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Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:04 am
by beefcake66
lmfao looks like you guys got the hang of it.... hahaha

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:10 am
by beefcake66
The total change

March 4, 2010 (~163lbs)---- November 12th (~137lbs)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:35 pm
by RobRegish
Wow now THAT is a transformation!!

You look like an entirely different person. Great work!!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:58 am
by beefcake66
Diet & Workout Schedule

I'm pretty sure my maintenance cals is about 2200.
I want to do what everyone else in the world seems to want to do - Build muscle and burn fat.

ON days, I'll eat ~2500 cals; OFF days I'll eat 2000 cals. Including the cardio (burns ~250-300/session mon-fri, and ~500-1000 weekends); I should be at a deficit weekly. For these phases I'll try to consume at least 200 grams of protein (just under bw x 1.5g); and the rest of my diet will be main carbs. I'll try to get at least 30-50g of healthy fats. On OFF days I will automatically be lowering the carbs, and I may try to lower them further and increase fat intake.

Saturdays may become a cheat day. And I do plan to consume alcohol on a regular basis (if not a glass of wine or cognac every night, at least one party night every week or two). I am able to limit myself though. Just wanted to throw that out there! I never (err, rarely) get hangovers, so no worries about eating bad the next day.

I think my (feast & cruise) workout schedule is going to be:

Monday: ON [Fasted Cardio 30-60min; SQUAT; Knee-Hab; Foam Roller]
Tuesday: ON [Fasted Cardio 30-60min; PULL; Knee-Hab; Foam Roller]
Wednesday: OFF [Fasted Cardio 30-60min; Knee-Hab; Plyometrics; Ab Ripper X]
Thursday: ON [Fasted Cardio 30-60min; LIFT; Knee-Hab; Foam Roller]
Friday: ON [Fasted Cardio 30-60min; PRESS; Knee-Hab; Foam Roller]
Saturday: OFF [Fasted Cardio 30-120min; Knee-Hab; Plyometrics; Ab Ripper X]
Sunday: "Rest" [Fasted Cardio 30-120min; Knee-Hab]

Fasted Cardio will be done with heart rate between 117 to 137bpm (60-70% MHR), first thing in the morning. It may not happen everyday... I like to sleep more sometimes. I want to do it at least 3 times a week, but I'll plan to do it everyday just in case. I have to do my knee-hab, up to 3 times a day right now.

It may seem like a heavy workload, but I was basically doing this while on a hard cut (started with a 3 on/1 off low volume split, then switched to full body 3x/wk) and I had no recovery issues whatsoever.

Important to remember... I'm not trying to maximize size. Just strength and overall fitness, because right now I'm pretty messed up and I want to get back to my football playing!

I'm a bit of an easy gainer, though :D

Feel free to add in some comments Rob. Wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts on my plan in the making

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:13 am
by beefcake66
Oh, and I think I'm goin to start earlier than I originally expected. I think Sunday the 21st will be my first day of Famine. :D My friends are comin to start working out with me on the 22nd, I can introduce them to the routine then and get them started and not have to worry about getting my own workouts in :D

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:51 am
by beefcake66
BCAA Loading

Feast Phase

Suggest BCAA protocol:
20-40g BCAA + L Glutamine / day
Between meals, in 5-10g/doses

Book suggests 3 days on, 3 days off

Can I match this up with my ON/OFF workout days?

Should I avoid BCAA's during the OFF days? (I like to sip on Xtend during the day)

I would do it like this:
Days 1-3 (No workouts, just eating) = BCAA loading
Days 4-6 (2 ON, 1 OFF) = No BCAA loading
Days 7-8 (2 ON)= BCAA Loading
Days 9-10(2 OFF) = NO loading
Days 11-12 (2 ON) = BCAA Loading
Day 13 (1 OFF)= NO Loading
Days 14-15 (2 ON)= BCAA Loading
Days 16-17 (2 OFF)= NO Loading

... you get the idea. Basically evens out to 4 days on, 3 days off, after the first 6 days.

I will be using a lot...
I will get my BCAAs from my Xtend, bulk BCAAs, and I will add a couple scoops of Glutamine as well.

I also picked up some bulk Taurine... do you think that would be beneficial to add at all?

I'm just gonna measure it all out and mix it into a container for each day; prep thing. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:37 pm
Definetely an awesome transformation!! Keep it up!!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:49 pm
by RobRegish
Great work, great planning. On to your questions:

Can I match this up with my ON/OFF workout days?

A. Yes although don't feel bad if an "off" day falls on a workout day. What I'm saying here is you can still take BCAA's that day, but do so as part of your intra-workout drink vs. throughout the day. Then, simply resume your schedule as per normal.

Should I avoid BCAA's during the OFF days? (I like to sip on Xtend during the day)

A. Yes. The brain/body need to have the signal turned off for 3 days for it to not "adapt" to the signal and be fooled. The 3 off protocol tells the brain "hey, what's going on, no more BCAA's around, no more muscle breakdown, we can put the "grow" signal on hold". Before it can turn that off entirely though, BOOM, another influx of BCAA's signaling muscle breakdown. Brain again sends signals (stronger this time) to up-regulate muscle growth.

You can't do it forever but that's why we don't. Method to the madness in all that I do. Pleased to say that most that have employed this..... like it a lot :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:24 am
by beefcake66
Thanks for the comments Rob!

I did the first famine workout yesterday, but my eating was not as it shouldve been (lots of bad lol). I have the details at home I can post them later.

Today I'm on a pretty much solely fruit diet, with some diet soft drinks and water. Will very likely end up having a coffee or tea later!

I'm thinking I may do the 1st famine workout again today, or I can just hold off and do the 2nd tomorrow. After the workout yesterday I only had a banana so I'm kinda on the right track anyways.

Now.. Calories... I don't have the book with me, but is it bodyweight x 8?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:54 am
by RobRegish
Yes... :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:43 pm
by beefcake66
I didn't weigh myself this morning but I know my weight is between 143-145lbs at the moment.

So, 143x8 = 1144 calories(max) in this phase
Very little protein.
Mostly carbs (in the form of Fruits today).
I'm going to have some pasta tonight (only protein source)

Since I messed up yesterday, I think I will lower my cals even more for the next 4 days, and then start my feeding when I'm on the way/in Montreal this weekend.

So, I will aim for 1000 cals or less.

...easy for 1 day... hell for 4 lol

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:11 pm
by RobRegish
Wow. Don't go too low now...

Remember, despite the name... this should be a healthy period of detox/cleansing. It's NOT starvation. Understand and appreciate what you're doing, just want everyone to be clear.

Your health comes first. Heed this warning: If you at all feel sick, "off" or just not right - DISCONTINUE!

Great work and I know it's getting cold up North!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:36 pm
by beefcake66
Yea it's been damn chilly lately!!

I've had maybe 1000 calories today, including:

1 Banana
~1.5c Seedless Grapes (230grams)
~1.5c Strawberries (~220 grams)
Freeman's Garlic Knots (Bread and Garlic)
1/2 pint Stella Artois

And I picked at a few other little things but theyre pretty inconsequential :D

Next to no protein; no BCAAs, no supplements.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:12 pm
by bigpelo
beefcake66 wrote:Yea it's been damn chilly
I second that! There was snow this morning :(