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Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:44 pm
by RobRegish
Great job and it's all looking good :)

And yeah, GammaGH is tops. Superb night's sleep + GH release and its economical to boot. What more could you want?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:35 pm
by jjones11
This morning I weighed in at 164 and 15% :x . Was at about 2700 calories yesterday and still lost 2lbs. Today is supposed to be my upper body workout #2 but I'm not sure if it'll happen. My upper body is still really sore from tuesday's workout. But I'll see how I'm feeling after batting practice today and we'll go from there. Been having a really odd reaction with GammaGH. About 20 or so minutes after I take it my heart beat raises spontaneously and I get a feeling of something pricking me all over. This happens for maybe 30 seconds and then goes away. Does this happen to anyone else?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:25 pm
by RobRegish
Ah yes, this is the GABA flushing effect.

It means it's crossing the blood/brain barrier and working! Unpleasant if you're not accustomed to it.

I've grown to love it!

If in doubt on the workout... take the rest day. It will only benefit you :)

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:25 pm
by jjones11
RobRegish wrote:Ah yes, this is the GABA flushing effect.

It means it's crossing the blood/brain barrier and working! Unpleasant if you're not accustomed to it.

I've grown to love it!

If in doubt on the workout... take the rest day. It will only benefit you :)
Ha, good to hear that it's not just me. I was freaking out the first time it happened to me.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:34 pm
by jjones11
After batting practice today I felt good enough to get a workout in. No soreness after I got stretched out.

Feast workout 2- Upper Body
Bench Press
165x4 (could've gotten 6. Feel bad that I didn't push it.)
DB pullovers (these felt alot better today after doing them last workout. much more natural)
EDT block 1- 86 reps in 14:03
Incline DB Bench-50lbs
1 arm DB Row-55 lbs
EDT block 2-77 reps in 11:23
Seated DB shoulder press
Seated cable row

Notes: My work capacity definitely improved. I took some anadraulic state gt before so that might be the reason for this. Felt real real good. Need to go up on everything in my EDT's except for Shoulder Press. My shoulders and chest are both lagging body parts that I really want to bring up with this run. Quick question on my EDT blocks. Pretty blunt one actually. Am I doing them right? Any other insight that anyone else would like to offer would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:35 pm
by RobRegish
Yes but this exercise pairing could be improved:

EDT block 2-77 reps in 11:23

Seated DB shoulder press
Seated cable row

Consider the BB shouler shrug OR reverse butterfly machine in place of the seated cable row. REASON: You want to work antagonistic muscle groups for the shoulder. You do to some extent in the seated row but this is primarily a lat exercise. With the shrugs you get more overload plus by rolling the shoulder a bit you'll get the back of them. Yes you'll hit traps too but who doesn't like traps?

The reverse butterfly is an isolation movement yes but the shoulder press CAN be troublesome for some. Combined with the benching/pressing we do I offer it here as a "break" for the shoulder from heavy compounds.

If nothing else, it'll be unique and likely something you haven't tried before on a different plane of motion. Consider rotating it in/out every 6 sessions or so with the other compound movements.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:50 am
by jjones11
Alright I'll change that next workout. After looking at the numbers I decided not to be too frustrated about the weight i lost this week. Looking at the numbers it seems it was just pure fat, and after my workout today, my strength had gone up, leading me to believe the rest of the weight was just water. 3lbs of LBM in a week, meh I think I can live with that 8)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:37 pm
by jjones11
Just did my second lower body workout of feast. Wasn't too bad. I went in there not expecting to walk out.

Squats-275x3(Got myself psyched up for 6 but my lower back just wasn't able to take it. I got 3 full reps and my 4th and 5th were partials.)
RDL-225x10 (felt very very light. If I would've quit at 6 I wouldn't have felt a thing
EDT-120 reps in 12:06 (Need to up the weight right here. Was able to bust out 5 sets of 12 on each
Leg extension-165lbs
Leg curls-70lbs each leg
Abs (absolutely fried them)
1 15 second static hold w/ 80 lbs
4 30 second static holds w/ 80 lbs
Calves (I did something very very different here. I gave myself a 15 minute time limit to complete as many sets as I could.)
Seated calf raise-115 lbs-12 sets of 12 reps
Calf raise on the leg press-235lbs-12 sets of 12 reps

Notes: I'm a bit disappointed in my squat today. I would love to improve this lift but my lower back keeps holding me back. Would a belt fix this? I'm getting stronger despite not gaining all that much size. I would be happy with staying this weight while dropping a few percent in BF. But we will see where I'm at after the 3 week mark hits. It's very satisfying getting this much stronger in such a short amount of time. My work capacity has sky rocketed and my body composition has changed for the better. Both biceps have veins popping out. Those of you that have them know how exciting it is
:D :D :D

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:30 pm
by RobRegish
Glad you're happy with your progress man. You should be.. you worked hard for it!

On the back, yes a belt would benefit you. In particular, this one:

IRONMIND HIP BELT ... umber=1220

I highly suggest getting the Ironmind loading pin, which can be found here and makes loading/unloading a snap:

15" LOADING PIN ... ber=1314-C

I personally use the Ironmind belt and loading pin and have had over 500lbs on there with no problems. The carryover to your barbell squat is almost pound for pound too. Solid investment and can also be used for weighted chins, dips, sled dragging etc.. Very versatile.

I'm telling you man (and I know I harp on this) but you'll never look back after you have this. Your legs will never be bigger, either!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 7:34 pm
by jjones11
I had my third upper body workout of feast today. I was supposed to lift in yesterday but it just wasn't a good day and I felt an extra rest day was needed. I was pretty disappointed with my performance though. I'm not sure what I need to tweak but somethings gotta give. Need to pull my head outta my a$$.

Bench Press
EDT 1-47 reps in 16 minutes (only did 4 sets because they were kickin my butt)
Incline DB bench-55lbs
1 arm DB row-60lbs
EDT 2- 70 reps in 15 minutes (5 sets)
Seated DB Shoulder Press-40lbs (need to increase weight)
BB Shrugs-225lbs
EDT 3- 49 reps in 12 minutes (4 sets)
Weighted dips-BW+35 lbs
Incline DB curls-30 lbs

Went for 4 reps on bench and just couldn't grab it. I'm not sure what is wrong. It could be lack of sleep or lack of eating. 3-4k cals a day though I would hope it wouldn't be my diet. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:09 pm
by RobRegish
OK here's the deal. Make sure you're getting enough carbs. Emphasize carb over protein intake at this time.

Also, do get that sleep in order. Sometimes traction shows up late but it WILL show up pending you have those in order.

Right here for you every step of the way to make sure that happens :)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:47 pm
by jjones11
Just had my third leg workout of feast. Wasn't too bad. Felt alright. I think I have found the culprit as too why my last workout wasn't too great. With a combination of this weather and all things considered, I have a mini-cold. I've been mega-dosing airborne and emergen-c all day. I'm not gonna do my deload workout until I am absolutely 100%.

Box Squat
EDT-106 reps in 7:45
Leg Extension-185lbs (up from 165)
Leg Curls-80lbs each leg (up from 70)
3 30 sec holds w/ 85 lbs (up from 80)
HEAVY calves

Switched to box squats too take the strain off of my lower back, and it helped alot. I've done these before and had great luck with them. Definitely engages my legs alot more than traditional squats. But I've been doing what mix said and emphasizing carbs over protein. I feel a whole lot better and look alot more fuller. I'd like to also add some before and after pics after my max day. Just to get everyone elses input to see if I'm headed in the right direction. I just have to figure out how to put pics up on this forum :P

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:29 pm
by RobRegish
Fantastic to hear you've pinned down what it is and that the carbs are helping. Now we're getting somewhere.

On board 100% with your approach. Let me know if I can help in any way..

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:25 pm
by jjones11
Did my upper body deload yesterday. Was a good workout.

Bench Press
DB pullovers
EDT 1- 60 reps in 15 minutes (could only get 4 sets. my bench got jacked)
Incline DB bench-55lbs
1arm DB rows-65lbs
EDT 2- 71 reps in 14 minutes
DB shoulder press- 45lbs
BB shrugs- 245lbs
EDT 3- 42 reps in 11 minutes (could only get 4 sets due to exhaustion)
Dips- BW+35lbs
Incline curls- 35lbs

Nothing else to add for today.