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Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:19 pm
by matter2003
JlCh wrote:
Weight: 186.3 -- I was up to 190 a couple days ago. Feeling fat as heck though, due to a terribleeeee diet as of the past couple months.
Perhaps that is where the energy issue lies? Body can only operate as efficiently as the fuel it is given...I usually run a cheat day on my "reload" day, so anything I want to eat or have a craving for gets eaten on that day, and I try and stay pretty clean the rest of the week. I know it can be hard to eat right, but think of it this way: If you bust your ass in the gym and give 100% effort, why settle for 50% of the results. Would you accept going to work and then only being paid half your paycheck?
I have faith in you bro, don't let poor diet derail your efforts, you are better than that!!
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:21 am
by JlCh
Eh, I still get good quality food down -- but it seems every time I turn around there's more chocolate pie being made :p. The last time anything good (or bad rather :p) will be made will be on the 16th though -- should be smooth sailing after then. I have a terrible sweet tooth for certain things and CANNOT say no if it's there. Dreyers cookie dough ice cream, chocolate pie, "COLD" Pepsi. Mom happened to buy/make all 3 the past few months.
Anywho, fell on the ice last night (or maybe Monday, don't remember) and hit my tailbone/hips pretty hard. Have some compression pain on the left side of my tailbone (kinda like a kink sort of pain). It isn't always there, but feels a bit uncomfortable. Depending on how it feels Fri I may bow out of the lower workout.
Close grip BP: 185x5x5x5x5x5
Hammer Curls (across chest): 45x5x5x5x4x4
Seated OH BB press: 105x5x5x5x5x3
EZ bar preacher curl (close grip): 65x5, 75x5x5x5x4
DB Overhead Tri extention: 75x5x5x5, 85x5x5
Currently loving the 5x5 and think I will push Cruise for 4 weeks. Love being able to get a quality lower workout in without my lower back giving out mid way. Also getting the pump/doing exercises I haven't incorporated in my feast workouts that I enjoy -- so that's always a blast.
Weight: 187.6
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:26 pm
by JlCh
I had a pretty late night Thurs and only got about an hour of sleep yesterday so I skipped the workout (I actually passed the f out and didn't wake up till 8 LOL).
Might give Convict training a whirl today for the heck of it.
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:49 pm
by JlCh
90 second breaks between sets
Flat DB press: 90x5x5x5x5x3
T-Bar Rows: 140x5x5, 150x5x5, 155x5
Incline DB Press: 80x5x5x5, 75x5x5
Pull ups: BWx5x5x5x4x4 (almost got 5 on the last set)
The t-bar rows were awkward -- haven't done them much and definitely haven't done them in ages (year+) so it was kinda of funny messing around with it. I just couldn't press the 80 lbs DB's up for some reason, but the 75's went up without any issues. Not sure why. Pull ups are pretty controlled (especially on down rep) and I chested the first 5 again. That is all, haven't weighed myself lately.
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:27 pm
by JlCh
I bailed on the workout today due to not being able to catch my breath. Not sure what was going on, but started feeling rather sleepy and couldn't get enough air (wasn't breathing heavy either). I even did some super deep breaths (sucking air into abdomen instead of chest) and still didn't help much. Everyone has been sick here lately, so may have something to do with it. But out of curiosity, can dehydration cause a problem like this? I haven't drank much water past couple days.
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:03 pm
by JlCh
Will prob start Famine tomorrow.
Resting HR = 67-68 (between beats)
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:05 am
by JlCh
Started famine. Day after the above post I had 65 RHR and today I'm up to 69.
My first workout was a day late (couldn't get to the gym Sunday) so not sure how much of an impact that'll have but I have had plenty of stressors lately. Have gotten 3-4 hours of sleep the past 2 nights and haven't hit the calories yet (I'm pretty close tonight). Been so busy it's hard to find time to grab food.
Each set was a triset of all 3 exercises followed by 2 min rest (post format will be weird)
squats: 185x6x6x6
Cable rows: 135+full rackx6x6x6
Underhand pullups: BWx6x6x3
Haven't done squats in forever and lower back was still iffy on it -- but I just wanted to crank out some while I could (low weight). Felt like I could go heavier, kinda makes me miss them
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:54 pm
by JlCh
Cals: 1000/1500
Workout 2
Flat DB press: 80x8
Arnold Press: 50x6
Incline DB press: 70x7
Arnold press: 40x7
Decline bench: 135x8
Arnold Press: 35x6
2 min break
Overhead DB press: 80x8
Dumbell Curls: 30x8
French Curls: 65x8
EZ Bar curls: 65x8
Rope Pull downs: 120x6
Cable Curls: 70x8
2 min break
Dips: BWx8
If any exercises were paired up they were supersetted and there was 1 min break between each super set besides the ones that are specified. I spaced bi's on w/o 1 so I tried to make up for it.
Weight: 184.8
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:20 pm
by JlCh
Thurs I did an at home w/o with dumbells (squats, rows, and curls). I weighed around 182.
Yesterday I feasted! Got tons of sleep last night and eating big again today (although it's a late start).
Weight: 186.4
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:48 pm
by JlCh
Ughhhhhhhh out of shape :p.
Feast w/o #1 (2-6-2012)
Super setted
Dips: +45x10 plus 2 negatives Followed by
Overhand Pullups: BWx8 + 2 negatives
Super setted, 2 min break:
Incline DB press: 75x6x6x6x5x4
1 arm DB rows: 75x6x5x5x3
90 second break between sets
Arnold Press: 45x8, 50x6x6
Purpose this time is to slowwwwwwwwww things down and try to control the weight a bit more. Tossing in pauses and slowing down the negative portion of the exercise(s). Also, training protocol will resemble 3.0 a bit more as the EDT sets will be bouncing around with reps/breaks.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:41 am
by JlCh
Kinda bummed. I was all prepped for the gym and went and laid down to relax back before going for 15-20 min and ended up falling asleep. Bi's and back have been pretty sore since the last workout.
Weight this morning: 187.4
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:41 pm
by JlCh
Feast W/O #2 (2-9-2012)
Deadlift: 225x10
Legpress: 500x10 (hyrdolic)
Leg Extention: 80x8, 90x6x6, 100x6, 110x6 (hydrolic)
Hamstring Curls: 65x6x6x6x6 (hydrolic)
1 min rest between each:
DB Curl ups: 45x8x8x8
Hip lifts/extentions?: Ankle weightsx8x4
Rope Pulldowns: 80x8, 70x8, 60x8
I probably had more reps in the deads, but my back felt GREAT and seemed to hit it just right. My back had the good "stress" without the pain. Will be dropping the DB curl ups as that put unnecessary stress on it.
Over all it wasn't quite as taxing as it should be, but I figured baby steps.
Sitting at at least 150 G's of protein and still got 2 meals left.
Weight: 187.4 (as stated in earlier post).
Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:08 am
by JlCh
Feast W/O #3 (2-10-2012)
Super setted
Dips: 80x6.5 ;p +2 negatives
Overhand Pull ups: 25x2, BWx5 +2 negatives
Super setted with 90 second rests:
Incline DB press: 75x8x8x7x4
1 arm DB rows: 75x8x7x5x4 (3 with left hand)
I busted open a bottle of Burn It Up! and tried it for the first time(2 caps). Little review:
Energy: Calm, but didn't really run out of it.. No jitters
Endurance: Seems within norm, but kind of hard judging coming out of famine.
Focus: Focus over all seemed pretty solid. Will give it another shot before I speak too much about that though
Complaints: Seemed to make me a bit itchy. Not real bad, but randomly all over my body would start itching. Noticed the worse was on/around my temples strangely enough.
Anywho, lower back is pretty sore today and got shit sleep last night. Got about 4 hours, but got up twice in those 4 hours and woke up multiple times other than those 2 times. I took 2 1-2 hour naps before lifting. My joints so far are holding up *knock on wood*. Shoulders were feeling a bit of a pinch on incline, but I prob just need to warm up a bit better as the little pain resides after first 1 or 2 sets. The pull ups I thought I could manage to do weighted, but that failed with the quickness. Not sure if it's because of the deads yesterday or just weak pull ups, but I did 2 reps and knew I wasn't going to get 1 more so I bailed. These workouts seem pretty brief, but I'm honestly pretty drained after them.
Weight: Was brain dead this morning from lack of sleep and hopped in the shower prior to checking weight.
I realized as soon as the water hit me too.
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:35 pm
by JlCh
Feast W/O 4 (2-13-2012)
Dips: 115x2 with 2 negatives (PR)
Overhand Pulls ups: 25x2 (almost 3) -- 2 negatives plus some partial reps
1 minute rests between super sets:
Incline DB press: 65x10x6x7x5
1 arm DB row: 65x10x8x7x5
Well, workout notes is on 2nd set of the EDT set I kicked up the DB's and sweat dripped in my eye, I went to try and wipe the sweat off without putting DB's down and the right one tilted too far and was going. It really is awesome for these types of things to happen and NO INJURY occurs. If that happened 2 years ago? Shoulder would be out of commission for months. I even controlled it to an extent and brought both to my chest. Problem with that was it had a huge impact on strength/endurance as I put a crap ton of effort into keeping control of it.
Anywho, I decided last night spur of the moment that I'd be doing IF diet and working out fasted between noon and 3 PM some time with 14 grams of amino's (purple wraath) and 2 caps of Burn It Up! I was starting to pour sweat after the few reps of dips/pull ups -- so I'm sure you could imagine what the EDT set was like :p. Reason for back to back upper workouts is because I don't really want to try pull ups a day after my deads as last week felt weird. My lower back also wasn't feeling the best as I worked yesterday/today for a job that requires a lot of lifting. Anywho, going to be a chore working out fasted, but hopefully I see some much needed fat blasting -- sick of unaesthetic looking bod, not to mention the large jumps in strength gains wreak havoc on my joints. Also, attempting to control the weight more thoroughly is definitely having an impact on endurance -- but I'm hoping for better over all body composition with it.
Weight: 187.6 (has been sitting between .4 and .6 since Thurs)