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Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:16 am
by islandboy90
alrightt thanks rob!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:43 pm
by islandboy90
question -
:?: I think I've got the EDT Blocks figured out

but as for the main exercises (Bench Press, pullover, squat, deadlift)
do I increase the weight each workout?
doesnt seem to make sense to use the same weight and lower the rep range
if that is the case I definatly need to use heavier weight...

thanks ahead of time

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:45 pm
by RobRegish
Simple answer:

Yes :)

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:28 pm
by islandboy90
alright second workout of feast

bench press 6 x 155 (went smooth, fairly easy)
pullovers 6 x 70 (need to substitute to suite my equipment)

rest 5-10 min

squat 6 x 155 (fairly smooth and easy)
stiff leg DL 6 x 145 (smooth and fairly easy)

rest 10 min

EDT Block 1
incline db press 8 x 70 (may need to change to bb couldnt balance)
seated row 8 x 70 (ready to increase weight)

rest 2 min

Set 2
same thing 8 reps each

rest 2 min

Set 3
same thing 7 reps

rest 2 min

Set 4
same 7 reps

rest 2 min

Set 5
same 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 6
same 5 reps

total workout time 16 min
total reps 80

rest 10 min

EDT Block 2
romanian deadlifts 8 x 125
BB Stradle 8 x 95

rest 2 min

Set 2
same thing 8 rep

rest 2 min

Set 3
same thing 7 reps

rest 2 min

Set 4
same 7 reps

rest 2 min

Set 5
same thing 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 6
same thing 5 reps

rest 5 min

static crunch weighted decline
3 holds x 15 seconds

16 minutes = 80 reps

was going to try a 3rd edt for bi and tri but all the reps have me beat, done until monday.. feeling good

rep increase - 56 to 80 = 24 reps in 16 minutes = TIME TO INCREASEEEE 8)

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:38 pm
by RobRegish
Time to increase 2nd workout into Feast?

Something's working.. :)

dissapointing 3rd feast workout

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:05 pm
by islandboy90
workout 3 of feast

bench press 3 x 155 (disappointed, started off with 185 and couldnt get it up had to roll it off)
seated pulldowns 4 x 70 (no good, need to find substitute exercise..sloppy)

rest 5-10 min

squat 3 x 195 (could have done a little more)
stiff leg DL 3 x 185 (could have done little more)

rest 10 min

EDT Block 1
incline db press 6 x 70 (used butterfly style grip, balanced better got more stretch..although i only have 2 solid 35 db's.. so still going to have to improvise more)
seated row 6 x 90

rest 2 min

Set 2
same thing 6 reps each

rest 2 min

Set 3
same thing 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 4
same 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 5
same 3 reps

rest 2 min

Set 6
same 3 reps

total workout time 16 min
total reps 56

rest 10 min

EDT Block 2
romanian deadlifts 6 x 135 (could have done more)
BB Stradle 6 x 105 (could have done more)

rest 2 min

Set 2
same thing 6 rep

rest 2 min

Set 3
same thing 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 4
same 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 5
same thing 3 reps

rest 2 min

Set 6
same thing 3 reps

rest 5 min

static crunch weighted incline
10 sit ups with hold on last one for 15 seconds x 3

16 minutes = 56 reps

the end
i'm beat
a little dissapointed and think i slightly pulled muscle in my neck (back/right) can feel it's a little tense when i turn my head
butttt i guess it's progress

feel like the past year i've been working out i've been wasting my time/money/effort atleast you guys are giving me a better understanding of supplement timing/use and how the body works

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:25 pm
by islandboy90
anyone have advice for a substitute exercise for the main workout
and for the edt block 1 "db press"?

i have a power rack, with pull up and pull down attachment (different handles)
curl bar
2 x 35lb db's
and a bench that has different settings

(note chest is unfortunatly what I concider to be my weak spot. although I feel my physique would be greatly improved with more chest definition)


Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:30 pm
by RobRegish
islandboy90 wrote:anyone have advice for a substitute exercise for the main workout
and for the edt block 1 "db press"?

i have a power rack, with pull up and pull down attachment (different handles)
curl bar
2 x 35lb db's
and a bench that has different settings

You have many options here, including DB, BB, EZ curl bar, cable etc pullovers etc. You could also do seated cable rows, for example. Anything that places the muscle in a loaded stretch position.

On the pullover itself.... different angles of all sorts can be tried. You'll find it....

With respect to the DB bench presses here again there are endless variations within the EDT Block format. Incline, decline etc. It needn't be DB btw. That's just a suggestion coming off your heavy BB work..

If you need more help.... by all means let me know!!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:36 pm
by islandboy90
was wondering if another form of BB Benching could be used for the EDT Block?

only thing setting me off with the pullover variations is my limit to add weight, or positions
may try a rope standing pulldown(doubt that's what it's called, tri extension) next workout

as usual thanks for the quick replies
this is more of a trial run I suppose, run #2 should be excellent :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:44 pm
by RobRegish

You can use any variation of benching for the EDT blocks. My favorite?

Weighted dips!

Give that a shot and let me know how you like them!!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:01 pm
by islandboy90
but chest dips, dont I need a weight belt and such?

will give weighted bench dips a try though, maybe even for pullovers?

thanks for the advice! 8)

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:59 am
by RobRegish
Sure, that's an easy enough fix though:

Grab or buy an old weight belt. Attach chain from harware store and wrap around DB.

Done :)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:05 pm
by islandboy90
bench press 6 x 155 (hard)
pullovers 7 x 70 (good range)

rest 5-10 min

squat 6 x 160 (smooth)
stiff leg DL 6 x 150 (smooth)

rest 10 min

EDT Block 1
incline db press 8 x 70
seated row 8 x 90

rest 2 min

Set 2
same thing 8 reps each

rest 2 min

Set 3
same thing 6 reps

rest 2 min

Set 4
same 6 reps

rest 2 min

Set 5
same 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 6
same 5 reps

total workout time 16 min
total reps 66

rest 10 min

EDT Block 2
romanian deadlifts 8 x 135
BB lunges 8 x 115

rest 2 min

Set 2
same thing 8 rep

rest 2 min

Set 3
same thing 6 reps

rest 2 min

Set 4
same 6 reps

rest 2 min

Set 5
same thing 4 reps

rest 2 min

Set 6
same thing 4 reps

rest 5 min

static crunch weighted incline
10 sit ups with hold on last one for 15 seconds x 3

16 minutes = 66 reps

once again i'm beat

if i'm supposed to have a new 1rm next workout I think I might be doing something wrong because I'm not feeling alot stronger

2 questions:
1. For rest periods, example.. do you rest 10 minutes BEFORE warm up sets? how important is it to go the entire 10 minutes???

2. I started my BCAA loading today and my appetite has been GONE
I was barely able to eat today, i had breakfast, bran muffin for snack, burrito for lunch then small snacks mainly weight gainer shakes
just cant eat
is this from the bcaa's??

3. for deload day am i supposed to still be pushing for more weight? just in higher rep range again?
thanks :!:

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:42 pm
by RobRegish
if i'm supposed to have a new 1rm next workout I think I might be doing something wrong because I'm not feeling alot stronger

2 questions:
1. For rest periods, example.. do you rest 10 minutes BEFORE warm up sets? how important is it to go the entire 10 minutes???

A. 10 min prior to WORK sets. It becomes VERY important on the heavier sets.

Insert an extra rest day immediately. Meaning if you were on a 1on/1off move to a 1on/2off etc..

2. I started my BCAA loading today and my appetite has been GONE
I was barely able to eat today, i had breakfast, bran muffin for snack, burrito for lunch then small snacks mainly weight gainer shakes
just cant eat
is this from the bcaa's??

A. Unlikely, unless they're bulk BCAA's and the nastiness is coming through?

3. for deload day am i supposed to still be pushing for more weight? just in higher rep range again?

A. No, de-load should be smooth all around. That looks to be the case EXCEPT the bench press.

Do me a favor, insert one extra rest day and re-do this de-load. I think we need a better read on what's going on prior to max day. Don't worry, I'll figure it out!