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Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:34 pm
by thicketman
askmass wrote: Papaya Pineapple Parasite cleanse

1/4 of an organic pineapple (chopped & skin removed) (anti-parasitic)
1/2 of an organic small papaya (peeled, keep seeds) (seeds are anti-parasitic)
2 Tbsp. organic coconut oil (anti-parasitic)
2 Tbsp. organic raw pumpkin seeds (anti-parasitic)
1/2 tsp. ground cloves (kills parasite eggs)
1 – 2 cups water (blend in slowly until get desired consistency)
This week has been my first famine week in a couple of years and I decided to consume a modified version of this smoothie. I fast for 24 hours every day and consume one meal a day. In this case, the one meal is my smoothie. I haven't noticed any die-off effects so it has been fairly pleasant. One surprising effect is that my libido and erections have REALLY kicked up a few notches. This is shocking considering my low calorie consumption. From what I can put together, this is a common effect from both pineapple and pumpkin seed consumption.

My smoothie mix is:

1 bag frozen organic blueberries (HEB)
2 bags frozen organic pineapple (HEB)
1 quartered apple; seeds, stem, and all (gotta love a Vitamix)
2 bananas
1 handful of pumpkin seeds
2 tbsp coconut oil
3 tbsp raw local honey
1 tbsp Vitamineral Green

To help mitigate the effect of any toxins released into my system, I've also been taking 1 tbsp Milk Thistle (80% silymarin) and a lot of psyllium husk.

Also, I take a table spoon of fresh ground garlic chased with water.

I have to attribute the libido and erection enhancement to either the pineapples and/or pumpkin seeds since I consume the other ingredients fairly regularly. I should also note that I dropped all supplements this week except for the Vitamineral Green, milk thistle, and psyllium husks.

Another thing I want to note is that the first time I consumed pumpkin seeds was when I grabbed a handful and munched on them as a snack. Since then, I have been craving them like crazy, so I could be deficient in some nutrient that's in them.

All that said, I have never felt this good during a famine week. I'm actually sleeping very well and I have a pretty considerable amount of fact, I even feel better than I did last week, which was a cruise week...go figure. I don't know if this is because I've been flushing the garbage out of my system or what, but I like it. I'm going to take the next step tonight and do a liver flush. If all goes well, I might incorporate famines on a regular basis again using this protocol.

Wish me luck!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:29 am
by RobRegish
Great to hear and yes, pumpkin seeds are addicting LOL. Roasted are best IMO and having them on hand is a GREAT snack, fasting or not!

Famine should be run on a semi-frequent basis not just for health reasons, but to activate anabolic/anti-catabolic machinery. Without the famine phase and in lieu of sufficient calories/rest, the body is prone to homeostasis. Meaning even new/novel training stimuli you throw at it, the response will be less than optimal.

That brief famine/threat to your physiology is just enough to kickstart anabolism again, without losing any real muscle mass. Despite its name, it can in fact be enjoyable, as you're noticing here... :)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:27 pm
by thicketman
Lesson Learned: definitely don't skimp on the L-Ornithine during the liver flush. I was awake all night.

The flush itself wasn't too bad although Friday night through Monday night I alternated between being so stopped up I could barely breathe to nose dripping ceaselessly. I also couldn't stop sneezing. I checked and these are fairly common detox symptoms. Saturday and Sunday, I would go into a freakin' sneezing fit ~every 5 minutes or kidding...felt like dust allergies I used to have as a kid...tickling in the nostrils and all...

Today I feel great. I might do the liver flush again in a few weeks. I will definitely do it at the end of another famine week.

That said, I read this article the day I began the flush, so I was a little skeptical. ... n-cleanse/

Like I mentioned before, I plan on doing this more. According to my understanding of the article, the writer claims that (1) the "stones" are saponified oil, (2) that this saponified oil is due to a chemical reaction that can be made outside if the body, and (3) these are not stones that come from the gall bladder or liver. But, if I find the number of stones reduces significantly over multiple flushes (as others have reported), that suggests to me that his claim is bunk. If it's merely a chemical reaction between the epsom salt, olive oil, and grapefruit/lemon juice, then the number of stones shouldn't reduce to near nothing over time. We'll see.

I'd be interested to see opinions of others on this, particularly from those who have had more experience with the flush.

(Edit: Spelling)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:32 am
by RobRegish
Groundbreaking info right here, certainly life extending/quality of life enhancing. Let's keep learning, sharing and growing!

Precisely why we congregate here..

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:53 pm
by askmass
thicketman wrote:...if I find the number of stones reduces significantly over multiple flushes (as others have reported), that suggests to me that his claim is bunk. If it's merely a chemical reaction between the epsom salt, olive oil, and grapefruit/lemon juice, then the number of stones shouldn't reduce to near nothing over time. We'll see.

I'd be interested to see opinions of others on this, particularly from those who have had more experience with the flush.

(Edit: Spelling)
Everyone I know who has done multiple (correctly executed) flushes sees basically the same progression... the first brings a flood of small stones, as in what appears to be hundreds.

The next few flushes produce larger and then larger yet stones, and more like dozens and dozens not hundreds in quantity.

Those who have done 6 or so flushes in the span of half a year will often report seeing only a scant few smallish stones and sediment by the end.

I have used other routines/means to flush besides the epsom/olive oil classic and can still produce stones, just so you know.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:11 pm
by thicketman
Thanks for the response, John. Like I said, I definitely intend to continue with the future flushes. Once the sinus issues subsided, I felt great. The sinus issues in and of themselves are evidence that something was causing me to detox.

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:10 am
by thicketman
For anyone interested, this guy posted the results of lab tests of his stones. They were 95% cholesterol.

Here are the results of each of his 22 liver flushes:

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:13 pm
by DaCookie
I came off the water fast as felt I exhausted most the benefits and it also did not cure my allergies although it did give significant healing and super digestion benefits. Now on day 5-7 or something of humaworm and humacleanse, have already passed 1 very sizeable worm but it is hard as hell to tell because Im not breaking up my stools, I pass a stool pretty much for every meal I eat and they are very large, this worm was at least 3 inches(I cant tell because it was poking out the stool and while interested Im not THAT interested to break up the stool) and it had a very noticeable head/tail. I think it is helping with my allergies the most of anything Ive ever done but dont want to say for certain till I complete the course.

I also am passing some stuff in urine, not sure what as my urine quite clear all the time except mornings.

I also decided not to do keto because I was pretty much anorexic after that long of water fasting.

The 6 hour colostrum I am taking is 100% useless for the psoriasis and allergies.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:03 am
by thicketman
Keep us posted on your overall results and the results of each step you take. I'm personally interested in the humaworm and the humacleanse. Are you experiencing any die-off effects?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:54 pm
by DaCookie
The first 2 days had a headache which is extremely rare for me. I got a cold for about 4hours also but that was it and dunno when that was, also was farting like mad on the day I saw the big worm. It honestly could have been 10+ inches and had friends but I dont really care that much, seeing something is enough to know its doing me some good, also the way I felt after passing the big worm the days after have been great. Not really sure what day Im on, havent been counting just taking the pills as the instructions say. Think Im about day 10.

Keep in mind I have a super immune system and my digestion is super too so I imagine my die off affects are a lot less then people with my amount of infestation. I saw a white ball thing today too which from the little Ive read is candida and first few days I had very thin string like things come out of my urine, there was a lot and quite hard to see unless looking close, they float to the top of the toilet.

I did the magnesium, vitamin k and high dosed vit d also but thats didnt do anything for me really.

The water fast helped the most with the healing/digestion, the tanning with the psoriasis, to a lesser extent the kefir and this parasite stuff and the parasite stuff with the allergies but dont quote me on the last one as since running the parasite stuff my cravings for those foods like gluten etc have gone massively down so havent tried them too muchso not 100% sure but the few times I have it seems much less so far. Psoriasis 98% gone just paler skin from where its flaked left basically.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:56 am
by RobRegish
Was this Humaworm or Humacleanse you were taking Cookie?

Based on your feedback, Humanworm?? I may just give this a go!!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:54 pm
by DaCookie
Ye that would be it. Id recommend anyone who has any allergies to give it a go.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:44 pm
by thicketman
I plan on giving it a shot sometime midsummer. My intent is to wear the parasites down over time first to hopefully curb any ill die-off effects.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:23 pm
by RobRegish
Amazing discussion here. Can be gross at times (parasites), but they're there, they're real and if you have them - you can do something about it.

This thread proves it..