Day 35 of feast
Last day of feast!
Weight - 170 (woohoo!! all those calories are finally starting to catch up)
GLP1 WO6 - Squats
MPS - 7 pre/post
As expected, I set a new PR and increased my 1RM for Ball Squats by 5% today.
You know you're on to something when new PR's and increasing 1RM's becomes the norm!
A few warmups and then:
SQUAT - 40sx10, 50sx5 60sx3, 70sx1, 80sx2, 85sx1
Superset Hyperextensions - 10,10,10,10
EDT 1 - 15:54 (Last Time - 20:13)
Calf Raises - 150x12,12,11,11,10 (Last time - 150x12,12,11,10,10)
Glute Extension - 100x7,7,7,6,5 (Last time - 100x7,7,5,5,4)
Abs - Leg raises - 15,15,15,10,10 (Last time - 15,15,15,15)
EDT 2 - 8:40 (Last time - 9:59)
Lat Pulldowns - 130x7,5,5,5,4F (Last Time - 120x6,5,5,4,4)
Shoulder Press -35x6,6,5,5,4F (Last time - 30x7,7,5,5,5)
Great final feast workout. Met the goals of the GLP program, increased weight in EDT's and decreased total time in EDT's.
I have to say that my first run so far has been pretty darn successful! I set numerous PR's and increased my strength significantly in some areas. What's more valuable than all that is the amount of knowledge and confidence I have gained from this experience. The Blueprint works! There's no doubt about that!
Now onto Cruise...