Marco takes it to the next level with Blueprint

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Wenesday 1/20/10

Post by MarcoDeniro »

Morning weight 232 @25%
8 am dose of ecdy based supplement with reese's cup. lol
30 min later protein shake
1 hour later 5 eggs with cup of spinach onions tom and feta ~yummy~
After workout
half of rottisere chicken~costco~
baked sweet potatoe

[b]Edit [/b]
[b]Back and Bi's[/b]
started off with Bw pullups
1st set hurt me through my core wtf
I am really weak doing these
[color=blue]Hammer Strength
Front Lat pull down
Hammer Strength
behind neck pulldown
except I leaned back and brought it down to my chest
HS Iso rows
~these were done totally different than I have ever done them~
Rack curls
3X15@45lbs~with him pushin on bar~slowreps~
Strive 123
3x15@25lbs top half of motion
[b]Duration 1:14
Max Hr 145
Avg hr 115
calories burned 752@60%f

I have start calling my trainer The Hater . In return he call me
The cheater
To start out with he says I use to much legs in my Deadlifts , so it turns out its part of a squat in his words. WE Hater
All of those Deadlifts started from an elevated position and then was dropped down along shins and lifted before weight touched ground.WTF :x
I am used to pickin it up from floor.

My trainer also measured me flexed . Now I heard the proper way to take measurements are in a relaxe state and not flexin. WE
The guy is a trainer and looks well as does most of the people he trains. I guess I am old and set in my ways and this new shyt sux :? Totally not what I xpected. However I am being pushed past my threshold on lifts so we shall see. I really think I am not getting enuff recovery time between sets .

Not much cardio in the evening as my legs hurt and I felt slightly taxed from workouts.

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Post by RobRegish »

Good deal. Weight is coming back on and it doesn't look like BF is rising drastically. As I said prior I expect it to rise somewhat..

Let's keep it rolling and see where we are tomorrow. Nice job bringing it into focus...
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Thursday 1/21/10

Post by MarcoDeniro »

Morning weight 231 @25%
Normal dosing
Protein shake
Meal 1:4 eggs with 2 ounce of chicken half bag of spinach 1 ounce of feta
glass of milk
Meal 2: Chicken thigh with half of a sweet potato
Pre workout shake mixed with an egg and 16 os of skim milk and 5g of Leucine
Chest /tri workout was good
Pwo protein shake
Diet was Blue cheese bacon cheeseburger withportabello mushrooms.
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

To be continued i n two short weeks
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Post by RobRegish »

For those that don't know, Marco is going to be working with his trainer's workouts for the next 2 weeks. He sampled an EDT session I gave him and really enjoyed it. Sounds like he'll be starting that up in 2 weeks.

So, some experimentation going on right now. I take no favor...what matters is what works for YOU.
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Post by RobRegish »

Update on Marco's progress:

Prior to starting Blueprint:

-230lbs at 24% bodyfat
-174.5lbs of muscle
-55.5lbs of fat

Three and a half weeks into his first run:

- 238lbs at 22% bodyfat
- 186lbs of muscle
- 52lbs of fat

He's lost 3.5lbs of fat and gained an astounding 12lbs of muscle. And he's only halfway through.

I'd like to say I'm surprised, but at this point I'm truly not. It's happening consistently. Brain, Draco, Persch, MSR9889, me, John and now Marcodeniro.

No new orders this week :(
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

Morning weight 240 @23%
I will be picking this log up in approx 1 week
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

[quote="RobRegish"]Update on Marco's progress:

Prior to starting Blueprint:

-230lbs at 24% bodyfat
-174.5lbs of muscle
-55.5lbs of fat

Three and a half weeks into his first run:

- 238lbs at 22% bodyfat
- 186lbs of muscle
- 52lbs of fat

He's lost 3.5lbs of fat and gained an astounding 12lbs of muscle. And he's only halfway through.

I'd like to say I'm surprised, but at this point I'm truly not. It's happening consistently. Brain, Draco, Persch, MSR9889, me, John and now Marcodeniro.

No new orders this week :([/quote]
Orders will be pouring in soon as itestimonies shed light on its effectiveness
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. You're really rolling now!

Thanks for the update Marco. Awesome results. And I'm happy to report that I did have a few orders come in this week. I appreciate everyone's support here. MSR9889, Draco, Brain, Persch, yourself etc..

VERY pleased everyone (almost to a person) is experiencing success with it. So yes, think you're right. These kind of results speak for themselves...

The more people we can get rolling with it the more we learn. I say that with all sincerity (trust me, BP hasn't turned a profit yet much less paid any bills). What you all have helped me learn not only showed up in BP 2.0 but will continue to help me help you get better results, faster.

And you guys will ALWAYS be grandfathered insofar as future updates. That is, new findings will be emailed to everyone free of charge.

Least I can do..
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

[quote="RobRegish"]Wow. You're really rolling now!

Thanks for the update Marco. Awesome results. And I'm happy to report that I did have a few orders come in this week. I appreciate everyone's support here. MSR9889, Draco, Brain, Persch, yourself etc..

VERY pleased everyone (almost to a person) is experiencing success with it. So yes, think you're right. These kind of results speak for themselves...

The more people we can get rolling with it the more we learn. I say that with all sincerity (trust me, BP hasn't turned a profit yet much less paid any bills). What you all have helped me learn not only showed up in BP 2.0 but will continue to help me help you get better results, faster.

And you guys will ALWAYS be grandfathered insofar as future updates. That is, new findings will be emailed to everyone free of charge.

Least I can do..[/quote]
Hey Rob I get a ton of personal messages Inquiring about the effectiveness of THE BLUEPRINT. I tell them honestly what I think and steer them to my log. I am ready to start Phase II as I no longer have a trainer. So therfore I am able to do Blueprint Training. What Program would you suggest off coming from where I have been with my PT. I am a big fan of compound movements. However I have to put some focus on my arms, as they are not as big as they should be. IMO and PT OP.
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

I am taking this weekend off to do Cardio and find my max on Deadlifts and maybe Squats.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good deal and I appreciate the update!

If you're still in Feast I'd recommend continuing on with EDT. First PR zone should be your compound movements, second PR zone isolation movements (arms).

If it's Maintenance/Cruise phase...let me know. I have some ideas.
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

I was thinking about taking e-bol for another 25 days with a t-booster. So that would send me back into the feast stage. Your thoughts.
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Post by RobRegish »

You mean back to the famine?

I'd opt to hit cruise for a 2-3 week period. I think you'll find the break re-freshing, the change in traning template mentally stimulating and even gains ongoing.

There's a reason it's in there. Honestly. With your genetics (easy gainer), it'll likely only take 2 weeks.
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