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Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:32 am
by Hank!
bigpelo wrote:Rob's sarcastic humour! Should have guess...

Thanks a lot Hank!!

Now can someone explain me when to use "then" vs "than"? I am trying to improve further :)

Thank you!
Then/Than often confused

Than is a conjuction or a preposition used mostly as a comparative

I weigh 259lbs, Pelo weighs 240lbs = Hank weighs more THAN Pelo

Then can be used as an adverb can be used a lot of ways

In relation to time "Things were different then", "1st we had dinner then we saw a movie" etc

In terms of consequence "if you are sick then you should stay home from work"

As an adjective : Then UFC champ Brock Lesnar

As an idiom : I found the discussio nvery interesting , but then I have different interests

get it if so then thats is the end of the english lesson :)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:08 pm
by bigpelo
WOW! thanks again Hank! Very useful information.

Memory help:

thAn --> compArAtive

thEn --> timE

What do you think?

And thank you for following my log too. It feels good to know that what we are writing are read by others :) Good motivation tool in my opinion.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:51 pm
by Hank!
Yes Pelo i was going to use that but wanted you to see examples

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:37 pm
by RobRegish
Hank and I are actually the same person.

That makes 4 now...

The Franchise
Hank (sometimes)

Even I'm losing track. But I'm good like that... :)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:19 pm
by Hank!
I am sometimes me too but not often since i have become one of the four faces

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:52 pm
by RobRegish
RobRegish wrote:
Hank! wrote:I am sometimes me too but not often since i have become one of the four faces
This was absolutely fantastic.

I was in a state of absolute hysteria today at one point. I mean absolutely maniacal, about to orchestrate a symphony of constructions/destruction - depending upon who called me next.

So I reached out to the ONE person in the world I knew I could count on to help me keep things in perspective - he delivered the good too.

Just when they thought I had things together though Hank - you pulled through.

Thanks again :)


Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:38 am
by RobRegish
Yes, very nice job in fact :)

GREAT work!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:47 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 7 - January 21 2011

No diet count last Friday. My buddy with whom I played hockey since we are 4 yo, is working as a chef in a 5 stars hotel in Paris, was in town for a week before returning in France. He decided to do a meat feast for me and 27 of our friends. I ended deciding not to calculate calories and just eat from 8h45PM to 10h00PM. I don't want to hijack Swedish Fish log but I do think it was the holy grail of "food porn"! I do have pictures I could post here...

Feast day 8 - January 22 2011

Feast bridge workout #3

Total workout time: 61 minutes including warm ups
Weight after workout: 246 (+3 since famine day 1) Thanks to the Chef!

Incline barbell bench press: 265 x 2 (+1 with little help from a spotter)
Incline dumbbell pullovers: 125x9 (could have go the 12 reps, heaviest dumbbell of the gym...)
Squat: 415 x 2
Alternated leg curl: 130 x 3 (maybe I could have done 4, but not 5)

EDT block
Cable row at 195: 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 6
Dips at body weight +45: 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 6
Total of 99 reps in 16 minutes, +25% from bridge workout #1, +7.5% form bridge workout #2: time to increase the weight a little bit (+5% approx. 205 on cable row and +50 on dips)

Romanian dead lift: 315 x 3 (times 2) (could have done 5, maybe 6)

This workout out was the first one with pure karbolyn in place of Allmax Waxy Maize 2300. I wanted to finish the WM2300 tub. First impression: the powder is like very fine sand as opposed to the WM that is more like baby powder super fine almost fume like... Next observation: one scoop holds 75g, not 50g as note on the container. I am happy I did weight the pure karbolyn. Third, it mixes way better than Vitargo S2! Conclusion: very happy with this carb powder, 5/5. Only down side: it needs be sourced from the US.

Feast day 9 - January 23 2011

Still no diet to report, I listen to football all day with some friends at my place and we did not had a perfect diet.. Still manage to eat fruits, veges and lean meat but there was also chips and beers. Let's call this a "cheat week-end" :oops:

Mood is good, no soreness yet to report.

Feast day 10 - January 24 2011

Tonight will be the bridge workout #4 --> DELOAD!

Diet will be back on track today as I am the one preparing my food. I have absolutely no soreness at all. I feel like I didn't pushed myself hard enough in the gym lately, but I know I did raise some serious weight. Considering it is the first time for me doing this kind of workout template, I will credit the formula and the adaptagens for the lightning fast recovery I am experimenting again.

Macros and workout will be report later today. Thanks for following my log!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:02 am
by bigpelo
Sorry Swedish Fish, but here are some good "food porn" pics (low quality phone pics, sadly)






Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:30 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 10 - January 24 2011

Bridge workout #4 --> Deload

Total workout time including warm ups: 40 minutes
weight after workout: 247 (+4)

It seems I gain 1 pound every time I hit the gym :D

Incline barbell press: 245 x 7 (+1 with help from a spotter)
Incline dumbbell pullovers: 125 x 8 (again, could have done much more)
Squat: 345 x 8
Alternate leg curl: 105x 8
Romanian dead lift: 245 x 8 (2 sets)

Short and sweet


3600 calories
270g protein (30%)
360g carb (40%)
120g fat (30%)

3479 calories
244g protein
373g carb
106g fat

Carbs composition:
240g complex
41g fibre
92g sugar

Feast day 11 -January 25 2011

Didn't get a lot sleep last night. I went to bed at 10pm, 15 minutes after I took Adaptagen N. Woke up at 4am I couldn't get back to sleep. I thought about going outside from HIIT fasted cardio but it's like -15F... Oh well, let's go to work early!

EDIT for January 25 2011:

Diet goal:
3000 calories
225g protein
300g carb
100g fat

3128 calories
220g protein
300g carb
122g fat

Close enough except for the fats... No workout today. Tomorrow is bridge workout #5 --> 1 RM !!

I just ordered some hemp protein on a Canadian site and I noticed they where selling NOW GABA 170g for CAN$20. I added it to the shopping cart, let's what it does!

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:16 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 12 - January 26 2011

Diet Goal:
3600 calories
270g protein (30%)
360g carbs (40%)
120g fat (30%)

3568 calories
248g protein (29%)
382g carbs (39%)
121g fat (32%)

Carbs composition:
266g complex (70%)
70g sugar (18%)
46g fibre (12%)

Satisfied with my diet and sleep.

Bridge workout #5 - 1 RM!!

Incline barbell bench press: 275 x 1 (went up pretty fast and clean so tried 285 after but failed)
Incline dumbbell pullovers: 125 x 8 (heaviest dumbbell available to my gym)
Squat: 425 x 1 good, deep, went up slowly but form was the best since a long time. Happy with it.
Alternate one leg curl: 140 x 1 for left and 140 x 1.5 for right

EDT block, cable row/dips with new increased weight
205 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 7 ,8
BW +50 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8

Total 78 reps in 14 minutes, I sweat a lot but it wasn't that hard.

Romanian dead lift: 325 x 3, maybe 2 reps shy of failure.

I was going to calculate my numbers for the "10% solution" I am going to do next but I step on two things:

1- weight for the firsts couple workout are really low despite the 2-3 reps range...?
2- I did my max 1 RM on incline barbell bench press but my workout are design will flat barbell bench press. I am way stronger on flat that incline so this 1 RM worth nothing?

Feast day 13 - January 27 2011

I had a super nice night! A good solid 8 hours of sleep! I usually do well on just 7 hours but this with 8 fells even better.

No training today nor tomorrow. First time since famine that I feel just a little bit of soreness. Almost nothing though compare to what I was use to. Muscles are pump, full and I feel in my best shape since forever. :)

I will report diet macros later. Maybe some HIIT cardio tonight or tomorrow?

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:27 pm
by bigpelo
Feast day 13 - January 27 2011

No training, diet goal was 3000 calories from a 40-30-30 macros split


3011 calories
324g carbs (40%)
250g protein (35%)
78g fat (25%)

Carbs composition:
213g complex (66%)
75g sugar (23%)
36g fibre (11%)

Nothing special to report. Life is good!

Feast day 14 - January 28 2011

DOMS / soreness --> non-existent, ready to start the 10% solution but I will wait Saturday... HIIT cardio after work but that's it.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:59 pm
by thething301
Good going bigpelo, you are very consistant on the diet and training, hope to see some before and after picture.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:22 pm
by bigpelo
Before is already too late... but after will be possible. I ordered a tape to measure circumferences this week. I am confident to blow the 18'' on biceps.