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Post by Phrogg »

Zee you start famine on saturday? If so we both started the same day. It will be cool tracking our progress together. Good luck, man!
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice work Zee...!

Remember, these 3 workouts are performed over 5 days. Your final workout should come on day 5 of Famine..
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Post by zeebodybuilder »

Phrogg wrote:Zee you start famine on saturday? If so we both started the same day. It will be cool tracking our progress together. Good luck, man!
Yes Phrogg I started day 1 Famine on staurday. Yeah thats gona be sick following your log. where u loging it by the way. can you give me the link. I typed mine up and then lost it so i have to retype and strt the log again..
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Mixel forgot bout the warm up sets

Post by zeebodybuilder »


Warm up shoulders
set1 10 reps
set2 8 reps

Warm up bench
set1 10 reps
set2 8 reps
set3 6 reps

Chest and shoulders
Set of wide grip BB bench supersetted with shoulder press 8-10 reps
Rest 1 min
Set of medium grip BB bench supersetted w/shoulder press 8-10 reps
Rest 1 min
Set of flat DB bench supersetted with shoulder press 8-10 reps
Rest 1 min
Set of incline DB bench supersetted with shoulder press 8-10 reps
1min rest then move to tricepz

Decline close grip bench press 8-10 reps
1min rest
Skull crushers 8-10 reps
1min rest
Decline DB tricep extensions 8-10 reps
1min rest
Cable press downs 8-10 reps
END of workout

thats looks complete now...
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cbol creatine on Feast Phase training

Post by zeebodybuilder »

Even though I USED cbol creatine 2 weeks ago. When I strt Feast phase I will need to reload the nitrate as they suggest right. AS it says to take 6 pre and 6 post workout. As this will help further with the size and strength.

What do you think?
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Famin workout 3

Post by zeebodybuilder »

Repeat Monday's workout but with this time with
5 sets
30 seconds rest between sets.
- Select a weight that puts you in the 12-15 rep range.
- This is absolutely brutal but it gets us to where we need to be in the specified 5day timeframe.

dumbell rows
warm up sets
set1 light weight 10 reps
set2 light + a bit more weight 8 reps
The above was to warm up the back

then start the warm sets for squats

warm up sets
warm set 1 squats 10 reps
warm set 2 squats 6 reps

SET1- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets. 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET2-Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets . 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET3-Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets. 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET4- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets. 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET5- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets. 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

Exercise 2 Below. Is there a warmup needed here. I would think No.. as the lats have alrteady been primed warmed up doing rows from b4.

Set1-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

Set2-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

Set3-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

Set4-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

Set5-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

The move to biceps


Warm up
1 standing barbell curls 10 reps
30 secs of rest

SET1- Standing barbell curls, 12-15 REPS
30 secs of rest

SET2-incline dumbell curls 12-15 REPS
30 secs of rest

SET3-preacher dumbell curls 12-15 REPS
Finished workout

I,ll be honest with you just by reading this I can tell you for exercise 2 Seated cable rows supersetted with chinups- I cant do 10 chinu-up at this pace and energy levels. So what can I do. I will be fully burnt out and drained from energy i can tell you that for sure.

Would it stil be ok if my numbers for sets cam as 7 chinups -5 -4 etc.

How do i add 5 sets for Biceps? or is 3 eneough as above, as it did say do 5 sets?

How does this look.. Could you check if i havent missed anything out. Thanks.
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Post by RobRegish »

Q. Would it stil be ok if my numbers for sets cam as 7 chinups -5 -4 etc.

A. If reps are of concern, certaily doable to use pulldowns vs. chins.

Q. How do i add 5 sets for Biceps? or is 3 eneough as above, as it did say do 5 sets?

A. It has to be 5 sets. Just double up on two of them and throw a third in. What's important is upping the volume and lowering the rest periods...not really the movement.

Always think big picture: "deplete the muscle of energy subtrates therein".. "stress the organism, etc".
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Post by zeebodybuilder »

dumbell rows
warm up sets
set1 light weight 10 reps
set2 light + a bit more weight 8 reps
The above was to warm up the back

then start the warm sets for squats

warm up sets
warm set 1 squats 10 reps
warm set 2 squats 6 reps

SET1- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets. 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET2-Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets . 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET3-Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets. 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET4- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets. 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET5- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
30 secs of rest between sets. 12-15 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

Exercise 2 Below. Is there a warmup needed here. I would think No.. as the lats have alrteady been primed warmed up doing rows from b4.

Set1-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

Set2-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

Set3-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

Set4-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

Set5-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 12-15 rep range
30 secs of rest between sets

The move to biceps


Warm up
1 standing barbell curls 10 reps
30 secs of rest

SET1- Standing barbell curls, 12-15 REPS
30 secs of rest

SET2- Standing barbell curls, 12-15 REPS
30 secs of rest

SET3-incline dumbell curls 12-15 REPS
30 secs of rest

SET4-incline dumbell curls 12-15 REPS
30 secs of rest

SET5-preacher dumbell curls 12-15 REPS
Finished workout

How does the bicep workout look now with 5 sets?

The only reason i was doing shin ups with seated cable rows becayse they are close by. the pulldown machine is abit far. yeah but will do the pull downs instead>
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Post by RobRegish »

Perfect Zee!
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Starting Feast Phase Day 1

Post by zeebodybuilder »

After finishing the famine phase. I will begin 3 days rest this will be the start of feast phase these days are about eat and sleep , But I will be working these days at nights do you think this will effect rest recovery /growth etc.

Ok so for 1st day on Feast just need to be sure what Im supposed to be taking, starting with Ebol as its been on my mind for ages.

I will be taking 2 ebol with ever meal 3 times a day.
Also I will be drinking the massive shake you have listed in the ebook.

Q1.For breakfast will be drinking a 950 calories weight gainer. Do you think Its better to drink this with water for faster abosrbtion or with milk as its all bout the calories in the feast phase?

Also will be inlcuing peanuts and almonds inbetween meals just a handfull here and there to get more protein in . I will be taking these with liver tabs.

add a few shakes of salt to each solid food meal

I will also be supplementing on my muti form the 1st dayu of feats throught the Bp run.

What else could I add to increased diet in meals to take in higher amounts of proteins and carbs?

Please let me know if iv wrote something worng or missed something out.
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Post by RobRegish »

Here we go...

After finishing the famine phase. I will begin 3 days rest this will be the start of feast phase these days are about eat and sleep , But I will be working these days at nights do you think this will effect rest recovery /growth etc.

A. No, provided your sleep patterns are in order/not disturbed.

Q1.For breakfast will be drinking a 950 calories weight gainer. Do you think Its better to drink this with water for faster abosrbtion or with milk as its all bout the calories in the feast phase?

A. Likely milk the first 3 days. You can switch to water afterwards..

What else could I add to increased diet in meals to take in higher amounts of proteins and carbs?

A. The carbs are very important. Carbs from waxy maize can be added to protein drinks for liquid feeds. Carbs from potatos, vegetables etc are highly recommended. The biggest sleeper: organic honey. This can be added to shakes/sandwiches/oatmeal etc. Nature's perfect carb, it contains a nice mix of fast, medium and slow releasing carbs...among many other things.

You'll be OK. Just do the Famine justice and eat up during feast. It all falls into place like you're seeing and reading about here!
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Post by mars88 »

good luck dude im starting famine on monday and just cant wait for feast
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Just made the shake

Post by zeebodybuilder »

Check out the ingredients i included. Do you think I over done it. What I mean by this is that I dont want to feel all sick after drinking this. below is what i included.

Firstly I had no ypugurt will get some soon. so today I made the shake without the yogurt.. I included:

- 12 oz of Pineapple juice
- 3 scoops of protein powder)
- 1 large banana
- 6 egg whites
- oats 50grams = 30 carbs
- 2 scoops ice cream
-thick cream
-blue milk
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Post by Hank! »

Sounds FILLING I kinda guessed but it looks like that drink could be over 1500 calories which in itself is fine but the sheer volume of liquid in your belly may cause discomfort.

Also I think that if your eating raw egg white you should also consume the yolks which contain loads of healthy nutrition including Luteine, Triglycerides, Choline/Lecithin, Cholesterol.

I eat at least 2 raw Omega eggs in my shakes 3x a week.
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