmartinez for all your encouragement and help.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:18 pm
by pmartinez78
I'm not sure about your first EDT. I'm interested to find out what Rob says. I'm just going to do it the way Rob designed it in the BP to see how well it works. I might just tweak an exersice or two due to location of the equipment in my gym. I don't like when people take my station when I'm supersetting.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:23 pm
by pmartinez78
As for your second question, I believe rob told someone in one of the logs to keep them the same for atleast workout 1-5. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:58 pm
by Muoio117
pmartinez78 wrote:I'm not sure about your first EDT. I'm interested to find out what Rob says. I'm just going to do it the way Rob designed it in the BP to see how well it works. I might just tweak an exersice or two due to location of the equipment in my gym. I don't like when people take my station when I'm supersetting.
What EDT's did Rob have set up in BP. I forgot exactly. And I know what you mean about people taking your stuff. That always happens. But I now try to go earlier in the morning (8 a.m.) so that doesn't happen.

I have a story, lol. Last week during famine I was using the seated cable row after squats. So I used it twice and then rested to get ready for my third set of squats. I did the squats and went back to the machine - some girl was on it. I asked if I could work in and she gave me this evil look like I was being rude, but I was there first anyway. So she didn't let me work in, which screwed up the superset. I was kind of pissed. Oh well. So I will now go an hour earlier before people at school get up. End of story ;)