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Post by deserran »

awesome, its hard to eat so many complex carbs.. been eating about 80 each meal..
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Post by RobRegish »

Try Quiona...

"Quiona - Your new best friend & has 5 Ecdys to boot!!" - found in The Blueprint Diet section. For some reason the link wouldn't copy (my wonderful computer).

Looks to be on page 3.

Wonderful stuff. Flavors easily with chicken broth, spices etc. A LOT easier to digest/stuff in than old fashioned oats/pasta etc. and a GREAT source of protein to boot!
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Post by deserran »

man those edt blocks are killer, will post workout later on
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Post by deserran »

Workout 1..
Warm Up bench (135,2| 155,2| 175,2| 185.1| 195,1| 200,1)

Bench Press [200] 6
DumbBell Press [70] 8

EDT Blocks
Incline DumbBell Press [80]8,5,4,3,2,1 (23)
Tbar rows  [135] 8,5,5,4,3,2 (27)

Squat [245] 9
Deads [250] 8

EDT Block
Dead [225] 8,7,6,7,7,3 (38)
Leg Sled [360]8,7,6,5,5,3 (34)

-felt really tired after doing the first set of EDT Blocks, they are killer..
-imho I didnt feel my chest was warmed up, i normally warm up 10,8,6.. 
-thought that I could do 200 no problem :S
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Post by RobRegish »

OK good job. You're feeling it out which is good.

Now as you progress, you'll feel your work capacity coming up from the EDT. Look for these signs and hit that big bb work hard.

Solid start!
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Post by deserran »

Rob, as you know I'm making a log f this on how much detail of the workout can i provide? thinking I might just report my bench and squat lifts.
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Post by RobRegish »

Use your judgment here and PM me if in doubt. The bench/squat etc PR's are a good starting point.

I trust you man, like I do all BP Believers :)
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Post by deserran »

Bench Press [210] 5
DumbBell Press [75] 6

EDT Blocks
Incline DumbBell Press [80] 8,5,4,4,4,3 (28)
Tbar rows [135] 8,8,8,8,6,6 (44)

Squat [285] 4
Deads [275] 4

EDT Block
Dead [225] 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8 (57)
Leg Sled [360]10,10,10,10,10,12 (62)

-Had my first serving of Ultima today.. hate the citrus dew flavour but love the feeling.
-for bench I benched 210X5 and had help with the 6th rep so Ill only could 5.
-for my legs dunno what happened felt like a beast :D looks like ill have to add weight to all my EDT blocks next week. :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice to see this :)
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Post by deserran »

thanks rob, could we possibly get a final review thread summarizing peoples lifts, supplements, and thoughts of the program, maybe have the thread stickied and locked and maybe linking to their journals if interested

. Ive been looking through lots of journals, as it is interesting to see how peoples personal journals there is lots of 'filler' comments, I would like to see peoples final results.. shifting through 7-8 pages does get time consuming when trying to see how peoples lift improve..

^^ just a thought

My diet these last few days has been ok, saturday I was really over my calories, going to guess ~6000 (ate a whole 16 inch pizza, drank, candy, ect) other than this day my calories have been on key 100% and macros close to 45-35-30
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Post by RobRegish »

Excellent idea and I have a nice analysis/overview in 3.0.

I'll try to get moving on getting something out here on the boards shortly.
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Post by deserran »

deserran wrote: Last weeks workout
Workout 2 Sunday October 31, 2010:
  • Bench Press [210] 5
  • DumbBell Press [75] 6

    EDT Blocks
  • Incline DumbBell Press [80] 8,5,4,4,4,3 (28)
  • Tbar rows [135] 8,8,8,8,6,6 (44)
  • Squat [285] 4
  • Deads [275] 4

    EDT Block
  • Dead [225] 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8 (57)
  • Leg Sled [360]10,10,10,10,10,12 (62)
Workout 3 thursday November 4, 2010:
  • Bench Press [220] 3
  • DumbBell Over Head Press [80] 3

    EDT Blocks
  • Incline DumbBell Press [85] 2,3,3,2,2,1(13)
  • Tbar rows [145] 4,5,4,4,4,3 (24)
  • Squat [295] 3
  • Deads [295] 2

    EDT Blocks
  • Dead [235] 5,6,6,4,3,2(26)
  • Leg Sled [390] 4,4,4,2,2,1(17)

  • Ultima taste = **** as i said before, BUT the effects it worth the crappy taste :P
  • Did not have a surge of energy but I had better focus my second serving than my first.
  • lasted for awhile and no crash, really good focus, might use a study aid... thinking Ultima + MM = killer workout or ultimate crash
  • Just a note, today on warm up that i did not even notice I hit 200 X6 (which I struggled on over a week ago)
  • Fuck my right knee really hurt after maxing out on deadlift and hurt for the rest of my workout. during leg sledge i had to apply most of the pressure on my left leg, until I was on the last set.. tried to equalize the weight with both legs and the pain was to much to keep going
  • Depending on how I feel sunday, I may take out the super set of squats and deads, thinking this really the main cause of the pain... had to rush my workout because only 2 squat racks and lots of people who want to use em. will still do squat and deads but not as a super set...
  • for squat I felt that I could really have added more weight but I had to get my set done quick..
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Post by RobRegish »

Strong workout!

Glad to hear you're much stronger than last time when repeating that 200 X6 set.

Good signs my man :)
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Post by deserran »

Workout 4 Sunday November 7, 2010:
  • Bench Press [210] 4
  • DumbBell Over Head Press [75] 8

  • Incline DumbBell Press [85] 4,4,3,3,2,3 (19)
  • Tbar rows [145] 6,6,4,4,2,2 (24)
  • Squat [275] 7
  • Deads [275] 6

  • Dead [235] 7,8,4,4,4,3 (30)
  • Leg Sled [390] 6,7,4,3,3,1 (24)
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