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Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:34 am
by sovabrat
Day #2 Feast ( Day 10 Overall) 179 Lbs BF% is not worth noting yet but I think im getting close to 15%. I will try and find some way of measuring soon because that is my main goal atm.

Ran 6 miles this morning on an empty stomach. Took all my supps though. I was on 5.9 on the treadmill for 60 minutes. I upped the speed a few times so that is how I got to 6 miles. I feel great but it was pretty boring. I am going to get some audio books to listen to as I normally dont like wearing headphones while I work out, this will at least pass the time.

My Cardio level is extremely good right now. At the end of 60 minutes I was not out of breath but my shirt was 100% soaked with sweat. I love that look, it shows you worked your ass off.

@Hank Thanks for showing me Livestrong. I am tracking everything in there now. I love it. This ensures that I get all my protein and carbs. Have you purchased the subscription or do you use the free version?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:49 pm
by Hank!
I use the free version it seems to do all that I need

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:26 pm
by RobRegish
Wow. Wish I could run that long.

I'm not joking when I say a mile or 2 is a challenge. I've got flat feet like you can't imagine and get shin splints from hell.

I much prefer sprinting. The neighbors love it when a guy in a hooded sweatshirt is sprinting by at top speed at 5AM :)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:26 pm
by sovabrat
HAHAH @ROB I actually hate running long distance but I was so motivated this morning. I went to bed telling myself I would do 60 minutes of cardio. When I say im determined to transform myself I mean it. I always achieve what I set out for. I am actually trying to win the Thermolife body transformation contest. I might have a shot as long as the contestants aren't loading up on "gear". I am 100 O Natural.

I am actually flat footed as well and bow legged. Supposedly I was supposed to be crippled back in high school according to some doctors but I played Varsity Sports all 4 years. I used to get shin splints but they just dont bother me anymore.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:04 am
by sovabrat
Feast Workout #2 (Overall Day 11) weighed 179 still.

Ever since starting the BP I have just kicked everything up a notch from my previous training and dieting methods. My workouts feel so focused and intense and my cardio is ten fold what it was before. I already feel stronger on teh second workout.

For the bench press I added 50 lbs to my 8-10 rep range and I called over a guy for spotting because I wasnt sure if I could rep more than 4-6. I got 6 no problem or spot with 185. I checked my training logs and I was previously only able to do 4 with help. I dont know if this is due to the BP already or if its just because ive taken 2 weeks off from benching heavy. Probably both. Regardless, new PR.

workout #1 i used 45lbs for the db extensions and I thought it was too light, well I tried 60lbs for the 4-6 range and it was just too much, everything felt tight. Maybe my form is off, I dont know. I have watched several people on youtube do it.

My squats were at 255. I didn't set the assist bars up because I had my second bar loaded for the dead lifts with 155 lbs. I went 3/4 of the way down on my squats and was easily able to get 6. Again this felt like a PR already. Deadlifts felt explosive and controlled. Not a PR for me but I was just going for the weighted stretch anyways.

I did some wide grip bench presses (135x8) It felt really good and got an incredible stretch along my inner pecs. I then loaded the bar up to 205 for a static hold. I thought I wouldnt be able to hold much more.... again I called over the spotter. Its like his presence increased my strength. I held that bar short of lockout for a good 15 seconds. I even got it up into the rack with minimal help.

Im trying to switch up my cardio post workout so I dont get bored and it keeps my body guessing. I did 25 minutes on the stairmaster using an interval program. I was sweating like a faucet. I had a sleeveless hoodie on over my t-shirt but none the less, it was a lot of sweat.

These posts are more or less serving to be #1 a testament to the BP program and #2 keep my motivation up by having my results and feelings on paper. I dont expect comments after every log post although I do appreciate encouragement!!


Supps right now are as follows:

Pre-workout (5:15 AM) 6-cbol creatine 2-Ebol 2-tbol trib 3-Nanox9 1-OxyElite Pro
I then take 6 more cbol creatine right before I leave for work at 745.

My E-bol/tbol trib dosing is as presecibed throughout the day, as well as my oxyelite and nanox9.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:46 pm
by Hank!
Whats cool about the BP is that pretty soon most workouts will see you hitting new PR's. With your dedication Sova I bet you'll get tired of typing the letters "P" and "R"

Also you can add me as a friend on Livestrong

hwk2 is my nickname

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:10 am
by sovabrat
Day #12 Overall 178.5 lbs

My girlfriend has been commenting ever since I started the BP that I have been getting much skinnier. I also can tell in the mirror that my bodyfat is literally melting away. Ive never had progress that has been so visible. I was unsure how the BP would work for a recomp versus gaining size but it definitely seems to be working.

Read an article over on BB.Forums. I know to always take those with a grain of salt but there was an interesting article on HIT vs Slow Cardio on empty stomach. I will start the thread in the other forum.

Today I was excited to run with my audiobook on the ipod. I got Sun Tzu's "The Art of War". Really interesting so far, ive been listening on my train rides to and from work. The earbuds I have though don't stay in my ears while running so i need to get some cheapies for that.

I got about 11 minutes in on my run and my shins and ankles started to feel tight. I am pretty confident its because I havent had a day of rest this week and ive been doing lifting and heavy cardio every day.

I stopped after 11 minutes and did some ab/core work. I usually don't train my abs much but they are starting to show because of my reduced bf% so I thought why not, plus it will help in my squats and benchpresses.

I did two sets of 7 reps for wide grip pullups, pretty effortless. Went on the rowing machine and did 8 minutes of pretty high intensity. I immediately went to the bike and did 15 minutes of HIIT on level 5. I had a good sweat going but nothing like the past two days.

I am ok with todays session and plan to take saturday and sunday off to rest so that when I hit Monday I will be doing the 2-3 rep range on my big lifts. I want to make sure Im well rested to get an accurate account of how capable I am. I suspect I will hit another PR the way things are going. I dont know what is realistic but I think that if I did 185 6 times with no help, I should be able to get 2-3 at 205. I think I could max out at 215 or 225. That would be fantastic if I could get 225 as my 1RM. Id love to be doing reps with two plates on the bar by the end of this BP run. Maybe my second time through the BP 225 would be left in dust!

For those who have Livestrong, my profile name is also : Sovabrat Go ahead and add me as a friend to see how I am eating. I am 100% honest with my food intakes.

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:03 pm
by RobRegish
Great work so far. GREAT work..

And yes, the recomp appeal is there. Only the calorie levels be tweaked... you're already listening to your body and that'll only get better over time.

Enjoy these 1RM's, they won't be your 1RM's for long :)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:20 am
by sovabrat
Day #15 Overall 178 Lbs

Lbs are still going down despite eating at maintenance on workout days and 70-90% on non-workouts. My bodyfat is literally melting away.

Today was the 2-3 rep range for the feast phase.

I surprised myself yet again and am proud to say I destroyed all my previous PR.

I had a nice steady progression on my bench warm-up and then loaded on 205 for my 2-3 range.

I called over my spotter because I was unsure what I was capable of.

I lifted out of rack on my own, pumped out 3 great clean reps, and then got 1/2 up on a 4th. My spotter used his index fingers under the bar and I was able to rack it. I was amazed at how easy the 3 reps were.

I used 60lbs for the extensions again, I know i need some work on these so I will continue to use them through the Feast phase but right now my form isnt great.

My Squat PR was even more impressive in my opinion. Again, I dont know where this strength came from but I did 275x3 very easily. I had teh support bars all ready in case I couldnt go back up. I made sure I did full ROM squats and not 3/4 like last time. I probably could have done 3 more at 275. I think I am going to attempt 315 for my 1RM. I cant wait.

I threw in some close grip bench presses and super setted them with bodyweight dips, going all the way down and taking a 2 seconds up 2 seconds down approach. I got a great stretch and burn out of this.

I then supersettted incline dumbell curls with t-bar rows. The pump on these curls feels so good. I dont know what I was ever doing with my biceps by leaving this exercise out. It has such a high ROM and the pump is incredible, even more so than a preacher curl in my opinion.

Finally I did some seated cable rows supersetted with some Lat Pull-downs.

My cardio was 15 minutes of HIIT on the bike. This was so intense, I thought I was not going to make it over that last hill interval, the burning in my legs was so extreme.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:48 am
by Hank!
Man really fantastic progression Sova! happy for ya bud

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:39 am
by sovabrat
Thanks Hank, I am still trying to wrap my head around the progress I have made just from the famine period to present which is only 3 workouts towards figuring my 1RM. The current workout is very scaled back compared to my previous training routines. I think some of it might be the added rest, but I have to attribute some of it to the extreme traction I gained right after the famine. I have been doing more cardio than before which helps explain my weight loss and body fat % decrease but the strength I don't know.

I am going to continue watching my diet 80% of the time and not care 20% of the time. This weekend I had beers on friday and saturday. It didnt seem to affect me because monday's weigh in showed I lost 1/2 a lb from last week. Happy with that. I guess the key to everything is moderation. When we went out to dinner I made sure to eat a nice protein packed snack about 1.5 hours before hand. This helped me stop half way through my meal and decide that I was full.

What is the easiest, most accurate way to measure bodyfat? Does anyone know? I would like to start tracking this. I used to have an electronic scale that would tell me the % but I dont know how accurate it was.

Appreciate all suggestions on this one.

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:26 am
by sovabrat
Day #16 Overall 178 lbs

I decided to really push the envelope and attempt to do a split with the remaining time I have until vacation and on the feast phase. I am going to devote tuesday and thursday to ab work, with Tuesday's being 30 minute runs leading me up to a 30 min run @ 6.8 mph. I believe this will be race speed for me this year. Thursdays I have a progressive HIIT routine planned. Starting out at 15 minutes and ending at around 21 minutes for the end of feast.

I am going to be splitting the german loading method between upper days and lower days. This way I will be hitting each part of the body twice per 5 days with minimum 2 days rest in between. In the past I have run into over training but that was because I was always pushing myself to increase weight each week. I was essentially, as I know now, operating at 90% of my max all the time. I was getting stronger but I got to a point where I just fell backwards with my progress.

This current strategy will leave me with 6 days of cruise before I go on vacation. While on vacation I still plan on doing cardio 4 days a week which will include bike riding all across the island, and running along the beach in the mornings.

@Rob Would it be alright to do body weight plyos during my second week of cruise? I also have bands I can bring with me for added resistance. I want to continue to take advantage of the BP while on vacation but obviously I am supposed to be relaxing.

Anyways, today I did some supersets of Ab work:

Bicycle kicks on a flat bench for 50 seconds followed by 20 situps on a decline bench. I only went down 3/4 of the way to keep tension on my abs.

6 lb medicine ball upward crunches on flat bench followed by 20 reps on decline again.

Side crunches for 20 reps on each side.

I then ran for 30 minutes @ 6.0 mph. Sweat was really good, cardio was still great at the end, I could have lasted another 30 minutes.

I need to work on my calories on workout days, I am getting just shy of my maintenance level. My off workout days are fine though. I think I will start to bring some protein powder to work and drink a second shake during the day.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:48 am
by sovabrat
Day #17 Overall 180 lbs

Not sure where the 2 lbs came from. Could be that I had a big dinner the night before and was carrying some baggage so to speak.

6-8 rep range. Same old same old here, switched up my stretch movements a bit. Didnt want to keep doing the same ones, more or less to test my reactions to it. Have not been sore since the first workout. But that is OK I guess.

15 minutes HIIT on stairs.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:32 pm
by RobRegish
Absolutely outstanding!

THIS is the reason I wrote the course folks. People with great intentions, willing to put in all the elbow grease in the world....they just needed the right roadmap. This was my favorite part:

"I am still trying to wrap my head around the progress I have made just from the famine period to present which is only 3 workouts towards figuring my 1RM". - Can I use that as a testimonial? :)

As to your question: "@Rob Would it be alright to do body weight plyos during my second week of cruise?"

A. Perfectly fine :)