Mos Jeff's First Run

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Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Feast day #12

I haven't been as sore the past couple workouts so I don't feel like 2 days off is necessary so workout #4 will be later today - hopefully it goes better then the last workout.
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Post by RobRegish »

Sorry to be late to the game guys as I had an emergency. Do let us know on how this workout went. It may be time to eat up some more... depending.
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Feast workout #4

Bench press 240 x 8
DB pullover 60 x 8

EDT Block

Incline DBBP 85 x 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4
BB Bent-over row 225 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4
Total reps = 65

Squat 255 x 8
SLDL 175 x 8

EDT Block

RDL 250 x 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 3
Leg extension 180 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Total reps = 65

Definitely felt a little stronger today, so I don't know if last workout was simply just one of those days. I've also decided to keep calories up at 3600 until I finish workout #5, or should I keep them up even longer?

I've seemed to have found a challenging weight for the RDL's, but I keep increasing the weight on leg extension. Any other suggestions, please let me know. Hopefully things start to pick up from here.
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Post by RobRegish »

Keep them at 3600 through workout 5. We'll see where you are at that point.

And great work bouncing back!
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Feast day #14

Feeling pretty good today - I probably could work out but since next workout is max day on the bench press I feel like the extra days rest is a good idea. So tomorrow will be workout #5 - biggest issue is trying to plan my workouts when I know I have a spotter. Hopefully I won't have to ask a random guy at the gym - hate doing that.
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Post by RobRegish »

Beats the alternative though :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I've found that asking a random guy is ok just explain to him exactly how you like your spots. Hopefully you can find some consistancy. New spotters can make or break a session. Good luck.
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Feast workout #5

Bench Press 300 x 1 (w/ help from spotter)
DB Pullover 70 x 5

EDT Block

Incline DBBP: 90 x 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4
BB Bent-over row: 225 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5
Total Reps = 66

Squat 325 x 1
SLDL 195 x 5

EDT Block

RDL: 250 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5
Leg extension: 190 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Total Reps = 70

Another disappointing bench session - for some reason I am just not feeling as strong as I should on the bench. I was able to complete my attempt at 300, however, the spotter did have to help me past a sticking point at the beginning of the press and keep the bar moving slightly. With that being said, should I still count 300 as my 1RM for GL, or should I calculate my max as a little lighter (290 or 295)?

Everything else went well. I increased the incline DBBP to 90 lbs and that made a huge difference. That first EDT block really fatigued me. I also think I can increase the RDL's and definitely the leg extension. Any other suggestions please let me know.
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Post by RobRegish »

Play it a bit conservative and use 295. No worries, that'll be a 1RM of the past in short order :)

Your other comments/#'s lead me to believe all is well. Nice work!
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Feast day #16

Weighed myself first thing this morning and came in at 198 (+2), so I'm glad that my weight is finally increasing since famine, even though it seems to be coming along slowly.

Thanks for the comments Rob - so in your experience, this is normal? Also should I keep calories up at 3600 or drop down now?
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd keep them at 3600. Traction is now developing and its important to keep it going.

Glad to hear it :)
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Have there been other cases where a person didn't gain much strength, or even felt a little weaker during the initial 5 feast workouts?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes in fact a few haven't gained traction until hitting the GLP. Here's what I've seen and where you might be able to improve:

- Jack up calories by 500/day
- Focus on consuming most of those as CARBS
- Insert extra rest days between the workouts. You'll recover better/be stronger next sessions

Those are the common denominators.. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much. Weight is coming up, EDT blocks and hypertrophy work is going well. You're on track..
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Great, thanks for the encouragement.

So you suggest I increase calories to 4,000 calories, or so, mostly carbs? Is there a particular time of day (pre/post workout) when I should be consuming these additional carbs? I've actually been taking 2 days off in between workouts so I don't think recovery is an issue - are you suggesting 3 days off? I don't know if I can go that long in between workouts. :)
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