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Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 10:30 am
by matter2003
Updated weight/measurements

BW: 217.5 lbs(grrr...was up to 222...where did it go??)

Chest: 49.5 inches(+ .75 inches!)
Biceps: 16 inches(+.5 inches!)-first time ever!!!(yea I know that is still weak :<)
Waist: 38.5 inches(+.5 inches...the 1 area I DIDN'T want to gain in!! :<)
Quads: 27 inches(+1 inch!)
Calves: 17.5 inches(+.5 inches!)---almost to 18!! Still a far cry from my Dad's 23 inches, and he hasn't lifted in over 25 years!!...he has the most diesel calves I have ever seen(including professional bodybuilders...he puts most of those guys to shame with his calves)...if there was only a calf bodybuildnig contest, he could enter and win every year without even lifting...

Not bad for 5 weeks(1 week off, famine and 3 weeks on feast)

Will take a BF measurement and post in a little while...

Kinda upset about the loss in weight tho....perhaps I should have kept calories on high longer? Problem is I can gain and lose weight easily, but was worried about gaining fat instead of muscle at the higher calorie range for a 3rd week...

Nothing to do now but get leaner and consider a different strategy on my next run...

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:34 pm
by Linkiroth
matter2003 wrote:Updated weight/measurements

BW: 217.5 lbs(grrr...was up to 222...where did it go??)

Chest: 49.5 inches(+ .75 inches!)
Biceps: 16 inches(+.5 inches!)-first time ever!!!(yea I know that is still weak :<)
Waist: 38.5 inches(+.5 inches...the 1 area I DIDN'T want to gain in!! :<)
Quads: 27 inches(+1 inch!)
Calves: 17.5 inches(+.5 inches!)---almost to 18!! Still a far cry from my Dad's 23 inches, and he hasn't lifted in over 25 years!!...he has the most diesel calves I have ever seen(including professional bodybuilders...he puts most of those guys to shame with his calves)...if there was only a calf bodybuildnig contest, he could enter and win every year without even lifting...

Not bad for 5 weeks(1 week off, famine and 3 weeks on feast)

Will take a BF measurement and post in a little while...

Kinda upset about the loss in weight tho....perhaps I should have kept calories on high longer? Problem is I can gain and lose weight easily, but was worried about gaining fat instead of muscle at the higher calorie range for a 3rd week...

Nothing to do now but get leaner and consider a different strategy on my next run...
Those are still solid gains, I wouldn't worry too much about the body weight with those kind of gains. You'll probably continue to gain throughout feast and cruise, this is only 3 weeks in!

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:00 pm
by matter2003
I posted this image on cause I was getting irritated by the haters there, and so they can understand whats up: ... e1562.jpeg

Since I posted the pic, I have had 120+ people look at the thread, but not one person had another word to say about my acknowledgement that the BP has been nothing less than fantastic for me...

Normally I don't like posting pics because of the psoriasis I am battling, but in this case I said F it...

Wonder why that is? :P[/url]

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:18 pm
by xxtotuxx
matter2003 wrote:I posted this image on cause I was getting irritated by the haters there, and so they can understand whats up: ... e1562.jpeg

Since I posted the pic, I have had 120+ people look at the thread, but not one person had another word to say about my acknowledgement that the BP has been nothing less than fantastic for me...

Normally I don't like posting pics because of the psoriasis I am battling, but in this case I said F it...

Wonder why that is? :P[/url]
F'k what other say. You're lifting for yourself, and if it works for you, doesn't matter what the person next to you tells you about it. Nice job putting them in their place.

Rob told me about your amazing progress, breaking PRs here and there. Gonna sub in here to see some sick numbers. Will be doing a 3.0 run pretty soon. Good Luck broski.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:25 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout 6

This was by FAR my worst workout since I started the BP...everything felt heavy today and it further increased my already sizable dislike for working out in the mornings...

IMHO, I don't believe morning workouts are optimal(at least lifting, cardio is a different story). Hydration levels are at their worst when you wake up due to no fluids being taken in for 7 to 8 hours(I never really feel fully hydrated until around 1 or 2 pm on most days---when I start pissing clear is when I consider myself hydrated). Energy levels are at their lowest due to no food being taken in, and even using "The Formula" doesn't fix that entirely...In addition to that, the body is more catabolic during the day and more anabolic at night...

Anyways, I am going to have to figure out a way to not have to lift during the mornings because squats just aren't happening that early...

Rack Pull: 315 lbs(10 secs)/335 lbs(6 secs)
-still getting grip issues settled out here...

Squats: 375 x 10 x 10
Hamstrings: 135 x 10/120 x 10

-had to call this EDT block off after 2 sets because I felt a twinge in my groin...nothing too serious, but wasn't gonna risk any further strain..especially not during a crap ass lifting session

Seated Calf Press: 180 x 13 secs/200 x 6 secs

RDL: 245 x 6 x 6

Abs: 100 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
HE: 25 x 10/45 x 10/25 x 10 x 10

-I HATE Hyperextensions...I lowered the leg rest and bent over more which felt like a much more natural movement, but I also felt it a lot more in my back...

Ate 3360 cals for the day in the breakdowns I was supposed to...

Looking forward to Thursday so I can make up for this crap session...

On a positive note, just got my Opti-Men multi's in and started taking them today...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:20 pm
by matter2003
HIIT Recovery Day...

Woke up this morning to Neon Yellow pee...thank you Opti-Men...kinda screws me up now since I usually have a pretty good idea of my hydration levels based on urine color...that is shot to hell now...hahaha

Had to abandon my plans for HIIT to be in a fasted state upon waking up as I had kid duty today before going to work...

Nutrition pretty straight almost to a T....amazing how calorie dense 2 cups of 2% milk and 1 cup of black beans are...almost a perfect ratio of Carbs, Protein and Fat for my off day meals...chowed down on that combo 4 times and had a wheat wrap tortilla, an egg, turkey and some fat free milk for breakfast...mashed potatoes and chicken for dinner...

HIIT at gym for 20 mins had me sweating buckets...warmed up for 5 mins, then alternated 30 sec sprints with 1 minute jogs on elliptical for about 14 minutes and cooled down for another 6...

Not sure what it is, but noticed I have a different feeling today...can't really explain it, but am feeling more muscularly dense somehow, if that makes sense...not sure if its the extra cap of KA I have been taking the past week or if its "The Recipe" kicking in, but I certainly like it...

Looking to bust out some more cardio tomorrow morning while fasted...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:46 pm
by matter2003
Just thought I would post my supplementation as of right now:


3 Opti-Men caps(1 morning, midday and night)
4 1500 mg CLA(2 morning, 2 night)
2 1000 mg TMG(1 morning, 1 night)
4 Acidophillus ProBiotic Capsules(2 morning, 2 night)
2 1000 mg Vitamin C Tablets(1 morning, 1 night)
2 2000 IU Vitamin D Capsules(1 morning, 1 night)
6 1000 mg Omega 3 Fish Oil(3 morning, 3 night)
1 Curcumin capsule with Bioperine(morning)
"The Recipe" 3 squirts as directed
4 Caps KA(going to 5 starting week 5)

3 on/3 off:

BCAA 20-25 mg(usually 4 or 5 times daily between meals)

Workout Days:

"The Formula" as directed before, during, after workouts

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:30 am
by matter2003
Well I've come full circle...bodyweight this morning is exactly the same as before I began famine, at 214 to sum this up, I have gone down to 206 lbs after famine, gotten up to 222, and am now back down to 214 in my 4th week of feast...

Wondering if I have some type of crazy weird metabolism or something, because I don't think I should be losing and gaining weight this fast, especially on feast when I am now eating maintenance calories on training days and a slight deficit on other days, but had been well above maintenance calories for the first 2 weeks...

Not exactly happy with the whole weight thing, but the strength gains are undeniable, and so are the size gains, so I shouldn't complain too much I guess...if this continues, by the time cruise is over, I'll be down to around 200 lbs...hahaha

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:46 am
by Hank!
Going to 5 caps of KA?

Even at 260lbs I never went above 4. Curious to see if it makes a difference or if we've hit the point of diminishing returns.

My weight fluctuates a ton, especially in feast, post heavy lift days i am always heavier than after a small break like a weekend or time off.


BTW Great work, great log

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:21 pm
by JlCh
Weight is just a number in my eyes. It's the measurements that mean most to me. If your increasing everywhere but dropping in weight, I'd say there some sort of water issue going on. I know I can go +/- 5 lbs in 1-2 days by how much water I drink.

Solid gains and keep going. Like I said, weight doesn't mean shizz if you're increasing power/size ;).

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:24 am
by Hank!

No need to go to 5 caps K AN unless you and Rob hatched some plan. John Drake aka ask Mass has pretty much said more than 4 caps is overkill. Save some cash!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 8:02 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Updated weight/measurements

BW: 217.5 lbs(grrr...was up to 222...where did it go??)

Chest: 49.5 inches(+ .75 inches!)
Biceps: 16 inches(+.5 inches!)-first time ever!!!(yea I know that is still weak :<)
Waist: 38.5 inches(+.5 inches...the 1 area I DIDN'T want to gain in!! :<)
Quads: 27 inches(+1 inch!)
Calves: 17.5 inches(+.5 inches!)---almost to 18!! Still a far cry from my Dad's 23 inches, and he hasn't lifted in over 25 years!!...he has the most diesel calves I have ever seen(including professional bodybuilders...he puts most of those guys to shame with his calves)...if there was only a calf bodybuildnig contest, he could enter and win every year without even lifting...

Not bad for 5 weeks(1 week off, famine and 3 weeks on feast)

Will take a BF measurement and post in a little while...

Kinda upset about the loss in weight tho....perhaps I should have kept calories on high longer? Problem is I can gain and lose weight easily, but was worried about gaining fat instead of muscle at the higher calorie range for a 3rd week...

Nothing to do now but get leaner and consider a different strategy on my next run...
Superb!!! You've made TREMENDOUS progress, in a VERY short period of time. Now, you're in position to refine, refine, refine..

Part of The Blueprint's beauty.. :) Right here for you, to help!!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:23 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote: Superb!!! You've made TREMENDOUS progress, in a VERY short period of time. Now, you're in position to refine, refine, refine..

Part of The Blueprint's beauty.. :) Right here for you, to help!!
Feast Workout 7

Thanks, Rob, but today may have been my best training day of my entire life...I unleashed an anabolic beast and I literally did not want to leave the gym because you never know when u are gonna get that feeling back...then again, this is the 2nd time in 4 workouts I've felt like that(one was a crapass morning workout, so I don't even count that :>)

Flat Bench Static
-Decline bench was in use by a guy/girl tandem doing alternating crunches...didn't want to stand around waiting forever, so I just did flat bench...

455 lbs x 15 secs
495 lbs x 15 secs!!!! PR
-this wasn't some 1/8 inch above rack like last time...this was a full press and hold...could have held it longer...OMFG my shoulders felt like jello the rest of the night...


Dips: BW+40lbs x 5/BW+40lbs x 6/BW+40lbs x 6/BW+45lbs X 5--PR!!
1 Arm DB Row: 70lbs x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 PR!!

Shoulder Press Static:
365 lbs x 15 secs
405 lbs x 8 secs PR!!!!
-shattered old PR of 375 lbs


Preacher Curl(Hammer Strength): 95lbs x 6/105lbs x 6/110lbs x 6/120lbs x 6
Triceps Ext(Hammer Strength): 175lbs x 6 x 6 x 6/180lbs x 6---PR!!!

I am almost speechless after this...I don't even know what to say...the craziest thing about it is I think I could have even done more weight...other than the tri ext and dips, I didn't feel like I was maxing out at 6 reps...have never gained strength like this before in my life and I am so excited to go to the gym every training day to try and set new PRs...anyone who has any doubts that this program works can IM me and I will be happy to speak more about it...simply phenomenal....

Also had my first experience with a gym questioner, asking me "What was doing when I was just holding the weight up in the air, and what it was for"...hahahaha...told him if you want to experience deep muscle soreness like you have never felt before to try it...he seemed pretty excited by it...

On a final note...I will NEVER EVER EVER lift weights in the morning again...the difference I felt from today to last workout which I did in the early morning was like I was a different person....any morning workout for me is now just unacceptable...I will not accept lifting 80% or less of the weight I should be lifting due to various issues(IMHO mainly hydration)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:39 pm
by Linkiroth
AMAZING, Matter! Congratulations!!