Shoulder Rehab

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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Alright I will perform today if all goes well. Will update on shoulder after I perform rehab workout you laid out for me as well
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Ok so I performed the workout. I am feeling good so far. Review and see if I performed it right

Incline press 10 reps at 95lbs
Pulldowns 10 reps at 85lbs

Bench Press 10 reps at 115lbs
Dumbbell Rows 10 reps at 35lbs

Decline Press 10 reps at 95lbs (considerable tension in shoulder)
Cable Rows 10 reps at 85lbs

Barbell curls
Lying Tricep extension

Supersetted both with 30 sec rest between sets. Did continously for 15 mins. Not sure if I did what you said correctly. Did what I thought it meant.


Dimel Deadlifts

That was a decently long workout but it felt good to lift again. Critique it and make changes. Did what I thought was correct. Also went light on arms and chest. Squat 1rm max is 315lbs as of right now. Considerably weaker but havent squatted in awhile. Good starting point. Let me know what you think.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK that's a great start. I meant to rest longer than 30 sec in between sets, but OK on that..

I am happy to see your return to these movements and eager to hear about how the shoulder feels day to day.

On your SQ, is that an estimated 1RM or did you test? Just curious. The Dimel deads should be a bit higher rep and I'm surprised at the weight given your much higher squat. Was that by design? Either way it's not a max movement so no problems. Getting familiar with it is the goal we can always add poundage later.

Again, great start and looking forward to how the shoulder feels tomorrow!
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

I tested at the beginning of the workout. Didnt have a spotter and made sure I did it with proper form. I am trying to break a bad habit of bending my knees inward as I lift the weight. Might have been able to lift more but made sure everything was done correctly.

As for the Dimel Deads I went lighter than usual because I wanted to walk tomorrow. No movement has made me more sore than that lift. Just a measure to walk tomorrow. I usually rep out 185lbs ten times. What is the wanted rep range for those?

As for my shoulder right now it feels decent. Its a little tender. Interested in performing the sled workout tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »

That's good news. Understand on the SQ's now...

On the Dimel deads, the suggest rep range is 1-2 sets of 20 reps. I like to wave them though, a set of 20 one workout. A set of 15 the next and a set of 10 for the third.

Rinse, wash and repeat with higher weights..
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

I will make the change my next workout on the dimel deadlifts.
Legs are very sore from squats yesterday.

As for the sled workout today it went really well. I used on 45lb plate for all drags. I found the pressing motion the most taxing and difficult. 6 drags for each seemed like a lot. I was unable to maintain the complete 6 in a row for each exercise and had to alternate between the forward and backward drags. Let me know if that is an incorrect way of going about that. Total dragging time took about 45mins and then did some other conditioning.

I have to say that 3 hours post workout my shoulder feels way above average. Range of motion is better and it just feels overall better. There is a little tenderness at the actual sight of the AC joint but besides that it feels good.

So far so good. Any changes or new ideas you have let me know.
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT to hear!

You actually did the sled workout correctly (or at least that's how I do mine...alternating in push/pull fashion). And I think you did way too much. I meant 6 trips TOTAL :) I could have explained it better.. But no worries. Just cut it down to about 10 - 15 minutes of work and stay there.

What you're feeling with the sled work is your work capacity (well, that and 6 trips for each type of drag!). Work capacity is likely low right now but it'll pick up quite a bit just watch. Another very, very good sign when it does happen.

Great going!
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Oh so would what I did count as overdoing it? 6 trips seems like very little to me.

Also my shoulder still feels better than usual right now. AC joint itself is sensative to touch
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Post by RobRegish »

If 6 trips is too little (I tend to be conservative, especially with injuries), try for 10-15 minutes of total work.

And good to hear on the shoulder :)
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Alright I can do that. For tomorrows workout that is supposed to be 10 trips would that time increase to 20-25 mins?
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Post by RobRegish »

No, 10 trips is likely a good "sweet spot" to aim for...
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

alight i will do that tomorrow.

shoulder is still feeling good. pain only on certain movements
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Post by RobRegish »


May I ask what you did for Wednesday's therapy?
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Unfortunately all i did was apply a heating pad for about an hour after work
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