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Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:54 am
by LHockey
October 18th:

Important Note: I went to sydney thursday-monday morning, and while there was outside all day probably walking 5-10 miles a day friday-sunday. friday i tried to fit in a lift without having much sleep the few nights earlier due to a hectic school schedule and had a HORRENDOUS lift. only got 1 rep for both DB Bench and Squats when i needed 4-6 reps... didn't do the EDT blocks and called it a day

Fastforward to monday's workout!

Feast Day 10

Weight: ? (check tomorrow morning

Calories: 3800

creatine mono

Feast Workout 2:

DB Bench
71.5'sx2 (failed 3rd rep)
66'sx5 (failed 6th rep)
wtff not sure what happened with the 71's... guess i psyched myself out? or something's wrong with my recovery/focus

DB Pullover

EDT Block: 15 minutes
Incline DB Bench: 50'sx27 (+2 reps)
Supported Barbell Rows: 110x32 (+7 reps)
SO pissed about this. i was at 20 reps w/ incline bench by 8 minutes, then failed at getting the first rep up twice even w/ 2 minutes rest between sets... finally did another set of rows and then got one more set of 7 w/ the incline bench. could've done so much better here!

Front Squat
damnit, expected at least 5 here and got stuck on the 4th rep up... disappointing

Dimel Deadlift

EDT Block: 15 minutes
Seated Leg Press: 120x62 (+29 reps)
Romanian Deadlift: 154x52 (+17 reps)
FINALLY something that went right this workout! had a ton of angry energy for both of these and crushed them... can definitely add weight next workout

Thoughts: well my friday workout sucked so i pushed it back to monday... and it still wasn't great. I'm hoping the walking around all day and not sleeping enough was the reason for my subpar workout... nothing due this week so i can sleep/eat plenty and i'm gonna take 3 days off before doing workout 3

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:37 pm
by LHockey
while yesterday's workout sucked, i have pretty much no DOMS today! maybe because my sets to failure were such... failures :oops: but i feel ready to workout today

obviously i'll wait till at least thursday, but i don't feel like i need more than 2 recovery days for that workout

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:52 pm
by RyannayR
Hang in there dude. I didn't reach traction till workout #4.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:16 am
by LHockey
RyannayR wrote:Hang in there dude. I didn't reach traction till workout #4.
thanks for the support man, it's just frustrating because workout 1 was such a success

Feast Day 11

Weight: 148 (+4.5lbs since feast day 1... back to pre famine weight)

Calories: 3500

creatine mono

Thoughts: as i already noted, i have some DOMS but not nearly as bad as workout 1. pretty mild, and if i continue to feel good i'll do workout 3 on thursday (so 2 days off)

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:14 am
by bigpelo
Lhockey, I have a question for you: why are you taking Kre-anabolyn and creatine mono? There is kre-alkalyn creatine in kre-anabolyn. if you take 3 caps kre-anabolyn per day, I think it's worth 10 g mono...

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:34 pm
by LHockey
bigpelo wrote:Lhockey, I have a question for you: why are you taking Kre-anabolyn and creatine mono? There is kre-alkalyn creatine in kre-anabolyn. if you take 3 caps kre-anabolyn per day, I think it's worth 10 g mono...
hmm i'm taking 2 caps of kre-anabolyn but i don't really buy into kre-alkalyn. creapure creatine mono is dirt cheap and proven to work so i don't see the harm of adding it in

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:43 pm
by LHockey
October 21st:

Feast Day 13

Weight: 149.6 (+6lbs since feast day 1)

Calories: 3500

creatine mono

Feast Workout 3:

DB Bench
71.5'sx1 (failed 2nd rep)
66'sx1 (failed second rep)
front squats
DB Pullover
down a rep from workout 2, effing pathetic. got the 71's into position easily, but then couldn't push out more than 1 rep.

Front Squat
again not great. wanted 3+ reps here.

Dimel Deadlift
forgot to set this up beforehand so i just loaded up 133 and did 15 quick reps

Thoughts: something is very wrong. my weight is up 6lbs (1.5lbs from pre famine weight) and my strength is DOWN. i felt completely recovered from workout 2, so i thought 2 days of rest was enough, but apparently i was wrong.

i do better with low volume workouts, and i'm almost positive the EDT blocks are messing up my strength gains. I dropped them completely for now to see if workout 4 goes better without them...

Rob, do you have any advise for me? getting really frustrated as sleep + diet + no drinking is spot on but i'm losing strength while gaining weight. hoping that dropping the EDT blocks turns that around, although i'd love to do SOME sort of hypertrophy work after the HIT sets (just lower volume overall).

also, workout 1 of feast was amazing (strength levels back to pre famine while 3lbs lighter than pre famine), which is why i'm thinking the EDT blocks have been screwing up recovery.

i'm not giving up on the BP, just frustrated at my reverse progress when I was so excited to make amazing gains :cry:

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:49 pm
by LHockey
alright i hate to do this, but i have to be honest with myself.

my right knee has been a little painful, steadily going from something i thought i might be imagining to definite pain. not bad, and i can still squat, but it's been getting a little worse every time.

nmy right knee has given me slight pains randomly for over a year now while walking, but never while squatting or lifting... probably due to tight hamstrings or something along those lines.

i don't know if it's hurting more because i started squatting ATG or what triggered it, but i'm not going to keep lifting at the risk of making it worse.

at the same time, my right shoulder has given me problems off and on, and right now it's hurting a fair amount. a few days ago i started doing dog crapps shoulder mobility broomstick stretch which i think is helping, but it still hurts a lot to do pushups.

that said, i'm going to be discontinuing my blueprint run for now. i plan on taking at least 1, maybe 2 full weeks off before resuming lifting, and i leave on a month long trip in asia on november 20th, so i won't really have time to do much when i come back to lifting.

i get home december 20th, and i'll probably give the blueprint another go starting in early january when i'm home and settled in again. sorry this didn't work out as i hoped, but at least i think i learned that my body doesn't respond well to the EDT blocks piled on top of the HIT lifting... maybe i'll either shorten the EDT blocks to ~8 minutes, or just add in a few sets of 10 after my main HIT sets.

thanks for the help you've provided so far Rob, and when my body is cooperating again, i promise i'll kill my next BP run :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:36 pm
by JlCh
Ah man, injuries suck. Also, I'm not sure why you aren't seeing gains. I seemed to see new #'s every workout.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:28 am
by RobRegish
OK, understand your frustration but hear me out: we learned a few important things.

First, we know it can work for you given the sporadic "great" workouts. We also know that some component of the stock BP training protocol is problematic. Suspect that may be EDT.

The fact you were reliably gaining weight yet strength wasn't keeping pace is odd to say the least. That I'll have to study further.

Support your decision to discontinue at this time and re-run at a later date. Tell you what, when you're ready - please PM to discuss. I'd like to get on the phone with you to de-brief, re-load and get ready for a successful run #2.

We don't run away from mistakes/injuries/problems in The BP - we learn from them. Your experience is one such example. I will use it to make you and the BP stronger than ever before.

I will extend this offer to you at no charge. We will take as much time on the phone as we need to (hoping you live in the continental U.S. :)) to ensure your next run is successful.

Feel bad man but have every confidence I can make this work for you. We will do this together...

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:30 am
by xlb57
Heal up man and get ready for your next run!

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:26 pm
by scump
my diagnosis, take some cissus, and increase your daily intake of calories by 1000.

i find it curious you gained but lost strength, given the training parameters this is actually near impossible, only thing i can think of is, A. your gaining water weight B. your typically a hard gainer (looking at your weight) C. you have had no where near enough daily nutrition.

now i know this has nothing to do with your injuries, but inadequate dietary intake would only exacerbate these.

remember 99% of people when proposed with this, will reply with "im eating plenty" but in reality, only 20% of people are really eating how much they should be.

all the best on your future endeavors man, feel free to come back to aus at any time!

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:31 pm
by RobRegish
Second the cissus recommendation. That stuff is FANTASTIC for these types of things....

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:07 am
by LHockey
xlb57 wrote:Heal up man and get ready for your next run!
thanks man, i want to lift forever so no need to push myself into further injuries. can't wait to be back in the gym!
RobRegish wrote:OK, understand your frustration but hear me out: we learned a few important things.

First, we know it can work for you given the sporadic "great" workouts. We also know that some component of the stock BP training protocol is problematic. Suspect that may be EDT.

The fact you were reliably gaining weight yet strength wasn't keeping pace is odd to say the least. That I'll have to study further.

Support your decision to discontinue at this time and re-run at a later date. Tell you what, when you're ready - please PM to discuss. I'd like to get on the phone with you to de-brief, re-load and get ready for a successful run #2.

We don't run away from mistakes/injuries/problems in The BP - we learn from them. Your experience is one such example. I will use it to make you and the BP stronger than ever before.

I will extend this offer to you at no charge. We will take as much time on the phone as we need to (hoping you live in the continental U.S. :)) to ensure your next run is successful.

Feel bad man but have every confidence I can make this work for you. We will do this together...
that means a lot Rob, and your commitment is exactly why I bought the BP with no reservations. I'm confident I can succeed on the program too, and I was probably the most surprised about my lack of strength increases which is why I was getting frustrated!

I've traditionally done best on a full body routine doing 3-4 sets of the big lifts a couple times a week, so i think the HIT style with a couple sets for hypertrophy may work nicely.

I live in Maryland so no worries there and thanks so much for the offer :)
i'll PM you in about 2 months when i'm heading home again to figure out how to maximise my next run. i'll have some nice rebound gains to work with then too as i'll be coming off a month of no working out.
JlCh wrote:Ah man, injuries suck. Also, I'm not sure why you aren't seeing gains. I seemed to see new #'s every workout.
trust me, i'm as confused as you are. i'll get it right next time!
scump wrote:my diagnosis, take some cissus, and increase your daily intake of calories by 1000.

i find it curious you gained but lost strength, given the training parameters this is actually near impossible, only thing i can think of is, A. your gaining water weight B. your typically a hard gainer (looking at your weight) C. you have had no where near enough daily nutrition.

now i know this has nothing to do with your injuries, but inadequate dietary intake would only exacerbate these.

remember 99% of people when proposed with this, will reply with "im eating plenty" but in reality, only 20% of people are really eating how much they should be.

all the best on your future endeavors man, feel free to come back to aus at any time!
appreciate the advise man, and trust me i know about the whole "not eating enough thing"... i am a hardgainer and generally fight to put weight on. been maintaining at 145-150 for a long time now and was hoping to bust through that with the BP... still plan on it when i try again!

i'll pick up some cissus tomorrow but i'm not gonna keep lifting and making my knee/shoulder worse, hopefully i'll be back in 2 weeks max and get 2 weeks of lifting in before leaving to travel asia. i'm sure i was gaining water weight, but i was eating more than i ever have in my life and the thing was, i WANTED to keep eating!

i was literally ALWAYS hungry, so i was always eating... i set my goal for 3500 cals a day but i usually went past that because i would still be hungry (i normally maintain at around 3000)... so the weight was coming on and my EDT blocks were improving, just not my actual strength.
RobRegish wrote:Second the cissus recommendation. That stuff is FANTASTIC for these types of things....

used supercissus in the past and didn't notice much but i'll pick up some primaforce cissus tomorrow and give it a shot. want to make the most of my last days in australia!